Baby Martin's Latest Developments at 1 Year Old

I realize I haven't been jotting down Baby Martin's development recently in this small spot of mine on the world wide web. The last post I did on my kid was a couple of weeks back, his birthday celebration post (Baby Martin's 1st Birthday Party Celebration With The Family) So now that Baby Martin has passed the 1 year mark, to be exact he is 1 year, 19 days old today. 

Baby Martin's Latest Developments at 1 Year Old
Baby Martin's Latest Developments at 1 Year Old

So what has changed since Baby Martin's birth end of 2012 until now? Lots really, and every single day does not pass without him picking up something new, be it the ability to grasp small items, some more teeth growing, and many more. Thanks to his dad, Baby Martin was down with slight flu last week or so, but is better now. His mouth is now filled with more teeth, a total of probably 8 teeth I guess, a lucky number for 2014. The downside is, each time we try to clean his mouth or brush his teeth, he will clamp down mercilessly unto our fingers, ouch. 

Baby Martin puts anything and everything within his reach into the mouth
Baby Martin puts anything and everything within his reach into the mouth

Something new was observed recently, in that Martin loves to pick up things with his fingers, probably acting on his new-found micro motor skills, and pass it to you. The moment you take it, he will want it back, and this can go on, back and forth for a good 3-5 minutes before he gets bored. I find it pretty amusing actually, especially when he passes me something, and I do not take it. He will get upset and starts making "ngg ngg" sounds forcing the item into your hand.

Daddy, Mummy, when are you guys carrying me up?
Daddy, Mummy, when are you guys carrying me up?

Until today, Baby Martin cannot walk unassisted yet. However he can stand very steadily, especially in his baby cot, walking from one end to the other. Crawling is a breeze to him now, and to think we were worried he did not know how to crawl a couple of months back. One thing's for sure, Baby Martin loves to stand up, and take his hands off whatever is holding him steady, only to fall back down on his bottom again. I wonder when will he learn to walk? I was told it would be very soon. 

Hey, what's that on your head daddy? I want it!
Hey, what's that on your head daddy? I want it!

Still at 10kg in weight, stagnant for one month or so already, Baby Martin is no longer that small bundle of joy. He is now our BIG bundle of joy and love! Getting naughtier, he knows when he cannot get the things he wants, crying will indicate that he wants it. We do try to accommodate, but will raise our voice ever so slightly to tell him no. Oh, he is still drooling, and I'm told he will continue drooling throughout the teething process which may last very long. It varies from one baby to the other though. So yup, that's that, a short update on Baby Martin's development. Here's looking forward to more posts on tips and tricks I've picked up taking care of him every week nights and weekends.


  1. What's all that white cream on his head? I seem to see that a lot in his photos.

    1. Suituapui, It's actually 'bedak sejuk', the traditional water based powder that cools down the face and neck once applied.

  2. wow, time really flies. He's already 1 year old.

    1. Wenn, yup time flies like a rocket! hehe.

  3. He's cute !! Wah ...what cream you guys put there ?

    1. Chris,
      it's a bedak sejuk actually :D hehe

  4. why so much bedak? LOL Cute


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