Baby Martin's First Taste Of Solid Food @ 6 Months Old

Ah, another opportunity for me to snap lots of photos of Baby Martin and post it up in this blog. Tonight, in conjunction with his 6th month out in this world, we tried giving him a small bit of partially solid food with his all new TollyJoy Baby 5 Piece Feeding Set.

Baby Martin's First Taste Of Partially Solid Food
Baby Martin's First Taste Of Partially Solid Food

It was only half an ounce of cerelac to be exact, as Janice only wanted him to taste a bit, we plan to mash some fruit puree (either avocado or apple) this weekend for the real go-ahead. Check out below on some photos of Baby Martin on his experience. 

What are you putting into my mouth Mummy?
What are you putting into my mouth Mummy?
Hey, it tastes different! :)
Hey, it tastes different from my milk! :)

Forgive me if this post contains too many photos of Baby Martin, as I would want it to serve as a documentation in time to commemorate his first solid food taste. Well, we did try to let him taste some savoury soup when he was 3 months old, but at 6 months, it's "welcome to the real food" caption for him. 

Janice feeding Baby Martin
Janice feeding Baby Martin

From Baby Martin's expression, we could see he was apprehensive and curious at the slightly sweet taste of the Cerelac, but after the first couple of spoons, he was gulping it down happily. It was messy though, as the partially solid food trickled down the sides of his mouth and all. 

Feed me! Feed me Mummy!
Feed me! Feed me Mummy!
What are you looking at? I like being messy!
What are you looking at? I like being messy!

After a good 15 to 20 minutes of tasting that half an ounce of Cerelac, we decided to call it a day, and proceeded to feed him with his staple mother's milk. Well, here's to this weekend, where Janice plans to try to mash up those fruits puree for more goodness. Here's to a healthier baby Martin, and may you grow up to enjoy more yummy food!

Success! Let's put up our hands to that!
Success! Let's put up our hands to that!


  1. Feeding your baby solid food for the very first time is always a joy. It's nice to see them trying on new food in times to come :)

    1. Merryn, Hehe, yup! it was a joy to watch, and even nicer to snap photos to be kept and uploaded here for memories <3

    2. agreed..always the ever best things in our life- watching them growing up in front of our eyes!!c:

      nway Isaac your baby is quit an actor: the cute one c:

  2. wow, already 6 months old..soon he will be running. :)

    1. Wenn, time flies so fast ya. :)

  3. He is so darn cute!

    1. Evan, I think all babies are cute bro. Haha, but thank you!

  4. haha my nephew was like that also when trying his first taste of semi solid food :)

    1. Choulyin,
      "Hey, it tastes different from my milk! :) " !! hahaha

  5. Growing so fast! Come, come...give daddy a hard time. LOL!!!

  6. Martin is so cute!


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