My Chinese New Year Home Cooked Dishes

Every time I come back for Chinese New Year celebrations, I know I'll have some wonderful dishes to look forward to. This year was no different, and I have my dear mum to thank for it. She whipped up some very delicious dishes to keep our stomach filled throughout the 1st day of Chinese New Year.

This year, I made it a point to put in pictorial form her yummy food. Have a look below. Thank you Mum!

Chinese New Year Home Cooked Dishes
"Ju Hu Char" - veg with cuttlefish
Chinese New Year Home Cooked Dishes
"Tu Tor Th'ng"
Chinese New Year Home Cooked Dishes
Black pepper chicken with mushroom

Chinese New Year Home Cooked Dishes
Sesame chicken balls
Chinese New Year Home Cooked Dishes
Taiwan Sausage
Chinese New Year Home Cooked Dishes
Home made Loh Bak
Chinese New Year Home Cooked Dishes
Prawn fritters
Chinese New Year Home Cooked Dishes
Fried chicken wing
Chinese New Year Home Cooked Dishes
Tempura Prawns
Chinese New Year Home Cooked Dishes
The cook herself, my lovely mum

Such a hearty homecooked meal over the past 2 days. Yummy!


  1. wahh..yummy..feel hungry when see all kinds of food :)

  2. Anonymous1:54 AM

    waa~ nampak sangat sedap laa.. rindu all the chinese dishes.. :)

  3. Your mum looks so beautiful, so radiant. Love her baju - very nice...and the food looks absolutely so yummy! Hopefully, I can try one day should I drop by Penang. Hint! Hint! LOL!!!

    Btw, you bought a new camera? The photos looks so much nicer...sure to make people drool one!

  4. Wow goodie goodie yummy yummy food. We had vegetarian food on 1st day of CNY.

  5. @ zuyyin:

    Hehe, yup, the prawn fritters and tempura prawns were the best. :)

  6. @ Cik Reena Tan:

    Jom, you're in KL? i bring you go eat! Haha. Tapi halal punya la!

  7. @ STP:

    I'm learning from you! Thank you! Especially on the angle to take the food pictures. Still the same camera (a 5 year old point and shoot panasonic lumix fx-9, only at 6Megapixel max).

    Some of my previous outdoor shots were using my iPhone only hence the poorer quality.

    Thanks for the compliment on my mum! I shall tell her that, it'll make her happy. Hehe. She does love cooking!

  8. @ bananaz:

    Eh? vegetarian food? Oh, must be yummy too! hehe

  9. @ bananaz:

    Eh? vegetarian food? Oh, must be yummy too! hehe

  10. Your mum looks so beautiful, so radiant. Love her baju - very nice...and the food looks absolutely so yummy! Hopefully, I can try one day should I drop by Penang. Hint! Hint! LOL!!!

    Btw, you bought a new camera? The photos looks so much nicer...sure to make people drool one!

  11. wahh..yummy..feel hungry when see all kinds of food :)


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