My E-Stars Seoul Korea Tournament Experience

Back a couple of years, I had the opportunity to travel to Seoul, Korea to join the E-Stars Seoul Tournament. Going there as a gamer, it was truly an experience of a lifetime. We all know most Koreans are hardcore gamers, and there I was brushing shoulders with the professional gamers from all over the world. There were the Counter Strike pro-gamers, and the Starcraft pro-gamers, along with Sudden Attack and Audition

E-Stars Seoul Korea Tournament
Gamers in action (Sudden Attack Game)

It started off by me winning the Auditionsea Malaysia finals back in 2009 held at 1 Utama. Audition is this online dancing game by the way, google it up. The top 3 Malaysian players then got the chance to travel with the top 3 Singaporean players to Seoul Korea for a week of intense international tournament. We had the top Audition players flown from China and Thailand to compete against us as well as the Korean players. 

E-Stars Seoul Korea Tournament
There I was in a land far far away
Auditionsea Pro Players
A group shot of the Malaysia and Singapore Audition players in front of the e-games stadium

Back then, I was in awe of the huge stadium all set up to house a couple of hundred gamers worldwide. It reminded me of my days back in university where we had these LAN (Local area network) games, except this was way bigger. Reaching the stadium which was to be my battlefield for one week, I was glad to see some exhibitions going on around for the public. At least that would take my nervousness away, I thought to myself then. 

E-Stars Seoul Korea Tournament
Welcome to the e-Stars Seoul 2009 Tournament Arena
E-Stars Seoul Korea Tournament sexy ladies
Caught some photos with these Cosplay ladies

It was a daily affair of going to the Tournament arena from our hotel, but we had our own time off at night where a bunch of activities were planned out for us. In a strange land so far away from home, I took in all the sights and sounds of Seoul which was pretty cool. This post however will be focusing more on this tournament. 

international Gamers
Some of the gamers from other countries, namely Korea, Japan, Thailand and some "ang moh" country
My Player badge
That whole week, I was a "Player"

The main competition was held up in the main hall on the stage, while for us "smaller" games, we had our qualifying at designated section of the huge hall. The tournament I was slotted to play in was actually named the Audition Asia Championship. Do check out below on some of the photos I manage to capture of the environment during the tournament.

E-Stars Seoul Korea Tournament
#1 E-Stars Seoul Asia Championship
E-Stars Seoul Korea Tournament
#2 The middle section where the Counter Strike Tournament was on the way
E-Stars Seoul Korea Tournament
#3 The Asia Championship corner where I was at
E-Stars Seoul Korea Tournament
#4 Here's me looking rather serious while trying to hold back my nervousness
E-Stars Seoul Korea Tournament
#5 The Main Stage where the final game was played out

Overall it was truly an awesome experience. Even though my team, the Malaysia team did not get to win the top 3 prizes, which was won by the Koreans as expected, we did give a good fight. I was just glad to be able to get to know some really nice people from China, Korea, and Thailand. Oh did I mention I got to bring home RM900 cash as consolation which was a bonus since the whole trip was free anyway.

E-Stars Seoul Korea Tournament
One for the album, Audition Players
E-Stars Seoul Korea Tournament
And this would be the finale where the Starcraft champion took home 20,000,000 Korean won (RM54,000)
E-Stars Seoul Korea Tournament
I do miss this bunch

Unfortunately the following year, 2010, E-Stars Seoul no longer had Audition slotted into their schedule, hence our trip to Korea was the one and only chance for Auditionsea gamers to be sent to compete in Seoul. Great times, unforgettable memories, one which stuck around for a really long time. Check out a short video clip of us in action below.


  1. Saw this on Facebook, dunno what it is all about. Some computer game competition? You won? Belanja makan, ya!

  2. Wow you are truly talented! And indeed lucky to be able to win the finals in 1U that year.

  3. wah.. you dont seem like a gamer to me leh!! lol

  4. wah, you are a gamer ah?? didn't expect that, i thot you are a gastronome.. haha!!

  5. Really very happening in KL!!

  6. Had no idea you were a hardcore and awesome gamer! So Counter Strike was your specialty?

  7. such awesome experience

  8. hardcore gamer wor...!

  9. wow! u're a pro gamer eh? can't imagine that! =P

  10. thats awesome! always wanted to go to a lan event, let alone participate in one!! congrats isaac ;)

  11. wow it surprised me too, coz you dont look like you love gaming :P anyway congrats!

    Latest: Malaysian Version of "International"

  12. Wow...I am shocked to know that you are an avid gamer? :D

  13. wuooo!!! it looks awesome!
    There are a lot of events like this too in Jakarta but I havent visited for years XD
    You seem to have fun there!

  14. it this some sort of "xiong dong nin" post?

    wah dam yeng leh you! :P


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