Taiwan Food Part 2

Following up on the first part of Janice's collage of Taiwan food (Taiwan Food Part 1), here will be part two with more food. Of course, most of the photos only showcase her as she's the main star! I'm guilty of having most of the Taiwan sausages during the whole trip though. The sausages there are fatter and bigger than the ones we have over here, hence my love for it.

Taiwan Food
Taiwan Food
Taiwan Food
Taiwan Food
Taiwan Food
Taiwan Food
Taiwan Food
Taiwan Food
Taiwan Food
Taiwan Food
Taiwan Food
Taiwan Food
Each of the photos above tells a tale, food that satisfied both our stomachs. I really appreciate Janice helping me to do this collage, as it shall remain posted up here in cyberspace to keep in memory of our Taiwan trip. More to come with photos and my experiences of Taiwan's gold mines, hills, and mountains in my next couple of posts so do watch out for it. 


  1. Food food food! Didn't try the smelly tofu? :P

  2. Hilda,
    unfortunately Janice doesn't like the smell and wouldn't go near. :P

  3. Pic #3, middle photo... looks like.. *gulp*

  4. I about to comment when I saw ken's comment. =-=...

    Isaac, sorry for the late but congratulation to you. :)

    Your wife is really pretty. Eat so much still thin thin. Wish I could be like her

  5. Ken, now that you have mentioned it. LOL.. all these things you can notice hor. :P

    lol!! hmm, never mind la, this one can eat one. LOL!

    Thanks for the wishes ya :)

  6. i just love the food!! so how many parts are there going to be for the Taiwanese food?? haha~~ :D

  7. SK,
    thanks for dropping by again bro. XD

    Love the taiwan sausages leh :P .. actually the collages only 2 parts. XD if I put all photos in one post, i felt it was too long. And I wanted to include all the photos that Janice "susah susah" collage.

  8. So much. Did you guys gain weight?

  9. Yummy food!! You went Taiwan for your honeymoon?

  10. That's a lot of street food! I've been to Taiwan many times but haven't tried their street food. LOL! Looks good but I usually don't take risk; don't wanna get diarrhoea.

    Looks like u guys had lots of fun! Thks for sharing :)

  11. wah, very yummy all those food!

  12. wow! taiwan is such a food paradise weyy! =)

  13. Next time when I wanna go there to makan I make sure that I fast for like 1 week. LOL :D

  14. wah ho chiak ah! someday i must visit taiwan ler :)

  15. Ooooo...food looks so good. The meatballs...but eywwwww....that sausage in a bun reminds me of something! Muahahahahaha!!!!

  16. YUM, the food look exceptionally good with a beautiful model posing with it! Yeah, credit goes to Janice, the collage looks beautiful and enticing!

  17. Ohhhh lots of goodies wonder both put on weight after the trip haha.

  18. yerr!! make hungry only!! >.< i oso wanna go for foods galore!

  19. OKay taiwan is so going to be in my travel list!

  20. I lst thought she ate so much in a day...then i saw the dates~ I must be blind lol XD


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