[GIVEAWAY] Connor's Stout Porter's Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass

A Gift Made Right 

A gift made right? What better gift this September than the latest set of CONNOR’S Stout Porter 3 Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass. I've gotten mine, the personalized version recently thanks to CONNOR'S Stout Porter, and it's beautiful I tell you! The limited edition pint glass comes in 3 exclusive designs, all British inspired. 

[GIVEAWAY] Connor's Stout Porter's Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass
[GIVEAWAY] Connor's Stout Porter's Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass

British Inspired Iconic Design

Paying tribute to the distinct British history of the original stout porter, CONNOR'S Stout Porter, a premium draught stout by Carlsberg Malaysia has ascertained the brilliance of gifts by offering three quintessential British icons of the Big Ben, Double Decker Bus and the Royal Guard on a set of limited edition pint glasses. 

Want to be a part of this sensational experience? All you need to do is purchase three full pints of Connor’s Stout Porter to receive one beautifully crafted limited edition British inspired pint glass from the participating outlet nationwide.

One of the three Limited Edition British-inspired design, showing depicting the Royal Guard
One of the three Limited Edition British-inspired design, showing depicting the Royal Guard

How To Get The Limited Edition Pint Glass

Promotion period
1 September 2016 – 30 September 2016

How to get it?
With purchase of 3 full pints (or 6 half pints) of CONNOR’S Stout Porter, consumer will receive one (1) limited edition pint glass (500ml) Collectible pint glass – Total 3 designs).

Where to get?
At selected outlets here - http://bit.ly/LEPint

Personalize your Connor's Stout Porter's Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass with your NAME! 

My name, personalized, etched unto the Connor's Stout Porter's Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass
My name, personalized, etched unto the Connor's Stout Porter's Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass

These pint glasses make excellent gifts for your loved ones as well. It's even better when you can etch your name on the limited edition pint glass! Stout connoisseurs can snag their very own personalized glassware in the month of September at participating outlets for a pint made right just for you. 

How To Get The Personalized Limited Edition Pint Glass (Yes, the ones with your name on it!)

Every Friday (except 15th September 2016 where it will happen on Thursday instead) at selected outlets.

How to get it
With purchase of 3 full pints (or 6 half pints) of CONNOR’S Stout Porter at the selected outlets (http://bit.ly/LEPint), consumer will receive 1 personalized limited edition pint glass 500ml.

Number of character
7 characters including space.

Get your name etched unto the Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass today!
Get your name etched unto the Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass today!


What do you think? Do you want to get these limited edition British-inspired Pint Glass from CONNOR'S Stout Porter for FREE? Yes you can, and it's just too easy. The good folks from CONNOR'S entrusted me with the "power" to give away THREE (3) sets of Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glasses (3 glasses in 1 set) for 3 lucky winners. Read on below on the simple mechanics. 

  • Step 1: LIKE My Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/isactanjs
  • Step 2: LIKE Connor's Stout Porter Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/ConnorsMY
  • Step 3: Leave a comment on this blog post with a reason why you deserve to win these Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass. Remember to leave your email too. 

I'm giving away three of these sets for FREE, right here on this blog
I'm giving away three of these sets for FREE, right here on this blog
Cheers guys, join the giveaway, and get a chance to get the Connor's Stout Porter's Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass.
Cheers guys, join the giveaway, and get a chance to get the Connor's Stout Porter's Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass. 

Grab a pint, and enjoy this deliciously brewed stout that’s inspired by the original British Stout Porter recipe from the 1700’s. Each sip will deliver its crisp texture, creamy head, gentle roasty undertones with a unique balance that’s not too rich or too bitter. Best way to enjoy CONNOR'S Stout Porter, have it in your own personalized Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass. 

For full details and the complete list of participating outlets for personalised limited edition pint glasses, please visit www.facebook.com/ConnorsMY 


  1. Woo... nice glass eh!

    I deserve to win Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass because I want to have a creamy, aromatic and robust Connor's Stout with the glass. It's predestined that I will be winning it so that I can enjoy the stout as much as I can! :P


  2. OMG, real cool-looking Pint Glasses!

    I deserve to win these Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass because it'll be a pleasure to gift this to my British "guai low" brother-in-law from London. Both of my sister-in-law, Tracy and her husband, John would to drink their favorite stout from it too.


  3. The Connors Pint Glasses very nice

    I deserve to win these Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass because I need it drink Connors at home.


  4. I deserve to win these Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass because I am a big collector of glasses and this is a MUST to add in to my collection. Whats better than putting beauty to my home

  5. I deserved to win these Limited Editon British-Inspired Pint Glasses because I have been drinking stout for the 3 years and Connor Stout is the best stout thus I have enjoyed drinking.Nonethless, I have been collecting glasses from varies brand and this collection is by far the most prize worthy one I would like to have them under my collection.


  6. I deserve to win these Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass because well afterall, sharing is caring especially when we are talking about exclusive limited edition here :)


  7. I deserve to win these limited edition British-inspired Pint Glass because I call myself a drunkard, thus I drink everyday and drink at everywhere, without the pint glass I couldn't drink. Hahaha..


  8. I deserve to win these limited edition British-inspired Pint Glass because it is as limited as me. Bringing the definition of class to a complete next level.


  9. The limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass is designed so beautifully,
    drinking CONNOR'S Stout Porter from it makes me feel heavenly,
    happiness by saying "cheers" to friends and family,
    definitely something I will cherish memorably.
    Email: lin200326@gmail.com

  10. I deserved to win because this glass is so cool and I wish to give a surprise gift to my dad

  11. I deserve to win because this personalized glass is awesome that makes me want to drink more.

  12. I like this limited edition glass as I can have my cool Connors Stout in my own personalized glass. How cool and enjoyable will be if I own this glass.

  13. Connor is definitely different from the common stout we are used too. The flavour is quite interesting and refreshing especially when I had it at the brewery the aroma was heavenly. With those sets glasses I think it will make my drink more enjoyable.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I deserve to win Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass. I like drink Beer, and also the beer glass collector. While Connor's coming to M'sia, this is a big shocked in M'sia stout market. The taste is prefect between bitterness and robustness. Connor's is not easy to get in grocery store, it must be served in a comfort environment, then drinker only can enjoy its unique. This is first time Connor's having the glass collection, as a Connor's admirer, i will do my best to have this collection, so it won't be any flaw of my beer life.


  16. isaac can i have them :) join the contest d.

  17. I deserve to win these Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass because I never went to British and having the glass makes me feels like I'm one step closer to British...


  18. I like the double-decker bus design but I won't be joining the contest. May the lucky person win! Good luck.

  19. I deserve to win these Limited Edition British -Inspired Pint Glass because I might not be a drinker (alcohol) but I still know how to appreciate the fine things in life......including this lovely glasses, your blog and your friendship

  20. All the best to all. Gonna let my brother and sisters know about these lovely gifts eh.. giveaways hehe

  21. nice one but definitely not for me 'cause I don't use it haha!

  22. Thank god i dont drink if not..i will be spending more than i should..hehehheh good luck to everyone else!

  23. That's a very classy glass :)

  24. I wan to win this limited edition British Inspired Pint Glass for my bf birthday - 23/9, as he likes to collect all these limited edition items, for his own hobby!

    So that I can save money for day celebration itself :P

  25. Love the design! So cool~ Wish to grab it for my dad.

  26. I like the glasses! I want too... except I am in the Philippines and I don't think I am in your preferred area. Nevertheless, I would like to extend my advanced congratulations to the winners.

  27. Anonymous6:42 PM

    agreed. a gift made right. it's special and look good as gift.

  28. very unique glasss leh...good luck to everyone who is joining!

  29. I deserve to win Limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass because I'm well pampered with CONNOR’S Stout Porter, symphony of taste and relaxation, enlighten my worries, becoming royalty is just simply made easier!

    It is crystal clear, I should be the owner for together they'll make an enviable pair.

  30. Now only know got your name on it too =D Love this LE British Inspired Print Glass from Connors!

  31. Love the CONNOR Stout limited Edition British-inspired Pint Glass! They are so pretty and cute, reminds me of the Great Britain. It will be my best glass to enjoy a pint of CONNOR Stout with my hubby.

    Name: Rane Chin
    Email: waiyee(dot)chin(at)gmail.com

  32. I like these designs, really nice :)

  33. All the best to the participants, I love all the 3 designs.

  34. This glasses are cute. It reminds mo so much of England. Will tell a friend about this give away because he collects glasses like those

  35. Love these! this is a cool collectors item! Good luck to all!

  36. i love the design!!!! Good luck to all participants~~

  37. Think my friend would like a customized gift like this! As he is always on the hunt for unique beer glasses

  38. Pint glass is so cute!! gonna share it with my cousin, she loves collecting beer glasses! Have a full cupboard of it!

  39. I swear these pint glasses are so exclusive. too bad i dont drink. so collecting it would be a little pointless T.T


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