Asean Conference on Women In Politics KL : #WIPKL2015

Did you know Malaysia is currently the chairman of ASEAN 2015? This piece of news came into my inbox recently with an upcoming Asean Conference on Women In Politics #WIPKL2015 in the note. Happening this 16th and 17th October 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, the title for the conference is “ASEAN Conference On Women In Politics: Promoting Representation Through Connectivity and Innovation”. I've been entrusted with a small favour to share this via my site.
Asean Conference on Women In Politics #WIPKL2015 (

Participants will comprise of politicians and representatives from ASEAN and Dialogue Partners. WIPKL 2015 will be officiated by The Chairman of ASEAN 2015, Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak on the 17th October 2015. With the rice of more and more women in politics worldwide, ASEAN too has seen more empowerment to women leaders, and this is a great sign. 

Happening this 17th October 2015, 8.30am

Asean Conference on Women In Politics #WIPKL2015 
Twitter: ASEAN WIP
Instagram: aseanwip 

Inspiring women
Inspiring women

As we are nearing to the establishment of the ASEAN Community by the end of this year, the Conference strives to build a political network for ASEAN women who are involved in politics as well as urging for greater participation of women in decision making positions and in the electoral processes through connectivity and innovation.

Some of the prominent speakers this coming WIPKL2015
Some of the prominent speakers this coming WIPKL2015

One of the objective of this upcoming Asean Conference on Women In Politics KL (WIPKL) is also to share best practices, challenges and to develop regional commitment in efforts to increase women representation in politics through connectivity and innovation. Recommendations are to ASEAN leaders, political parties and policymakers to work together towards increasing the representation of women in politics through connectivity and innovation.

Check WIPKL out on now
Check WIPKL out on now

For those interested to join in the #WIPKL2015 sessions, do make yourself available this 17th October 2015 at PWTC Kuala Lumpur as the registration counter opens as early as 7.30am. More information can be obtained from the various social media channels as well as their official site at You can contact theirperson in charge directly too, either Ms. Suhaila Safrizal  or Mr. Firdaus Idris at +603-4045 6966. See you there. 


  1. Thanks for sharing this Isaac! I think more Malaysians need to be more involved in this sort of event. Way to go! ;-)

  2. Thanks for making a stand for women! :P

  3. wow...women also can be so empower !! women must know ur ability . 17 oct i'm full of appointment cant manage to join this time .

  4. I don't mind a female leader but I don't wanna be one myself hahaha!

  5. Woman power. Woman always strong person and I salute all woman. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Thanks for sharing Isaac. Nice information!

  7. You're going into politics? :D :D :D

  8. So many iconic people eh! Haha you going there tomorrow? :P

  9. should be a very inspiring conference..

  10. i wish could join such event. always miss out!

  11. Women should be trained to equip themselves in decision making.. A great conference to empower all of us.

  12. Inspiring women.. usually the one who has a lot of experiences especially with happy family or maybe with the bad husband.. strong women not only on beautiful face but dalam jiwa juga

  13. Inspiring women.. usually the one who has a lot of experiences especially with happy family or maybe with the bad husband.. strong women not only on beautiful face but dalam jiwa juga

  14. I guess not only women. lol.The whole world need more positive thinkiing!!! Grrrrr.

  15. WAH! this also ngam you ah... planning to be the next Caitlyn Jenner ah? hehehe

  16. Politics is like ZZZ to me. It's dirty and unnecessary. Good for those who enjoy it while I watch by the sidelines.

  17. Who run the world?
    *Beyonce's song

  18. Culture is something hard to change. Idealistic vs realistic.

  19. Thanks for sharing:)

  20. Great information. Thanks for sharing. I knew that "Malaysia is currently the chairman of ASEAN 2015". Thanks again.

  21. Such a great opportunity to gain more knowledge from this type of conference! ;)

  22. Thanks for sharing this Isaac, this is a great article. Cheers to taking a stand for women; thumbs up!

  23. I'm not very happy about the political situation now. All talk no action. Sigh :(

  24. Such inspiring conference it would be for women.I hope that this could reach out to other women as well. Thanks for sharing!

  25. Opps, I missed it lol. Maybe next time ;)

  26. Great platform for women who wish to involve into the political scene, thanks for sharing :)

  27. Wonder if our beloved RM will be there? She's one heck of a force to reckon with!

  28. This is really a good one to set a platform for all females! :) thank for sharing this, Isaac. Really wish this kind of platform getting more and more in the future

  29. wow powerful conference. this is so great that it was held in KL, hope it was an empowering time for all the participants.

  30. Isaac Tan stand for Asean Conference on Women ;) great !

  31. Not really interested in politics... But it's great for women whom are interested in..

  32. Thanks for sharing. An eye opener and women in politics is going to be in new era

  33. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Inspire others. What a nice slogan. This is a great topic for women.

  34. Women should be involved more in politics. I saw a post from ELLE, where they photoshopped men out of pictures taken in world-level conferences and it's just sad. Minus men, there are only one or two women at most. Not to say women aren't as qualified in these organizations as men, it could be just because women simply prioritize other things in life. But for those who are interested to pursue these careers, they sometimes don't get enough opportunities or get their big break. It's awesome to see such an empowering event happening in KL. I hope some good came out of it.

  35. Woah, this is empowering especially for women who are into politics :D
    Sorry its a bit late. I missed out on your blog.


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