Absolut Vodka Tower Launch At Ecoba

The other day, I was invited by a few friends for the Absolut Vodka Tower Launch event over at Ecoba located at PJ Trade Centre. It was to be a closed door event to launch Absolut Vodka's rather cool looking tower and also to be a night of free flow Absolut Vodka drinking with friends.

Absolut Vodka Tower
#1 The Venue: Ecoba
Absolut Vodka Tower
#2 The Highlights: Free Flow of Absolut Vodkas
Absolut Vodka Tower
#3 The Reason: Absolut Vodka Tower

In three photos with short captions, #1 The Venue: Ecoba, #2 The Highlights: Free Flow of Absolut Vodkas, and #3 The Reason: Absolut Vodka Tower, I believe I have summarized up what transpired that evening of fun with friends. Reaching the venue just in time to catch some finger food being served, it was a laid back event with the ever bubbly Linora hosting the event where some of us got to try our hands at mixing and preparing the Absolut Vodka Towers.

Absolut Vodka Tower
Finger Food #1
Absolut Vodka Tower
Finger Food #2

While munching on the finger food, it was time for the mixing to begin. So while I sat back waiting for my Absolut Tower to get prepared by these cool bloggers, I took the opportunity to catch up with some of the familiar faces around. It's always good to see friends around at events like these.

Absolut Vodka Tower
Mixing in progress
Absolut Vodka Tower
And it was happy smiles all the way

It was interesting to see the participants go up the stage and mix the Absolut Vodka Towers by mixing x ml of liquor with the various juices to get the perfect combination. As the night progressed, everyone had the chance to drink to their hearts content of Absolut Vodka direct from the tower. Check out more happy faces below. 

Absolut Vodka Tower
Isaac, Ah Bok and Mike, with Mike holding tightly to his Absolut Vodka Tower
Absolut Vodka Tower
Yeongboon, Alvin and Sidney
Absolut Vodka Tower
Evelyn, Mike and friend

It was a good night indeed, especially when I got to see so many friends drink and be jolly together. As the night progressed however, we got to see more and more flushed faces as the alcohol level increased. Absolut Vodka mixed with those wonderful flavors increased the tendency for us to drink more, but it was all good.

Absolut Vodka Tower
Andrew with his two Absolut Vodka Towers

The Absolut Tower is now available at :
  • Ecoba
  • View Rooftop Bar
  • Afterwerk (Scott Garden)
  • Neverland
To get more updates, do check out and like their FB page at http://www.facebook.com/absolut.my


  1. I miss this one.. so many people went that night..

  2. bwahahaha.. I love the expression of your friend Andrew on the last photo, so funny! :D

  3. that's cool, freeflow and you can mix them your own.

  4. glad to meet u tat night too!

  5. i like Absolut Vodka!! nice and always so bold and trendy.. hey, the finger food #1 looks so funny, hahaha!! one whole stripe of thing on that spoon.. :D

  6. ah, would've loved to go to get drunk and elbow that bimbo-exploiting bastard in the eyes.

  7. Watch out for the vodka kick! When it kicks, you dunno what hit you!

  8. At first I thought Ecoba is situated on top of a rooftop like Skybar :)

    Must try one day to get sober :P


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