Halloween Oktoberfest @ The Beer Factory Sunway Giza

As the month comes to an end today, so does the month-long beer fest called this Oktoberfest. I was at another Halloween themed Oktoberfest over at The Beer Factory tonight, and as usual the beers kept on flowing. Again, I was without a proper costume, but then I did not have much time to prepare anyway going there direct from work. 

Halloween Oktoberfest @ The Beer Factory Sunway Giza
Halloween Oktoberfest @ The Beer Factory Sunway Giza

Halloween Oktoberfest
Venue: The Beer Factory Sunway Giza
Date: 31 October 2012
Time: 6pm till late

Tiger Halloween Oktoberfest 2012, another mug to add to my collection
Tiger Halloween Oktoberfest 2012, another mug to add to my collection

So there we were, both Benjamin and I fresh from our filling Bak Kut Teh dinner, all ready to just chill out and enjoy the happy hours. We were joined later by other zombies and such, so it was rather fun filled in a way. There were performances throughout the night though, some which I did not manage to catch until the end. 

Register and sign your name with blood here to enter..
Register and sign your name with blood here to enter..
Some of the pretty Tiger ladies all ready to pour us some beers
Some of the pretty Tiger ladies all ready to pour us some beers

The event itself was held at the open space outside The Beer Factory, with the beers being sold to the public at RM50 per 1 full 1L Oktoberfest mug, and subsequent refills were charged at RM25 each. Unlike the previous few Oktoberfest events, this round there were a couple of really scary and convincing "ghouls" and zombies lingering around. There were even a few drinking contests being held for the guests. 

Beer drinking contest, watch them chug it down!
Beer drinking contest, watch them chug it down!
This "red queen" really freaked me out in a way, probably due to her sticky fingers.
This "red queen" really freaked me out in a way, probably due to her sticky fingers.

As the night progressed on, there were perfomances by Michael Douglas the funnyman, as well as really slick dance moves by a dance group. It has been a long time since I just chilled and chatted with friends over a cold mug of beer without the obligatory running around snapping pictures. It was a free and easy night for us. 

Zombies among the living, check out my fellow blogger friends Benjamin and Joshua
Zombies among the living, check out my fellow blogger friends Benjamin and Joshua

* More photos can be found on my Facebook page (www.facebook.com/isactanjs)


  1. How come you're not in costume? Not sporting lah like that...

  2. directly from work? wow! work hard play hard ya! =DD

  3. oh gosh..their make up is fantastic! Scary...

  4. Blardy hell the red queen freak me out! I almost fell off my seat >_<


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