2nd Round Movie Screening With Bloggers!

Last night, I was at the screening of Mars Needs Mom again! This time with this great gang of bloggers. The movie screening this time was sponsored by Nuffnang at Cathay Cinemas, e@Curve.

Nuffnang Pretty Ms Ticket Issuers

This round, I had some blogger company before the movie, and it was a really good feeling to be able to meet up with fellow bloggers who share the same interests and frequency! Again I met so many new friends, not forgetting exisiting blogger friends. It feels like a big happy family actually.

Free tics!

Our choice of food that night was some mouthwatering pizza! The restaurant we went to was at The Curve, and it was called Vivo, American Pizza and Panini. I do not know what Panini means, may google it later. I reached before 7, and the gang was already happily munching on their pizzas, talk about being early!

Pink Menu

There were a total of 15 bloggers there at the table, check out some of the pictures courtesy of Henry Tan. I'm really thinking of getting a small book, to pass around for blogger gatherings so I can get down everybody's details. Then when I blog about it, I could link every blogger's blog. Well, next time then.

A bunch of really great and happening people! (Picture taken by Henry Tan)
Pepperoni Deluxe - Rm26.90 (13" size)
My Chocolate Banana Freeze - RM 8.90

There were a lot more food on the table, but I was too engrossed on eating that I missed out on snapping some pictures. My apologies for not showing all the food available on the night. Anyway, for the ones I had, the pizza and chocolate banana, I find the taste just nice. Elwyn who was sitting beside me had this comment "Nothing tastes better than Pepperoni Pizza" and I couldn't agree more with him!

After the satisfying meal, more bloggers joint us for the ticket collection. I was glad to say, we managed to take a group picture this time. Group pictures are always cool, because they include most, if not everyone that was there. Have a look below at more happening people picture!

Us! Picture courtesy of Carmen

This time, I made it a point to snap some pictures of the handphone handing in counter, before they confiscated my camera and phone. The Men in Black suits were there last night as well.

Counter to hold your phones.

Since this was my 2nd time watching this movie, you could check my previous movie review at this link. Mars Needs Mom Premiere Screening. It was truly an interesting movie minus the rather dull colors. It might be due to the 3D glasses which were not really crystal clear, or the quality of the screen. I think the 2D version of the movie will look much better!

Nang My Innit Post Here!


  1. wow ! So fast you blog about it ! Efficient ! Yea , it's fun to meet up with you all . And i cant agree more that if the movie in 2D will be better . =D

  2. damn... u r fast! haha... see u again in the next gathering or movie la... or else we can go for a drink. Just set a time and place... :)

  3. what a happening one! alright, is that tikkos posing like that in the 2nd last pic?? hahaha!!

    My Stories

  4. next time.. u guy should try out modesto at thecurve there.. nicer pizza too..

  5. How come you guys always get free movie screening

  6. You watched this movie twice! :P

  7. Hahaha :D Wow...you are really a social butterfly huh bro. Good! Good!

  8. It is good to hang out together. It gives you more leverage in blogging you know. :p

  9. Jayren: Wahaha, i'm efficient when I feel happy. When emo then not very efficient. LOL. Kidding. Nice meeting you guys up too!

    Henry: I like you bro. Especially in your hip hop clothing. Really happening. XD Yea man, meet up again soon for the next gathering!

    Caroline: Yeap, Tikkoss with his poses again. This time he called himself "Wild!" Hahaha.

    Nikel: Thanks for the recommendation bro. I'm not sure who suggested Vivo, but by the time I reached everyone already started eating!

    Eugene: It's because KL cinemas, and advertising companies (hahah.com.my, nuffnang, cinemaonline etc etc etc) loves to give out free screenings. But i'm not complaining, I love movies! Hehe

    Hilda: Yep, the first round was with my mrs. She couldn't make it last night. :( And I wanted to meet up with those wonderful bloggers.

    Tekkaus: Haha. I'm just in it for meeting up with great people. All the bloggers are really fun to be with bro! Including you! XD

  10. so shiok ah? how come when I go for movie screening i just go watch n then balik.. nobody kenal me oso :P

  11. Love the gathering part..! I always looking forward meeting you guy =D Oh no the 3D glasses is so-not-awesome...

  12. Pink menu? Sounds so gay... LOL!!!

  13. Merryn: hehehe, ya very shiok. Next time tell me if you're going for a movie screening. We could meet up for a cup of tea or something!

    Qi Wen: I look forward to meeting you too! Wahahahaa.

    STP: Gay is the new cool! LOL

  14. Pink menu? Sounds so gay... LOL!!!

  15. It is good to hang out together. It gives you more leverage in blogging you know. :p

  16. You watched this movie twice! :P


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