Be Brave Campaign - Which Inner Hero Are You?

Just recently I was introduced to the Be Brave campaign, bringing forth a topic which has always been 'kept in the closet', so to speak. What am I refering to? Premature ejaculation (PE), a condition more common than even the dreaded erectile dysfunction. Studies show it affects up to 1 in 3 men across Asia Pacific!

Be Brave Campaign - Which Inner Hero Are You?

The notion that only teenagers or sexually inexperienced men have PE is FALSE – men of any age can get PE. Another myth, that PE is ‘all in the mind’ is found to be FALSE as well – PE is a real medical condition involving the central nervous system. Ejaculation is a complex mechanism that involves neurotransmitters, not just a ‘mind thing’.

All right then, some education is in order, which I plan to share below.
What is PE?
PE occurs when a man has difficulty controlling ejaculation and often ejaculates with little sexual stimulation. For both men and their partners, coping with PE is both emotional and physical , PE may be associated with low self-confidence, anxiety, feelings of shame and avoidance of sexual intimacy. 

I would think it is a rather embarrassing situation to be in, which can lead to avoidance of sex by man or his partner. There is a real need to address this problem, before it leads to more problems, affecting the relationship of both parties. 


How to cope with PE?
Though PE might be perceived to be a man’s own personal problem, it is actually better approached as a couple. 40 percent of women mentioned that they do not discuss about PE as they fear it would hurt their partner’s feelings , however a whopping 62 percent of men reported that they would likely visit the doctor if their partner advises them to. Therefore, with a healthy push and motivation from their partners, men are more likely to be inclined to discuss the matter and seek help. If this condition persists, it may eventually lead to separation. So folks, this is serious!

Take this PE diagnostic tool ( to find out if you are in ‘danger’.

Take the Quiz today!
Take the Quiz today!

This is where A.Menarini (Malaysia) came up with this really bright idea and campaign, aptly named the Be Brave Campaign to create awareness among couples that PE is a treatable condition. BE BRAVE is a source of motivation and is designed to break down taboos and ultimately drive action to seek treatment. It acts as a key communicator to engage consumers through digital and on-ground initiatives that will spark conversations on PE.

Have you checked out their quiz yet at ? I have, and it's really very interesting. They have this inner hero team, with unique and lively questions. Two quizes were available, one designed for men and the other for women. I took the 'manly' quiz, interested to see who is my inner hero.

After completing the Which Inner Hero Are You quiz, my result said I'm the Love Magnet! Hardly me, or probably this is what I truly aspire to be, deep down inside. The result page links to the Call-To-Action website which is where you can find out more about premature ejaculation and ways to overcome the health condition. You can also find a lot of interesting information and de-bunking myths regarding premature ejaculation. 

If you guys are interested in playing the quiz, it is accessible through and the Be Brave MY Facebook page

Do try it out and share with your friends and family! Don’t forget to click on to learn more about this health condition. This website is the only credible online resource that contains comprehensive information about the condition, a diagnostic tool and suitable treatments available. If you suspect you may have the condition, you can take the Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool(PEDT Quiz). This will help you decide whether you need to see a doctor for a diagnosis and effective treatment.   


  1. "...kept in the closet". I thought this is going to be about homosexuality and you're finally coming out!!! :P


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