Waste Segregation & Management Starts From Home

Day in, day out we produce waste, be it from our food, the dishes that we clean, the dust and dirt and containers that we throw away. Believe it or not, our waste amount to mountains of garbage when accumulated. I've always wondered what happens to the my rubbish once it gets picked up by the dump truck. I mean, does it get dumped at a dump site? Does it get recycled? Does it get converted into other forms of energy?

Waste Segregation & Management Starts From Home
Waste Segregation & Management Starts From Home

Recently, after attending a talk on waste management, I did learn a thing or two on waste segregation and how it should begin from home. The basics are to sort out and segregate the wet and dry wastes into different bags and locations. Dry waste can be tagged for recycling, while wet waste should be send to be decomposed. 

The good folks helping us to clear our garbage daily
The good folks helping us to clear our garbage daily
What are solid wastes?
What are solid wastes?

So what is wet waste and how is it different from dry wastes? Waste is waste, garbage is garbage, right? WRONG. Our wet wastes consist mostly of organic waste such as food, soiled diapers and other “damp” materials, while dry wastes consists of solid and recyclable materials which can be further separated into three groups: plastic, paper and other. Of course, not all dry wastes can be recycled, but that's another whole other topic in itself. 

Segregate, Recycle, save our earth
Segregate, Recycle, save our earth

Coming back to the amount of waste we generate every single day. From what I've read from a fellow blogger's blog, there's this study in 2013 where Malaysia produced an average of 30,000 to 33,000 tonnes of waste each day. Where does it end up at? I really do hope efforts are put in place by the people in power to go about converting all these waste into useful energy. That way, it will actually be useful to us, instead of being thrown away to pollute the Earth. 

Efforts are already in place to segregate the wastes from our homes
Efforts are already in place to segregate the wastes from our homes

While reading more into the topic of waste to energy, as I'm very much interested in how our waste can actually be converted into energy, electrical to be specific, for the usage of our countrymen. This brought me to the efforts done by Berlin, in Germany. They actually generate electricity for district heating from their garbage. How cool is that? 

When the waste arrives at the the Berlin plant, it is inspected, weighed and trans­ ported to the waste incineration lines, where it is incinerated on the moving grates. The flue gases resulting from the combustion have a temperature of more than 850° C. High­ pressure super-heated steam is produced which is passed on to the neighbouring Reuter Power Station, where it is used to generate electricity and for district heating.

Reduce wastage, segregate it if possible, and do better waste management straight from the home
Reduce wastage, segregate it if possible, and do better waste management straight from the home

So there you have it, a thing or two that I've learnt recently and would like to share here. Do watch out for my follow up post to this one, as I read up more on the Waste To Energy (WTE) efforts, it's impact and how it is being implemented. My subsequent post will be to share on this. As for now, remember to segregate, and manage your garbage, because we all love our Earth right? 


  1. Yes, I hear they are going to implement that and that is a good thing. They have been doing this in other countries for a long long time now, we are far behind. I wonder how they are going to collect the waste from the homes, any idea? In New Zealand, they come a few times each week - once for glass, once for tins...once for perishables like food leftovers - something like that, can't remember where newspapers come in.

    It may not be a good idea here to collect the perishables once a week - with our hot and humid tropical weather, I can imagine the stink throughout the whole neighbourhood. Even with the present once every two days, that would be enough to send the smell all around! Hopefully, you can provide the answer in your next post on this?

    1. Suituapui, glad to see your deep interest in this issue.

      i guess if we have a good enough rubbish bin, it'll help to minimize the stench? Close the lid, the heat from the sun will kill off or at least mitigate some of the smell. :)

  2. It is good to find out that the country is doing more and more regarding this issue. Time to educate your kids on trash handling as well i guess? :p

    1. Fish, yes, starting them from young especially our children. For the future generation :)

  3. thanks for the tips. it's really helpful. yes Earth is only place we can live in this universe so must take good care of it!

    1. GengQian, save our earth! for our future generation :)

  4. another good use for perishable rubbish is to create a compost heap. Great if you plan to do some farming at home. Even using the compost on flowering plants is good.

    1. Mike, sounds like an awesome idea.. now i'll just need to find some space to start planting. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Really glad to see the awareness is increasing.
    And not to mention, even blogger is bearing more social responsibility as such.
    Keep up the good work!

    1. SS Low, thank you for the nice words.. this will motivate me further on.

  7. Interesting post. Malaysia should have started this long ago. Even in Korea they have this system where the food waste is used for animal feed or as compost. We need to be educated on the different categories of waste instead of just throwing it into one bin

    1. Miriam,

      Malaysia is a unique country. Unlike overseas, here we have people opposing the efforts, civic consciousness is also very low. You can notice from the way residents throw their rubbish literally everywhere! Gee..

  8. Thanks for sharing!!!

  9. yeah we doing that separate trash everyday. Wah you next door so canggih no need gate?

  10. Thanks for the tips. It's good if everyone doing the same. =)

  11. Yeah! We love our earth. We should start practicing now! :)

  12. Support this awesome initiative. We should at least play our part to segregate our waste. Do it now than never!

  13. Is always good to have someone to start this meaningful activities. Thanks for the tips :D

  14. Thank you for sharing such an in-depth post on household waste management. I live in Ipoh and this policy is not enforced yet but this information will come in useful later.

  15. thanks and it is indeed a helpful info

  16. Nice effort! Thanks so much for spreading the awareness. It is an important message.

  17. We should start this now because everything is too late. Thanks for your great sharing.

  18. We should have started this ages ago and actually the government should be more strict on this.. I was in Europe 15 years or so ago and they were already implementing it with a fine if it was not done.. even our no plastic bag day is confusing.. they should just make it everyday a no plastic bag day and urge people to bring their own bags or use cartons or if really neccessary then pay for the plastic bags... all these were happening 15 years ago or longer in Europe...

  19. I am strongly support this movement! Thumbs up for a greener earth! This move will certainly safeguard the environment for our future generations too.

  20. wah! I learn a lot by reading this!
    dry and wet waste!
    I should start doing this too!

  21. Thanks for sharing this. We really have to do this for ouor next generation.


  22. We have been doing this quite sometime, by segregating our waste we can turn them into cash and also energy.

  23. I guess I have to start separate my waste too! Thanks for sharing the importance of separating the waste to different category ><

  24. bagus ni isaac...recycle kan

  25. I selalu buat macam ni. ;)

  26. Yup.

    Many people should know and learn how to manage our waste.

  27. I usually sell my recyclable trash can really make some money

  28. nice info isaac. people should know this info. btw, u buang sampah pun senyum..heheh..

  29. Yes we love our earth. It is good that our waste can transform into energy. Then we have free and natural energy to use :P

  30. Anonymous10:47 AM

    We should all start segregating trash... it helps the environment. This is a great write-up!

  31. Hey!
    I really like this post and i must say that these Rubbish removal services ensure that you do not have to go through the tedious and dangerous process of dumping your waste.

    Waste is an unsightly sight when it is in your home and the faster it is out of site the better.

    It is however, a common fact that one cannot avoid waste at any cost but one of the things that you can do is to manage it.

    And I really like your ides of managing the waste.

    Thanks a lot buddy! :)

    Keep doing good work.
    God Bless U!:)


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