Keelung Miao Kou Night Market Taiwan

While browsing through my photos, I saw a couple of nice Taiwan food photos when Janice and I were in Taiwan last year which I have yet to share here. It was Day 3 of our Taiwan trip when we dropped by this famous night market in Keelung district. Better known as Keelung Miao Kou Night Market, the crowd there was huge with food available everywhere. 

Keelung Miao Kou Night Market Taiwan
Keelung Miao Kou Night Market Taiwan

"Keelung’s Miaokou Night Market is famous throughout Taiwan for its large selection of food.  The night market is easily accessible on foot for most travelers arriving from other cities. From the Keelung railway station walk east straight along the street following the harbor in the direction of the Keelung Harbor Bureau (identifiable at night by its large orange neon sign. The night market is roughly one block from the point where you cross a freeway overpass."
Source: Wikitravel

Keelung Miao Kou Night Market Taiwan 2
I was told the crowd that night was lesser than usual due to a slight shower before we arrived

I was actually glad to see the signs for the food stalls in Keelung Miao Kou Night Market as they have it in English as well as the usual Mandarin. Sad to say I can't read Mandarin hence the trip to Taiwan was an adventure of sorts. Anyway I found out the reason it's called "Miao Kou" which translates to "in front of the temple", as in the middle of the night market we could find the Dianji Temple.

Keelung Miao Kou Night Market Taiwan 3
Dianji Temple in Keelung Miao Kou Night Market

Are you ready to check out what we had that night? Well, our Taiwan Trip was essentially an extended food trip, hence before reaching Keelung Miao Kou Night Market, we already had our fair share of nice Taiwanese food. That did not stop us from ordering and taking more nice food into our stomachs as evident from the photos below. 

Keelung Miao Kou Night Market Taiwan 4
Taiwan Sausages

Even in Malaysia, I love to eat these "Taiwan Sausages" which were essentially pork sausages with a really nice flavour to it. The sausages are really oily, much oilier than the ones we get in Malaysia, but it was all good as I finally got to munch on Taiwan Sausages, "in" Taiwan.

Keelung Miao Kou Night Market Taiwan 5
Buns with meat fillings
Keelung Miao Kou Night Market Taiwan 6
Assorted Spring Rolls

Walking around Keelung Miao Kou Night Market, I was attracted to unique food, and the Assorted Spring Rolls caught my attention with its various colourful ingredients. There was a long queue to buy these spring rolls made out of assorted vegetables. It tasted good, just like the bright coloured ingredients it was rolled in.

Keelung Miao Kou Night Market Taiwan 7
Really tasty soup dish, with home made crystal noodles
Keelung Miao Kou Night Market Taiwan 8
Janice and her Taiwanese Thin Noodles Soup

Now, while I was the one going for all those oily fried stuff, Janice will always go for the healthier soupy stuff. That explains our gap in body size, which I am hoping to change as I work towards eating healthier food. Taiwan soup dishes did not differ much from what we have here in Malaysia, but it was really tasty all the same. Well, I guess this concludes my short writeup on our stop at Keelung Miao Kou Night Market. Probably when more photos are being processed, I will share more from our Taiwan Trip. 

Related Taiwan Posts:


  1. wow, busy blogging and keep publishing new posts huh?? hehehehe!!!

    wow, look at all those nice food, making me so hungry now, but luckily i'm more sleepy than hungry.. go to sleep is better, hahaha~~

  2. Sk,
    hehe, once in a blue moon when I suddenly have these things to blog about.

    These photos were kept for quite some time, I still have a lot of other photos from my taiwan trip, but that shall be for next time :)

  3. Nice le! I still have yet to discover Taipei and you went to so many places!

    1. Sherrie,
      Oh I though you went to more places than me in Taiwan :) I was only there for 1 week last year

  4. Running out of things to post - digging the archives? LOL!!! Hmmmm...Sibu also has nice things to eat, even nicer maybe... ;)

    1. STP,
      Nah, I just realized I haven't done a comprehensive writeup for the Taiwan Trip yet :).. still lots of pending current posts though >< ..

      I know, thats why i hope to visit you there one of this days! <3

  5. Oooh! 台湾小吃永远吃不完.......

  6. ahhh! taiwan! night market! food stalls! =DDD

  7. Oh..I'm so lazy to blog about my Taiwan trip >.<

  8. I dont really feel like going Taiwan but your pictures make me fall in love with Taiwan more and more

  9. Is this one of the famous night markets in Taiwan? I think there's another market in Taipei but couldn't recall the name. Anyways, I never traveled to Taiwan!

  10. ya, Taiwan is famous for its night markets..

  11. wah.. i wish i cud go there some day.. hmmm... surely will b fun!

  12. Gosh... I thought I could try all of that when I was there. :/

  13. Woah! So many yummy food! You're responsible for making me hungry this late, hahaha.. :D

  14. Hey, that picture was taken only in 1 night ar Bro?? U sure eat a lot.. :p.. he he he.. :D.. jk


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