Carmen's House Party With Bloggers

Still remember a Fried Oreo Party which I attended back in April 2011? If not do check out my past writeup here for a refresher. (Oreo Party Gathering At Carmen's Place) A couple of us, KL bloggers decided to organize another similar pot luck event, and invited fellow bloggers to join in the fun. This time around, we had Edwin to prepare his homemade macarons and sweet desserts which were awesome to say the least.

KL Blogger Party
Sweet sweet Macarons for the party

So there I was, arriving just in time to see some macarons being served, as well as some sweet "egg-like" dessert being burnt by a "burner". Carmen's house over in SS2 was huge enough to fit more than 25 bloggers in the living room. It was a good feeling to see so many familiar faces among those that attended. The best thing was, every one of us there were bloggers, happening friendly bloggers. 

KL Bloggers Party
Edwin burning the Creme Brulee. It tasted really good, sweet and creamy.

We had an assortment of food, candies, drinks, and snacks. This was a pot luck event, so everyone had a role to play in bringing some food. Check out below on a couple of shots I managed to take of the food before the feast began. Good food are meant to be shared, and share we did as everybody had the chance to savor everything.

KL Bloggers Party
#1 Pizzas, fried meehoon, and KFC for the hungry stomachs
KL Bloggers Party
#2 Some colorful Murukus
KL Bloggers Party
#3 Mushroom Soup
KL Bloggers Party
#4 Expensive but delicious Mille Crepes from Food Foundry (RM100+ per cake)

So there we were catching up over good food, drinks, pillows and games. You heard it right, pillows and games, the whole living room was littered with pillows of all shapes and sizes. For the guys, we have the opportunity to play some cool guitar Wii video games. Played out on a large LCD screen with a good sound system, I myself found the urge to buy a Wii video game system for myself. 

KL Bloggers Party
Some pretty sophisticated video games
What fascinated me was the fact that even though we were from different backgrounds and cliques, put a group of bloggers in a room, and everybody was everyone's best friend. Happy times indeed, there were numerous sharing sessions. As for me, I was glued to the video game which I found to be really sophisticated and cool. Check some of the photos I managed to take of the blogger that attended the pot luck that night. Happy faces everywhere.

KL Bloggers Party
Group Pic #1: Back: Xing, Kahmon, Hilda, Iris. Front: Benjamin, Tony, Elwyn, Kian Fai, Yee Ing
KL Bloggers Party
#2 Henry Lee, Simon So, Jessy Long, Elwyn
KL Bloggers Party
#3 Carmen, Edwin, Carmen's Coursemate, Sim Yee
KL Bloggers Party
#4 Kah Mon, Yee Ing, Ryan, Li Chuen
KL Bloggers Party
#5 Kian Fai, Simon Har, Benjamin, Jayren, Ryan, and Suresh
KL Bloggers Party
#6 Back: Jayren, Ryan, Henry Lee, Front: Genee Ng, Yee Ing, and Chutipond
KL Bloggers Party
#7 Back: Li Chuen, Hilda, Kah Mon, Iris, Front: Elwyn and Sim Yee
KL Bloggers Party
#8 Front: Melissa, Li Chuen, Sim Yee, Elwyn, Back: Kah Mon, Iris, Benjamin, Simon, Ryan, Jayren, Isaac, Evelyn, Kian Fai and Suresh
I had to leave early that night, but I heard there were more drinks later on that night. For me, this was a good way to fostering friendship and getting to know our fellow bloggers better. Looking forward to the next gathering!


  1. guitar hero..:D

  2. Sounds like you had great fun!

  3. Awww.Happy blog family !

  4.  Queennie, hey thanks for dropping a comment here! :) join us the next time we have a gathering ok? :)

  5.  Darran, it was good :) I did not stay the whole duration though, so did not manage to find out if anybody got drunk. Lol

  6.  Aqi, Thanks for dropping by bro! Yea, guitar hero is damn cool weh

  7. i thought I saw myself there.... *imagination*

  8. Shirley Tay12:58 PM

    Wow, what a feast! Creme Brulee is one of my fave desserts. Pretty cool to play with the torch on the dessert :) Blogging world is a fun & friendly place! Let's keep it that way :)

  9. JFook, you were there! In spirit :) 

  10. suituapui1:30 PM

    Whose house? Next round,your house? Must invite me, remember!!!! But everybody's so young, I'm so old.... Hiazzzz!!!! :(

  11. very free in the hospital now huh? lol

  12. Bonjour Glow1:55 PM

    So much fun! I think carmen is a great hostess/party planner. hope someday can meet all of you and attend a party at carmens place ^^ n omg! the macaroons! can order? ;p

  13. hildamilda2:07 PM

    We had movies after that too, stayed till 5am lol t'was a great night (:

  14.  Shirley, :) Thanks for updating me on the creme brulee. Btw you're from Singapore? True, bloggers are generally very friendly people :)

  15.  STP, probably i can do it once my house is ready in 2013. XD hey you're not THAT old laaaa

  16.  Tony, lol! quite la. But need to be a personal nurse. I have my own bed too in this hospital ward.

  17. Glow, thanks for dropping by and commenting! Much appreciated. Hope to see you at one of our gatherings soon. The macarons i'm not too sure, need to check with Edwin

  18. Hilda, Whoaaaa, 5am? that's so "early" :) Nice night indeed, and it was good seeing you again. 

  19. Woww a nice and happy blogger gathering... 
    The food are so tempting too especially the mille crepe, hehe ~ 

    fang @ :: - LoLLy - ::

  20. benjamin foo2:28 PM

    hahah super linking ont he captions!

  21. Cool gathering! =D so many food!!!!

  22. Smallkucing5:50 PM

    so much fun. THe bihun looks so yummy

  23. Smallkucing5:51 PM

    P/s : thanks for the tips on the typo error. definitely WON'T go there again :P.

  24. wow, this is really a huge-scale blogger gathering huh, looks so happening!! oh, is that creme brulee that you were mentioning?? lots of nice food and friendly people i can see, sure a night to be remember.. :)

  25. Fang, hello there! Thanks for dropping by my humble blog n commenting. :) Yea the Mille crepe was awesome, and so were the macaroons

  26. Benjamin, lol! I'm cool right? :p

  27. Wilee, thx. Missed you there

  28. Sherrie, Yep. Cool event indeed. It was a pot luck thing so everybody brought 1 dish. :)

  29. Smallkucing, yup a good time to catch up with fellow bloggers. :) the mee hoon was awesome.

  30. Smallkucing, For sure will highlight if there's anything missing or typo

  31. SK ! When are you joining us? Looking forward to catching up with you soon bro.

  32. Kyril, lol awesome home made macarons!!

  33. Richard, hope to see you next round. :)


  35. HAH!!! When papa gets back ok? =)

  36. Shirley Tay7:07 PM

    Oh yes, I'm from S'pore. Nice mtg this bunch of M'sian bloggers :) Looking fwd to more sharing!

  37. Shirley, make sure visit Malaysia that time drop us a msg or drop a msg to Isaac Tan too hehehe!

  38. I will sapu some photo from here! will credit it :D

  39. basically I sapu 80% of them LOL! paiseh!

  40. Jackie Goh10:40 AM

    Go visit for Mille Crepe! Superb Mille Crepe, most choices, reasonable prices.

  41. Andrew Sim11:44 PM

    Hi Shirley, Humble Beginnings is available in Singapore too at!

  42. This post is different from what I read on most blog


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