FRISO GOLD With LocNutri - New Improved Formula

FRISO GOLD With LocNutri - New Improved Formula

Taking care of two very young boys below the age of 5 is a daunting task, with the hopes of the kids being healthy everyday. The child's digestion has always been important to me, where when they were young we actually checked their stools everyday and compared it from day to day. When they began taking milk formulas, we had to choose the perfect one, one which can actually help  children to digest milk's nutrient better by preserving it. FRISO GOLD with LocNutri with their newly improved formula does just that. Read on.

FRISO GOLD With LocNutri - New Improved Formula
FRISO GOLD With LocNutri - New Improved Formula

Digestive Health - The Key To My Child's Overall Development & Wellness

We started paying attention to our kids' digestive health for a while now, since they were toddlers, even going through their stools daily just to see if it's okay. The wife and I view digestion as the key to a child's overall development and wellness.

Kids love to eat, and they do eat a lot, sometimes to the point of having bloated stomach. I have two kids running around at home, Martin the 3 year old being really active and have a veracious appetite when it comes to feeding time. We make it a point to make sure he 'outputs' daily, early in the morning training him to use his potty, and hopefully in the near future, the toilet.

Two very active kids at home
Two very active kids at home

A good digestion system means they are stronger on the inside, which means a much healthier and active children. So how important is a strong digestion? And why FRISO GOLD with LocNutri helps tremendously in this aspect? A quick search online and you have a wealth of information at your fingertips. I shall list down a couple of pointers below which I found to be really informative.

  • When your child has good digestive health, they can easily absorb all the nutrients they have taken, which makes them stronger from the inside.
  • Children will fall sick less and child will be happier.

When your child has good digestive health, there are some possible visible effects on your child:
  • Normal functioning of the digestive system
  • Has a good appetite
  • No signs of ingestion, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence or fussiness
  • Displays age appropriate habits of eating, drinking and bowel movements 
  • Displays age appropriate physical and psychological developments

My Experience with FRISO GOLD with LocNutri

Introducing FRISO GOLD With LocNutri
Introducing FRISO GOLD With LocNutri

Just recently, I was introduced to the latest newly improved formula from FRISO, the FRISO GOLD with LocNutri and after reading up and watching the videos on what they have to offer, I took the plunge and got these for my kids. All these while we were on another brand of milk formulae, hence it would be interesting to see the difference after changing to FRISO GOLD.


With the previous milk formula that I've been using, we were always on the look out when the kid passes motion. We are always concerned when sometimes they go 2-3 days without passing motion, which I don't think is a healthy trait. It's good then to note that after using FRISO GOLD for a month or so, both the kids are now requesting to "poo poo" every day! No hard stools, no constipation, ease of mind on our side.

How does Friso Gold Ensure Their Quality?

Imported directly from Holland, Friso Gold’s milk comes from their own farms. At over 19,000 farms of their company, over 140 years of dairy expertise is used to create the ideal nourishing environment for producing high quality milk. High quality milk goes directly from farms to the factory where the goodness is locked in to provide the nutrition your child needs to be strong inside. Now that's something worth noting. Made by Nature, Made better by Science, that's their tagline, and I'm pretty impressed by it.

Baby Martin being fed his milk with some oats inside
Baby Martin being fed his milk with some oats inside
Drink up now
Drink up now 

What is LocNutri in FRISO Gold?

LocNutri is a manufacturing innovation that ensures the nutrient in milk is not overheated during processing. This ensures its preserved in its natural, easily-digestible structure. A technology that uses mild heat treatment during milk processing, this help preserve the native structure of the nutrient which is easily digested and help children grow stronger from the inside. What's inside our child matters.

Baby Martin with his FRISO GOLD
Baby Martin with his FRISO GOLD

The Importance of LocNutri

Food are often processed with high heat and as a result, the natural structure of proteins gets damaged, they may not be easily absorbed and may cause your child to suffer from protein indigestion and general stomach discomfort.

LocNutri is designed to eliminate just this problem. The technology using mild heat treatment during the formula production process, so that proteins are preserved closer to their native structures. The nutrient can then be effectively absorbed by the body. Proteins play an important role in muscle, skin and bones. It helps in tissue building and growth and is a component in red blood cells. Building this strong foundation keeps your little ones safe from the inside.

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For mummies and daddies that have not yet try the new FRISO GOLD with LocNutri, how about heading over to HERE to request free samples today! When your child is stronger from the inside, it allows them to experience more. You would have no hesitation to let them explore their surroundings. We all want the best for our kids, and this right here is as close as it gets! 



  1. I heard good reviews about Friso milk and some of my Momma friends buy it. Luckily you don't have a milk powder crisis issue in Malaysia, unlike in China and Hong Kong.

  2. My son is drinking Friso too. His digestion had improve and no more constipation.

  3. Awh the kids are too cute Isaac :) Heard tons on Friso milk - will certainly need to check it out.

  4. Soon we'll be introducing formula to our little girl and will give Friso a try. :) We're still not decided yet on which one to stick to, though we already have one here that we're still trying to introduce to my little girl. :)

  5. Your kids so cute!!! Looks so handsome!!!

  6. Can just imagine the work requires in keeping two active boys happy and healthy and out of harms way! Read many positive reviews about Friso Gold. Recommended to mummy friends.

  7. Such cute kids there Isaac and thank God for parents like you who only chooses the best for his kids

  8. heard good things about Friso. Am recommending this to my friend now!

  9. Wow both of your sons grow up so fast.

  10. oo! milk with oats! great combo! must keep in mind when my son is older later on..

  11. Your kids are so cute :)
    Thanks for sharing, will let my niece try this out

  12. 2 cute little boys there. Must be growing up healthily with Friso Gold.

  13. handsome boys... my daughter use to drink Friso Gold too... it is a good milk


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