Won 2 Tickets To The Premiere Screening Of Beastly

My day just got better the moment it hit 3pm today. *You've Got Mail*, my iPhone vibrated. When my eyes saw that the email that arrived was from Nuffnang titled "Invitation to...." my heart skipped a beat. I eagerly connected to 3G to download the whole email. Check it out below. 

My free premiere invitation to Beastly

It was an invitation to the new movie premiere "Beastly" this coming 2nd March at Cathay Cineplex, e@Curve. How did I get so lucky to win the tickets? Well, Nuffnang held a short contest for fellow nuffnangers to win these tickets just by writing a blog post completing the sentence "If I were a Beast given ONE chance to prove that I am worthy to be human again, I would..." 

My blog entry for the contest was posted last week, the link as below. Do check it out if you haven't yet.

Official Movie Poster

Thank you Nuffnang for giving me the opportunity to catch this movie, before it goes live, and for free! Have I mentioned before I really love freebies? I really appreciate this. 


  1. Gratz! And hey i got the invitation too! HI-5. see you there isaac! :)

  2. Losty: Thanks bro!

    YeeIng: See you there too!! High 5!! Hehe.

  3. So niceeee, everyone got it except me ):

  4. Congratulations!! U will be meeting many nuffnangers there! post up pictures here too when u do...

  5. Congrats. Enjoy the show...and meeting fellow-bloggers.

  6. Hilda: I'm sorry :( If it's of any consolation, there are 3 more upcoming premieres! Did you put an entry for all of it? Best of luck!!

    Clare: Thanks! I will definately write a blog post after the premiere, and I really hope to meet some nuffnangers this round. Previous premieres I attended I was mostly solo and didn't get to know anybody there.

    Gadafiny: Freebies are always cool! Hehe.

    STP: Thanks! Really hope to get to know a few friends there. I'm in the socializing mood. Haha!

  7. Congrats! It's always feel great to win something in the contests & movie ticket is definitely fabulous :-)

  8. Thanks Dora! Yup, it did feel great, that lovely feeling in the pits of my stomach, just waiting to burst out into a musical! lol. :)


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