Birth Of Baby Karlson @ Bagan Specialist Centre Butterworth

Baby Karlson Tan, my second child was born on the 27th of April 2014, a couple of weeks back. Now I missed the labour and birth process of my first kid Baby Martin, not being able to reach back Penang in time. This time around, it was a weekend morning and I was around to fetch Janice direct to our hospital, Bagan Specialist Centre Butterworth. It was an unforgettable experience, one which I plan to share in bits and pieces on this blog of mine. 

Birth Of Baby Karlson @ Bagan Specialist Centre Butterworth, baby tag
Birth Of Baby Karlson @ Bagan Specialist Centre Butterworth, baby tag

Bagan Specialist Centre Butterworth
Address: Jalan Bagan 1, 13400 Butterworth
Phone: 04-332 2800

Similar to Baby Martin, we chose to have our kid in Penang because both our families are there, and Janice wanted to have her confinement back at our hometown. Baby Karlson will grow up being a KL kid with a Penang identity card. This time around, instead of having it in Gleneagles Penang, we chose Bagan Specialist Centre instead as I've heard good things about their experienced staffs and doctor, one which I did not regret one bit. They were awesome, to say the least. 

Outside the labour room at 3.30am
Outside the labour room at 3.30am

Baby Karlson decided to meet the world on a Sunday morning, very early at 4.47am in the morning. It began with contraction pain at around 2.20am, which set off a series of event, one with me rushing Janice 5km to the hospital in my car. Reaching the hospital, it was a quick process of bringing Janice into the labour room, and contacting our doctor, Doctor Jason Ong. 

Identifying our labour room
Identifying our labour room

The contractions began with 15 minutes interval, and within half an hour, it increased to only 3-5 minutes between intervals. The cervix was already opened at 6cm when we arrived, with the nurses prepping Janice up, advising that the baby would be ready to be delivered when it reaches 10cm. I must say, it was a pain just watching Janice grimace in pain braving through each contractions with the help of some 'nitrogen-oxygen' intake thingy. 

Baby Karlson seconds after coming into the world. Welcome!
Baby Karlson seconds after coming into the world. Welcome!

Unlike the previous child birth experience in Gleneagles Penang, here at Bagan Specialist Centre, the nurses were so experienced that they knew exactly when to climb up unto Janice, helping to push the baby out. She literally pressed down on Janice's stomach, while Janice pushes, and within minutes Baby Karlson emerged, sliding out into the doctor's skillful hands. Thank god for the uncomplicated and relatively short and safe child birth, as it took less than two hours upon arrival to the hospital.

A quick clean, fresh clothes, tag, and Baby Karlson is ready to meet mummy
A quick clean, fresh clothes, tag, and Baby Karlson is ready to meet mummy

While Doctor Jason was completing the after birth procedure, I followed the nurses to the next room, watching them dry Baby Karlson, clean him up, dress him and tag a number to his feet. The number tag is important to ensure no baby's are misplaced or swapped. I literally followed the baby everywhere until he reached Janice's arms, for fear of him being misplaced! Better to be safe than sorry. 

The doctor filling up the post-birth form
The doctor filling up the post-birth form
Mummy Janice and Baby Karlson, all safe and sound
Mummy Janice and Baby Karlson, all safe and sound

It was indeed an eye opening experience for me, as I got to stand in throughout the whole labour process, wearing the hospital gown and all. I was finally able to see the pain that poor Janice had to go through, missing it the first time around. Glad to say, unlike baby Martin's birth which took nearly 5 hours, Baby Karlson's birth took only 2 hours, and Janice was less tired, which I think is due to less blood being lost. It did not take me long then to share to the world wide web on my happiness of Baby Karlson's birth. 

Hello there Baby Karlson!
Hello there Baby Karlson!


  1. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Buddy, congratulations !

    1. Shah,
      Thank you bro! ^^ happy days ahead.

  2. Congratulations again brother! The more the merrier kan haha!

  3. Congrats. Two already...good for a badminton doubles team! Gonna try a football team? LOL!!!

  4. congratzzz ... mummy Janice look good in the photo !!

  5. congratulations bro!

  6. Oh wow Congratulations!

  7. Congratulations! Baby Karlson looks so chubby and really cute! ;D

  8. Congrats for producing yet another gorgeous child. Think I'll definitely come back to read of your experience if I'm having babies in the future.

  9. Congratulations Mr. Tan. Do you mind sharing which delivery package you took and the charges in total? Thanks.

  10. Congratulations Mr. Tan. Do you mind sharing the delivery package that you took and the total charges involved? Thanks.

  11. congrats..cute baby


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