PNKids Malaysia Launched - Tasty Gummies For Kids Infused with Vitamins & Mineral

Vitamins are essential for the growth of our kids. They are an active lot, and we, as parents will always want to provide the best for them. Recently, I was invited to the grand launch of PNKids in Malaysia, the brand behind these range of gummies for children that are fortified with vitamins and minerals. Read up below on what they have to offer.

PNKids - Tasty Gummies For Kids Infused with Vitamins & Mineral
PNKids - Tasty Gummies For Kids Infused with Vitamins & Mineral

With the current lifestyle, food that we are consuming these days are loaded with trans-fats, bad oil, excessive sugar and salt. Due to convenience, we tend to eat and feed our kids with the wrong and slightly unhealthy food. How do we fix it? Don't feed them unhealthy food of course! But of course, since today's post is about PNKids, let's see how these tasty gummies can help. 

PNKids: Orange and grape flavored gummies
PNKids: Orange and grape flavored gummies

Opt for healthy products, PNKids are enriched with vitamins and minerals. PNKids's childrens' range of products offers a broad selection of fruity flavours, available in different fun shapes and are easy to chew. Perfect for those picky eaters, just pop one of their 6 range of gummies and you'll see them happily munching away.

Colourful packaging for PNKids Gummies
Colourful packaging for PNKids Gummies
PNKids Omega 3 DHA
PNKids Omega 3 DHA

PNKids gummies are infused with additional vitamins and minerals and do not contain any of the following. They do not have lactose, gluten, soy, nuts, gelatin, preservatives, artificial flavours, artificial colours and eggs. This means you won't have to worry about any allergens that may have an adverse effect on your kid.

She loves PNKids
She loves PNKids
Fun activities for parents and kids at the grand launch ceremony of PNKids at 1 Utama
Fun activities for parents and kids at the grand launch ceremony of PNKids at 1 Utama

Believe it or not, PNKids are the No. 1 gummies in Singapore, originating from the USA. Let's go through their 6 variants here all right? This is so that all of you can choose the gummies that are most suitable for your kids.

PNKids Clear
PNKids Clear
PNKids Girls and Boys: Orange and Grape Flavoured gummies enriched with multivitamins
PNKids Girls and Boys: Orange and Grape Flavoured gummies enriched with multivitamins

PNKids multi-vitamins for Boys and Girls with orange and grape flavour will provide your child with the key nutrients that they needed during their growing-up period. It is easy to take as it includes a variety of vital nutrients to prevent vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies.

PNKids Girls - RP RM55.80/RM58.60 (EM) 
PNKids Guard C contains Vitamin C with Roseship mixed gummies orange flavour enhances the absorption of iron from non-meat source. It also contributes to the absorption of iron from the food.

PNKids Guard-C - RP RM44.60/RM46.90 (EM) 
PNKids Omega 3 DHA with mixed fish and coconut oil with lemon, orange and strawberry flavoured gummies is enriched with DHA, EPA and Omega 3. It is an easy to consume source of omega for your child, without the smelly taste associated with traditional fish oil.

PNKids Guard - C
PNKids Guard - C
PNKids Grow
PNKids Grow

PNKids Omega 3 DHA - RP RM72.50/RM76.10 (EM) 
PNKids Clear with gummies flavoured enriched with Vitamins and Minerals are fortified with Vitamin A, D, E, C and B12, Iodine, Folic Acid and Pantothenic Acid. Vitamin A is essential for the functioning of eyes and also helps in maintaining healthy skin and mucous membrance while folic acid is essential for growth.

PNKids Clear - RP RM69.80/RM73.30 (EM) 
PNKids Grow with orange and lemon flavoured gummies with Calcium + Vitamin D. Calcium aids in the development of strong bones and teeth while Vitamin D assist calcium absorption in the body.

PNKids Grow - RP RM60.40/RM63.40 (EM) 
PNKids Vitagest with mango flavoured gummies with Prebiotics + Vitamin C. It contains mixed vegetables and fruits i.e. Spinach, celery, cucumber, parlsey, pineapple, green apple, pear, kiwi, passion fruit and lemon also enriched with Vitamin C.

Representative from PNKids giving a speech
Representative from PNKids giving a speech 
And it's officially launched!
And it's officially launched!

PNKids range are available at all leading pharmacies throughout Malaysia. They had their roadshow promotions at Ground Floor, 1U (Old Wing) Centre Court from 29 July 2015 til Sunday, 2 August 2015. For more information on PNKids Healthy Gummy range, do check out their website at and Facebook at


  1. It is easy to feed gummies to kids as they all love sweets. Parents will have let their kids know that these are vitamins and not to be taken like normal sweets..haaa..

  2. Kids would love this. Yes, I agree with Agnes - they're not sweets, not to be taken for the sheer enjoyment of it. I can imagine the sugar overload. You will have two hyperactive boys in your hands!

  3. Sa this in 1U but didnt buy coz i didnt like the "powder " that stick in the gummy .

  4. First time, I see a very cute PNKids: Orange and grape flavored gummies... It make me recall my memories about I used to eat sweets! Now, it changed so, it is good healthy for kids. Thumb up!

  5. so yummy not just for kids, I feel we can try steal some eat :D my kids also love each toy in box.

  6. Looks like candies but it's actually vitamins? Good strategy to get your kids eat them haha

  7. Looks like candy.. Will be hard keeping the kids from eating them all as soon as they can... Lol

  8. Haha, Super good idea to let kids consume vitamins! Even I myself prefer taking these gummies rather than pills! Eating these gummies can curb my sweet tooth cravings too! :P

    With Love, Michelle

  9. Issac, how many you had eat?? :D

  10. Hehe I also want some gummy bears please!! :)

  11. wah smart ideas! Kids would be asking for gummies vitamin everyday to eat even without parent asking alrdy!

  12. Not sweet meh? I see the sugars on it I also feel it's sweet. I'm not sure if I'm prepared to give this to my LO lolx... But who knows, I might change my mind in near future hehe... But it looks yummy though, can adults take it ah? Hahaha...

  13. Yummy yummy gummy. I wish I am kid right now.

  14. Aw gummy bear! I will buy this for my brother and niece. Thanks for the sharing

  15. gummies!!! kids love this. me hate it coz it stick on my teeth. kakakaka

  16. vitamin event also got hot how did your kids like them? my kids are super picky with their vits...but these look cute and should taste great!

  17. Good daddy! I must buy this for my girls too ^ ^

  18. Saw you shared photos on Facebook. I love gummies!!! I guess even adult can have this right. haha

  19. This makes me want to be a kid again. HAHA. wondering if they have something similar for adults :P

  20. im a die heart fan of gummies :P it better when it's with vitamins.

  21. Kids? I would like to eat these gummies too HAHAHA My nephew loves them as well

  22. Which kids don't love gummies?~ Such a great product!

  23. i already feel like eating those gummies!!! i m a big fan of sweetssss

  24. i think the kids going to love it, as so colorful & yummy!

  25. He may have some recommendations. In fact, you should visit your family doctor first and ask him/her, which vitamins may be suitable for your body type.
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  26. Thanks for sharing this amazing blog on kids vitamins and minerals Send Flowers To Russia


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