Drum Tao's Art Of Drum 2012 First Time In Malaysia

Something big, boomy and really entertaining is coming to town soon, to the KLCC Plenary Hall this 24th and 25th August 2012 to be exact. What is it? World-renowned Japan martial arts and drum-playing extraordinaires, Drum Tao's Art Of Drum, will finally be showcasing their internationally applauded performance in KL for the very first time. This will serve as a pre-event writeup to garner some hype before the extravaganza.

Drum Tao Art Of Drum 2012 is coming to town!

 "After playing to audiences of more than 5 million, in 400 cities in 17 countries that include Switzerland, Denmark, Israel, USA, Australia, Spain, Belgium, UK and Germany, critically-acclaimed Drum Tao, will explode onto the KL stage with its eclectic mix of dance and martial arts as the dynamic and innovative Japanese performers beat their Wadaiko Drums."

"Established in 1993, Drum Tao continues to create an entirely new art form that is modern yet retains a sense of nostalgia. Enthralling and mesmerising their audiences world-wide, the Japanese drum’s intense and powerful beat underpins a musical message that penetrates deep into the hearts of audiences."

The latest sensation from Japan

A few facts that I just have to share with all of you on this Drum Tao's Art Of Drum performance. Check it out below:
  • The two-hour extravaganza features super human efforts by the 16-strong highly disciplined crew of Japanese Taiko drummers, who spend eight months of the year touring the world, giving it their all in the 500 shows they perform a year. 
  • Each Wadaiko Drum used in the performance weighs a massive 400kg with a 1.7metre circumference.
  • The performers then switch to creating complex rhythms on smaller drums, complemented by the delicacy of bamboo flutes and a horizontal harp. 

Drums in motion
Drum Tao's Art Of Drum 2012 First Time In Malaysia

While their skilful drumming is exhilarating, Drum Tao also leap around the stage performing intricate choreography with their split-second timing, dressed in flowing red and black robes. The end result is mind-blowing martial arts married with mesmerising music, coupled with the musicians’ physical fitness, dynamism and extraordinary synchronicity, make them human rarities.

How's that for some really cool drumming moves?

The incomparable quality and pure unadulterated power and spectacle of their performance perfectly blends the ancient traditions of the Taiko Drumming and martial arts mastery with the innovative and flawlessly choreographed production values of contemporary Japanese excellence.

Expect some awesome drumming actions this coming August

Personally, I can't wait to catch this performance, as I've never actually experience a drum performance like this. The closest I've been to seeing something like this would be during one of the Bon Odori festivals I've been to last time in Penang. Check out the video below.

Do look out for my post event writeup after the event!

Drum Tao’s Art of Drum 2012 can be seen from August 24 – 25, 2012 at the KLCC Plenary Hall. Tickets will be available through www.ticketpro.com.my or 03 7880 7999. You can also obtain more information from http://www.facebook.com/establishevents

There's a 15% early bird promotion if purchased before 20 July.


  1. Wow, this one sound interesting.. :p.. (any shareable tix bro?? :p)

  2. Impressive. Guess tix will be hard to get.

  3. 1st time? Should be enjoyable...but my damaged eardrums will not be able to take it, I'm afraid. Old man like that lah...macam2 ada!!! Sigh!!!!

  4. I am like STP.. too loud may affect my eardrums too.. hahaha.. that is why.. if want to enjoy, do enjoy when one is young!

  5. wow..they are so great!


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