HyppTV Bloggers Party

Last week, I was given an opportunity to attend this hyped up bloggers party held by HyppTV in celebration of HyppTV's first year. Invited by Nuffnang, I reached the cool Neo Tamarind Restaurant and Lounge just in time for the event. The theme was supposed to be Hollywood Superheroes, and by right everyone should come decked in their favourite superhero costume. I wanted to go as Indiana Jones, but couldn't manage to get the hat in time.


It was supposed to be a bloggers party, therefore everyone that arrived had the chance to pose like a star at the entrance with this HyppTV billboard and cameras flashing. I took the chance to get a picture there with my partner, Janice as well. Pretty cool VIP concept if you asked me.

Janice and I

Neo Tamarind does have it's distinct exclusive, high class, expensive kind of look to the whole place. I was told the word Neo represents the new Zen, and you could feel the "Zen" aura over the whole area!

Some photos of the place (Pic credited to Vincent)

Before the partying, we were served with finger food, and these finger food were exquisite to say the least. We had tuna, beef, and some other delicious meat on a spoon. Check it out below.

Finger Food!

So there we were, checking the place out, snapping photos everywhere like what bloggers normally do. As for yours truly, I went to check out what HyppTV had to offer. They had these televisions connected to HyppTV channels all prepared in the side rooms. One particular channel really caught my eye. Which channel? I think I just found my favourite channel as it showcased this "Most Liked Model Awards" with lingerie models parading their fashion. See below and tell me you agree!

That's me channel surfing on HyppTV! (pic credited to Vincent)
My new favourite channel! (pic credited to Vincent)
HyppTV's gear to start experiencing these superb channels

After some announcement from the MC, we were told these was an iPad2 giveaway to one lucky draw winner. To join the draw however, we had to complete a series of tasks involving some photography, a quiz,  and 1 social media "check-in". Unfortunately I did not win the iPad2 that night. Michelle, a hot girl working for Nuffnang grabbed the iPad2 that night. Congratulations to her!

That's Janice' lucky draw card, I forgot to snap a picture of mine

What would constitute a bloggers party without snapping some pictures of the awesome people that went? Snap we did, it was a great feeling to experience a night out with people who share the same passion. I'm definately hooked to blogging because of great folks like these! Check out some of our pictures that night.

Us ! From L-R: Vincent, Isaac, Elwyn
Simon Seow and I
Decked in costumes!
They looked awesome!

Overall it was a great night, it wasn't exactly a "Zouk" kind of party, more like a "Zen" party with high class exquisiteness all around. The food served was great too! Thank you again Nuffnang for giving me the opportunity to jump in and experience HyppTV!


  1.  Oooo...what channel was that? Porn kah? Notty! Notty! Spank! Spank! LOL!!!

  2.  watch porn in public ah? haha! jk

  3. wow..such great event! u r so lucky!

  4. Eunice_lim28947:35 PM

    Haha! Quite interesting post . . . i enjoy reading it... especially the sexy chick on the tv...haha! Hey! Blogger indeed have lots of activities huh?! I really wanna join you all lah... Wait till I get my freedom first..xP

  5. wow, looks like a very interesting party, but seems like many bloggers didn't dressed up for the event, only the ladies and the "prince of egypt", haha~~ :) 

  6.  Wow, it looks like a fun-filled event!!! I wish I could go.....haha!! Maybe next time. :)) Btw.....jelly beans blog header? Sweet!! :))

  7. Submerryn11:09 PM

    Woot to your favourite channel :D Looks like a fun event! and michelle won the iPad2 right? 

  8.  haha great for u attending those party like this! :D lol ur fav MEMANG UR FAV horr?? :p

  9. great event, aww too bad didn't get to see you in Indiana Jones' hat! :)

  10. Kheneparanga9:14 AM

     Hello im Ken. I once dream to meeI t the world. Now I have the key,I mean the way to fulfill it--through BLOGGING(hehe, Im so ambitious). I want to create friends,exchange comments and share ideas. hehe.well I hope its possible for me. Well, I am inviting you to my blog, visit it and follow it.http://yellowsplat.blogspot.com Well people said FOLLOWING blog is another way to connect friends.hehe. So then, I am inviting you so..hehe. Please, help me make my dream a possible. I want a friend.and It starts at you!nice meeting you=D see u around!

  11.  STP, LOL it isn't porn. It's some model fashion thing. But there I was standing there with another fellow blogger just watching. Haha

  12.  Simon, not porn lo. Lol! It's an art :P

  13.  Wenn, Thanks! If given the opportunity to attend events, I would definately go for it. As it fuels my blog with lots of photos and stories!

  14.  Eunice, thanks for dropping by ya! When are you getting your freedom? Looking forward to hanging out with you too!

  15.  SK, yup, not many dressed up for the event. Thanks again for dropping by yea. Happy!

  16.  Erika, I realized I havent met up with you yet! Looking forward to our first meetup. When will you be in KL?

    Haha, yup jelly beans blog header.. Wanted a refreshing look ! :P

  17. Merryn, Woot to my fav channel as well! Hahah

    You're right! Michelle did win the iPad2. Omg I envy her. 

  18.  Caroline, biasa la. Men.. Hahaha!!

  19. Eli, yup too bad indeed. Searched the whole KLCC to find a suitable hat. No time to go anywhere else :( 

  20.  Ken, thanks for dropping by.


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