Digi Malaysia LTE Network Drive - Delivering Malaysia's Widest 4G LTE Network

Just a couple of days back, I had the opportunity to join in the latest Digi Malaysia LTE Network Drive, where the media and bloggers got to run through a series of activities aimed at discovering the speed and stability of Digi's 4G LTE Network. It was a fun half day out, where the drive dispelled all my misconceptions about Digi's internet network. Read on below. 

DiGi Malaysia LTE Network Drive - Delivering Malaysia's Widest 4G LTE Network
Digi Malaysia LTE Network Drive - Delivering Malaysia's Widest 4G LTE Network

Digi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd (“Digi”) is now Malaysia’s widest 4G LTE network, with the potential of connecting 1 in 2 Malaysians to its high-speed internet services with a population coverage of 50%. The company has already surpassed its year-end network coverage target of 45%, and has aggressive plans to double site rollout for the year by adding more than 1,500 sites to solidify its stronger, more extensive network position by year-end. 

With fellow bloggers before the start of the event
With fellow bloggers before the start of the event

Arriving at Digi's HQ in Shah Alam early in the morning, the bunch of us did not really know what was in store for us throughout the day except for the promise of an LTE experience unlike any other. We gathered and after a quick lunch was ushered to the conference room for a short briefing on the 'treasure hunt'-like activities. 

Our mission: To find and locate Digi’s Chief Executive Officer, Albern Murty
Our mission: To find and locate Digi’s Chief Executive Officer, Albern Murty 
We were broken into 7 groups, each with our guide and van
We were broken into 7 groups, each with our guide and van

During the briefing, we were informed to break into groups of 5 each, and embark on a journey with our guides and van throughout the city to do activities that utilises Digi's LTE network. Our mission was to find and locate Digi’s Chief Executive Officer, Albern Murty. The team to gather the most points and complete all tasks in finding Albern will win really cool prizes. 

Installing the applications Digi Capture, and a music app into our phones equipped with Digi's LTE network
Installing the applications Digi Capture, and a music app into our phones equipped with Digi's LTE network

Digi’s Chief Executive Officer, Albern Murty said in a press conference previously, “More and more customers across Malaysia now enjoy a strong, quality network experience with us. We’ve aggressively expanded our 4G LTE reach in 28 major cities and secondary towns nationwide, with key market centres enjoying a steady average of 80% population coverage, making the benefits of Digi’s 4G LTE services easily accessible to half the Malaysian population.” 

The company now delivers 4G LTE on 1800Mhz and 2600Mhz spectrum bands respectively, and overlays both spectrum bands for 4G LTE in an increasing number of key market centres. Dual band 4G LTE provides customers with wider network coverage, greater capacity and significantly improved indoor and outdoor internet experiences, as well as future access to next-generation 4G+ technologies. 

One of our activities where we were literally blindfolded and guided via voice through Skype to serve the customer her drink
One of our activities where we were literally blindfolded and guided via voice through Skype to serve the customer her drink

“Our customers will get the best for internet 360 with Digi. We make it easy for postpaid and prepaid customers to begin their 4G LTE experience with free 4G LTE SIM upgrades, the best range of affordable LTE devices starting at RM259 and plans as low as RM25, and a growing portfolio of digital services, all available through the best service touchpoints in stores and online. For us, it’s really about enabling customers to fully enjoy the benefits of being connected to quality, always-on, anywhere high-speed internet for any wallet size and internet appetite.

“We are building the best infrastructure, talent and capabilities to realise our ambition of being the best mobile internet provider for Malaysia,” Albern concluded.

I just had to snap a picture of this pretty lady at one of our stops during the Digi LTE Network Drive
I just had to snap a picture of this pretty lady at one of our stops during the Digi LTE Network Drive

In the past three years, Digi invested RM2.3 billion in CAPEX primarily on its network, and has committed an additional RM900 million this year to further strengthen its network and to deliver internet for all Malaysians. This includes plans to aggressively doubling 4G LTE sites rolled out for the year to expand coverage in key market centres and into more secondary towns across Malaysia. Today, Digi is Malaysia’s widest 4G LTE network covering 50% of the nation’s population, in addition to a 3G footprint of 87%. 

We eventually located the end point, where the actual launch is held
We eventually located the end point, where the actual launch is held
The big guns from Digi Malaysia were present too
The big guns from Digi Malaysia were present too

We eventually ended up at the final destination where a press conference is held for media to introduce the latest offerings from Digi Malaysia. Throughout the Digi Malaysia LTE Network Drive, we utilized the network fully, to whatsapp, Skype, send videos, voice notes, and even upload multiple photos to the Capture application. All these were done seamlessly and really fast on Digi's 4G LTE network, which is pretty cool. 

Do visit digi.my/4GLTE for more on Malaysia’s Widest 4G LTE Network, and to begin enjoying the full benefits of Digi’s 4G LTE plans and services.


  1. My mobile phone service provider since I first had one long long long ago....and I also use it now to browse online on my phone, have to pay, of course!. They should give me a gift for being such a loyal supporter.

  2. I do agree that the LTE speed with DiGi is very consistent, fast and reliable! ;-) Been using the Yellow Man since I started working...

  3. Thumbs up for better network! :) gonna consider switching telco d haha

  4. i am using digi. i am happy with them :) for 10 years.

  5. I use digi too. Wanna increase gb not enough to use.

  6. Yeah.. everyone needs good network... maybe I really have to change my telco... LOL

  7. I'm still hearing how DiGi doesn't work good in many areas, particularly inside buildings. I hope that's not true anymore so that I have another mobile option.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I just changed my sim card.. and i can't wait to explore their LTE service :)

  10. Should get Rosmadi to read this posting of yours since he is getting annoyed with the network. HEHE

  11. So happening! Its good to know that theyre improving their services :)

  12. glad to see DIGI LTE really expanding their coverage, gone were the days where people dwell on 3G speed

  13. I have been using Digi since my first phone, a loyal customer here :)

  14. Looks like a fun event. Looking forward to try the Digi LTE too.

  15. Why you no wear yellow? lol

    BTW the event looks fun, and the girl is very pretty :)


  16. Good connection is really crucial for internet freak like me.. haha~ The event looks superb!

  17. I hope that they will improve the reception in my hometown, Sarawak.

  18. I also noticed my DiGi network got 4G when I was in office and home! Wow. Amazing so fast.

  19. Im using Digi, hope to see more area will have 4G LTE connection as currently only certain areas I can see that they have the connection.

  20. Interesting event. I don't use Digi though. Heehe

  21. I switched to Xiaomi Mi4i and Digi postpaid. Now I'm able to enjoy 4G I'm so happy about it


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