BBQ Chicken Wangsa Walk Mall

BBQ Chicken, a rather generic name for a restaurant, located inside Wangsa Walk Mall in Wangsa Maju has a unique way of cooking their chickens. All chicken dishes served from BBQ Chicken is cooked using 100% olive oil. Now this was rather interesting since we all know olive oils are used really sparingly due to its cost, and to deep fry a chicken, BBQ Chicken had to use a lot, hence the slightly higher price. It's supposed to be really healthy oil though.

BBQ Chicken Wangsa Walk Mall 6 Outside Photo
BBQ Chicken Wangsa Walk
BBQ Chicken Wangsa Walk Mall
Jalan Wangsa Perdana 1, 
53300 Kuala Lumpur, 
Phone: 60341481019

BBQ Chicken Wangsa Walk Mall Decor
BBQ Chicken Decor

This afternoon, I happened to be at Wangsa Walk Mall for lunch together with my colleague and we decided to crash in this restaurant. I've had the BBQ chicken here previously, and it was really quite tasty and good. Probably the olive oil does play a big part in bringing out the taste.

BBQ Chicken Wangsa Walk Mall 2 Menu
Restaurant Menu

A quick glance at the menu, and I noticed this short information sharing what BBQ Chicken is all about. With a tagline that reads "The World's most delicious Chicken with Olive Oil" and "Korea's No.1 Chicken Restaurant", I was rather taken aback by their claims. I mean, these claims were really loud and over the top if you asked me.

BBQ Chicken Wangsa Walk Mall 3 Info
The benefits of using Olive Oil

As it was a quick lunch, we ordered 2 of BBQ Chicken's recommended dishes namely the Olive Luxury Chicken which reminded me of KFC, and the Korean Charbroiled Barbequed Chicken. Check the photos I managed to capture of these two dishes below.

#1 Korean Charbroiled Barbequed Chicken - RM17.90++

I really liked the taste of the Korean Charbroiled Barbequed Chicken, as the spices they used really brought out the flavor of the chicken. Unfortunately, the servings were really small, and not quite enough to satisfy my hungry stomach. I guess BBQ Chicken lives by the motto "Good things comes in small bite sized pieces".

BBQ Chicken Wangsa Walk Mall Fried Chicken
#2 Olive Luxury Chicken - RM14.90++

The Olive Luxury Chicken portions however were pretty big, but the taste did not really shout out "Hey, I'm cooked with Olive Oil!" Instead it turned out tasting so similar to Popeyes fried chicken that I found myself being grateful that I ordered the Korean Charbroiled Barbequed Chicken which was way better. 
BBQ Chicken Wangsa Walk Mall
Claiming to be Korea's No.1 Chicken Restaurant

Overall, it was an okay meal, one which for me tasted good but the portions were too small to really satisfy medium eaters like myself. If you happen to be shopping in Wangsa Walk Mall, and find yourself having an urge to have some good barbequed chicken, don't hesitate to try out this restaurant. 

Previous Wangsa Walk Posts:


  1. The Korean Charbroiled Barbequed Chicken looks delish. :D

  2. The interior a bit not appetizing...why must it be green? :p

  3. Haha, Only food i eat when i go wangsa walk is BBQ chicken. Love the spicy fried chicken there. Syok spicy weh~

  4. Tekkaus,
    Yep, it tastes good! and i'm not sure why green, probably a Korean thing? Hehe

    Ohhh, I did not try the spicy one, since my colleague chose the normal fried chicken. Loved the BBQ Chicken though .

  5. No, thank you.. This one, I think I'll pass...

  6. The Olive Luxury Chicken look like KFC only=p

    But the korean one looks yummeh!

  7. i've never tried this before.. though olive oil sounds more healthy, but then i doubt using it in frying is good since heating olive oil in high temperature might already break all the nutrients and may cause toxic~~ @_@

  8. STP,
    Is it because of the BBQ chicken looks? :)

    It looks like KFC and tastes like popeyes! haha

    Oh, i am not sure about the toxic part bro >< .. But it tastes ok lo.. heh

  9. Guess olive oil is very expensive. Maybe that's why the portion of food is smaller. Like some mamak stall...they dont increase their price when price of sugar increased but the portion of food reduced.

  10. wow, they look yummy!

  11. gonna try it one day !

  12. i tried before the one in Jaya One, but now close down d. the chickens are very nice, tender enough.

  13. Oh! Never been here! Maybe I will give it a try next time if I ever pass by there haha! But your photos make the food look delicious! : )

  14. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Olive oil is indeed expensive, hence it reflects the food price. But holy crap, little did I know that their AIR SUAM also using that expensive olive oil, as they charged me 80 cent for just a cup the size of teh tarik kecik cup!!!


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