TRIPDA Malaysia's Blogger Awards Meet & Greet

It was a good day to be out that weekend, when Tripda Malaysia held their first every blogger's gathering. Now if you have not heard of Tripda Malaysia before, do head on over to their website at, but I'll do what I can to explain below on what they have to offer.

TRIPDA Malaysia's Blogger Awards Meet & Greet

Tripda is a carpooling platform that connects drivers travelling or commuting with empty seats in their cars and passengers heading the same way.

Founded in Brazil in 2014 by entrepreneurs passionate about sharing economy and backed by Rocket Internet, the company is already operating in 13 countries, helping thousands of people to travel more while spending less.

Tripda by Rocket Internet
Tripda by Rocket Internet

Arriving at the venue rather early that day, as I was co-hosting it with the very nice folks from Tripda Malaysia, we were all set to welcome nearly 40 bloggers and friends to learn more about the Tripda, its mobile app and the subsequent bloggers' contest which is offering up to RM6,000 in prize money. Yes, you heard that right, RM6,000 in total prize money is up for grabs where you could walk away with RM2,000 just by blogging about the app and your experience using it. 

The good folks from Tripda Malaysia
The good folks from Tripda Malaysia
Welcome to TRIPDA Malaysia's first ever Bloggers Gathering
Welcome to TRIPDA Malaysia's first ever Bloggers Gathering 

It did not take long before the Managing Director of Tripda Malaysia, Victor Ang came forward for his welcoming speech as well as to explain on what Tripda can offer to its users. In a nutshell, Tripda is an easy-to-use, safe and fun peer-to-peer carpooling platform that is free to use. Free is the keyword here, where the only thing you will need to pay is probably the minimal cost of the car pool ride to your new found driver friend. 

Managing Director of Tripda Malaysia, Victor Ang giving his speech
Managing Director of Tripda Malaysia, Victor Ang giving his speech
Awesome bloggers present listening attentively
Awesome bloggers present listening attentively

Tripda comes in two platforms, the web platform as well as the mobile application which can cater for iOS and Android devices. The web platform is rather responsive, works on desktop, tablets & mobile, adapting to the device screen size. So how exactly does Tripda work? Check out the pictorial below. 

How does Tripda work?
How does Tripda work?

Now safety issue comes to mind, where a number of bloggers actually raised the question during the event. I mean how would you know the person you will be car pooling with isn't some character with evil intentions? Well, Tripda has a bunch of features installed in to ensure safety concerns are kept to a minimum. 

Carpool easily, the fun, safe and sustainable way
Carpool easily, the fun, safe and sustainable way

A cheaper means of transportation for both the driver and passengers, I would think Tripda would definately be useful for all. On top of the carpool benefits, we could actually meet new people and friends while travelling to our common destination. Less cars on the road would reduce the traffic congestion and on a whole reduce pollution. 

Bloggers and friends mingling before the event began that weekend
Bloggers and friends mingling before the event began that weekend

Above all, Tripda promotes a fun culture while being environmentally responsible. 

Tripda is an  online carpooling platform  that connects drivers commuting with empty seats in their cars and passengers heading the same way. Tripda aims to transform carpooling into a viable transportation alternative, so both driver and passenger(s) can share the cost of the trip, while meeting like-minded friends along the way, reducing traffic congestion and preserving the environment. 

Do check out their Facebook page at

Back to the blogger's awards contest thingy, do check out below on how you can join in just by using the Tripda app and blogging about it. Below would be the mechanics. It ends 5th February 2015, so be sure to join in today itself!

TRIPDA RM 6000 Blog Awards Contest

What is Tripda & How it works:
Download here:

Submission Form (Submit your Blog & Facebook Post Entry here)

 Tripda is giving away attractive cash prizes to THREE awards!
*  1 x Tripda's Most Creative Blog Entry Award (RM 2000)
*  1 x Tripda's Most Shared Blog Post on Facebook Award (RM 2000)
*  10 x Tripda's Most Deserving Blog Entry Award (RM 200 each)

What?! Really?? Tell me HOW!
Blog about Tripda! Yes, it's that simple. We leave it up to each blogger's creativity & how they want to construct their blogpost!
Here are some angles you can explore +  ideas  to bump up your creativity! Also find the FAQ for your reference!
Blog Direction :
*  Purpose : Balik kampung for CNY/long weekend, food/road trip with friends.
*  Convenience + affordability : Alternative mode of transportation that is affordable and convenient (good solid topic for university + college students)
*  Safety & security : How you feel safe and secured carpooling with Tripda, knowing the multiple safety measures are put in place.
*  Environment :   Sustainable & responsible travel, environmental awareness (positive), or pollution, haze, smoke, health issues (negative)
*  Introduction to Tripda (i.e. tech blog) : Step by step screenshot with wacky, hilarious & positive reviews! Creative ideas :
*  Video compilation of the carpool trip (i.e. pick up and drop off, short testimonials)
*  Fun wefie / groupie / carpoolfie at different checkpoints (especially on a food / road trip)
*  Storyboard (i.e photos with creative dialogues displayed in sequence to visualize a story)

OMG love the word carpoolfie! More tips, pretty please?
Sure! Abiding to the following would definitely contribute some brownie points  to the judging!

The DON'Ts:
*  Do not use sexual references, nor make racial / political / religious remarks.
*  Do not take on arguments (nor agree) with anyone who may have an opposing opinion about Tripda, ongoing promotions, the concept of sharing economy, or simply carpooling in general.
*  Do not mention, make direct comparison nor make any references with taxi / cab apps i.e. MyTeksi, Easy Taxi, etc and most importantly, never associate Tripda with Uber.

*  Tripda website :
*  Tripda mobile app  available on iOS and Google Play
*  Tripda Facebook page :
*  Tripda instagram   + twitter handle : @TripdaMY for both
*  Hashtag  #TRIPDAblogawards
*  Fun + happy selfie / wefie / groupie / carpoolfie, like this!

Happy folks using TRIPDA
Happy folks using TRIPDA

So be sure to blog about it TODAY and submit your links to before the dateline ends on 5th February 2015! 


  1. Wahhhhhh!!!! You're the rose among the thorns, eh? Other than the MD, that is...all ladies. Don't think I know all the other bloggers. What has happened to the regulars?

  2. Nice... hope can win something huhuhu

  3. done updated my post at


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