Guang Hua Digital Plaza Taiwan

When I was in Taiwan last month, I took the chance to visit their largest electronics street which houses one of their largest digital mall as well, the Gong Hua Digital Plaza. The main reason I wanted to get there was to check out the prices of Taiwan's electronic "toys" versus our local Malaysia prices. There were some items which were way cheaper (eg: headphones, hard disks and pen drives) but the majority of the other electronic items were similarly priced.

Guang Hua Digital Plaza Taiwan
Janice with one of the huge figurines standing outside Guang Hua Digital Plaza

"The Guang Hua Digital Plaza (Chinese: 光華數位新天地 or 光華商場) is a six-story, indoor technological and electronics market located in Taipei, Taiwan. It is located at the intersection of the Zhongzheng and Daan Districts."

Guang Hua Digital Plaza Taiwan
Street heading towards the digital mall, filled with electronic and computer shops

The moment I reached the street of Bade Road and Xinsheng South Road, the sight of computer and electronic shops coming into view got me really excited. The shops in the Digital Malls however reminded me of our own Lowyat Plaza in Kuala Lumpur. It's so similar that I would have sworn I was in Lowyat Plaza if it wasn't for the chinese wordings and characters all over the place. Check out some of the photos I took of Taiwan's Digital Malls.

Guang Hua Digital Plaza Taiwan
A directory of shops inside Guang Hua Digital Plaza
Guang Hua Digital Plaza Taiwan
"Lowyat" lookalike
Guang Hua Digital Plaza Taiwan
A technology geek would love this place to bits!

Looking at all the various computer and audio items, I was so tempted to go on a shopping spree. Had it not been Janice holding me back, I would have been unable to pay for any other food in Taiwan. Now that would be a shame wouldn't it, as Taiwan food is the bomb. So there I was window shopping, giving in to the inner geek in me. While walking around the area, I happen to spot a Samsung Galaxy Tab launching event. Without hesitation, yours truly sauntered to the booth to test out the new Galaxy Tab while checking out Taiwan's hot promoter models.

Guang Hua Digital Plaza Taiwan
Samsung Galaxy Tab Launching
Guang Hua Digital Plaza Taiwan
Two rather cute models sportingly posed for my camera

I do not know why, but after snapping that photo of Samsung's promoters, the staff came up to me and asked in Mandarin "who are you?" Before I could reply, she just said "If you're not from the media, you are not allowed to take photos here". Oh well, I guess they didn't know I was this happy Malaysian blogger just seeing the world.

So there you have it, my experience of the largest electronics and computer area found in Taiwan. Do remember to check out this place for a dose of digital happiness should you visit Taiwan.

My other Taiwan Related Posts


  1. Something like KL's Low Yat, I guess?

  2. STP,
    yup, it's so similar! XD

  3. Oh, Taiwan's Low Yat, they hv promo for Galaxy Tab, we should hv too!>_<

    Sounds like a great experience!

  4. Hey I like the street scene of Taiwan. It's one of the places I plan to go to next year. I hear it's a nice place. :D

  5. Normally it is like that.. they dont allow photography.. even when i went to bugis street in sg, the lady said .. No photography... i was not even taking a particular stall but overall as a whole.. :)

  6. but their "low yat" looks a lot more tidy than ours.. and that green figure is their mascot?? very cute..

  7. wow..such a huge shop..

  8. Samsung Galaxy Tab... hmmmm nice pic ^^

  9. Love the first pic of Janice . Very nice :)

  10. About the promoter girls sort of 'telling you off'...isn't blog a form of media as well? Only difference between bloggers and representatives of the TV or newspaper media is that bloggers are 'unofficial' media reps whereas those TV and newspapers ones are 'official'. ^_^

  11. what did i tell ya abt taiwanese chicks man? they're fuckin' hot! i wanttttt

    Buddy Soy Smoothies review

  12. Janice got a nice pair of boots. Oh you are from the media too sister company of CNN whatever haha.

  13. Aiks so LC ka? They pose for you and the the staffs come and say like that...cheh snap their pic already kira give them face lo

  14. its such a coincidence to meet the models during ur trip to taiwan huh? but it's realy kinda like our low yat and bb plaza here

  15. I think I would have some serious trouble if I want to enquire about any of the gadgets there.

  16. hmm... bloggers are a part of media, right? XD

  17. We grabbed so many items from this place..and we didnt even venture to even 20% of the total shops. When got "stranded" in 2-3 shops...The rechargeable battery is very cheap..

  18. Love the first pic max! :D

  19. In addition to using A directory of shops inside Guang Hua Digital Plaza, can I use online directoires. I tried searching for individual white pages. Try searching for something to better understand its usefulness


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