Digi Fandroid Day Workshop Studio D’House

This weekend, I had the chance to attend a simple workshop session for Android fans, over at the new Studio D' House Digi in Shah Alam thanks to Nuffnang. Throw in some food, a few prizes, a Google representative, and a tour of Digi's new HQ and we called it a day at about 1.30pm. 

Studio D'House Digi
Studio D' House Digi HQ

Fandroid Day Event
Studio D'house Digi,
Lot 10, Jalan Delima 1/1,
Subang Hi-Tech Industrial Park
Shah Alam, 40000

Nuffnang nuffies
Welcomed by the Nuffies at the counter

Titled the Fandroid Day Workshop, I reached the venue expecting to pick up some new knowledge on the new android gadgets plus future plans from Digi which I did. The event was slotted to begin at 10am, but did not really kick off till about 11am after a quick refreshment breakfast. 

Digi Fandroid Workshop
Some light kuih muih to kick start our day
Android Gadgets on display at Fandroid Day Workshop
Android Gadgets on display at Fandroid Day Workshop

Various Android based gadgets were on display, notably the Samsung Galaxy Note, as well as various other Android phones. We even had the Samsung Galaxy Tablets on display to play with. A couple of talks by various industry representatives from Google, and Digi were lined up that morning to educate us mere mortals on the booming internet age, and what is to come. It was all really interesting. 

Nuffnang Bloggers
Nuffnang Bloggers!

Midway through the workshop, we had a short ice breaking session involving fruit ninja with my team, Group 1 winning a bag of Kit Kat each. The Kit Kats were eventually distributed by most of us to the rest. Playing the fruit ninja on the Galaxy Tab running on Android was kind of fun with each taking turns to slash those fruits.

Digi Fandroid Day Workshop Studio D’House
Some games to break the ice
Isaac Tan and bloggers
My team, Group 1

The presentations were kicked off by Sulin from Digi explaining to us on how Digi is going to support the ever expanding need for more bandwidth. Check out some excerpts from the "Tomorrow Network" project by Digi below. 

The Tomorrow Network Project
  • Digi's single most ambitious network modernization. 
  • Already begun: Started pilots in Dec, comm. upgrades in Feb. 
  • 400 sites a month, every month. 
  • By end of 2012, 
    • High speed internet to 95.8% of all Malaysians
    • Every single base station gets much-needed extra capacity
    • Stronger, more stable smartphone & tablet ready network covering a wider area. 
    • Cleaner and greener (11533 tonnes of CO2 reduction in 2012 alone)
    • Tomorrow ready: 1st network to be LTE-ready

Digi Fandroid Day Workshop Studio D’House
The speakers, and also the lucky winner of the Samsung Galaxy S2, Nisa Kay

It was refreshing to find out from Google's representative as well as tech blogger James Yeang about Google's upcoming plans for the tech community. We had video presentations and even some hands on presentation by James using his Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Did you know using the Google Goggles application, we could identify any objects just by capturing the photo of it. Even capturing a photo of a Sudoku puzzle will reveal its solutions via Google Goggles! 

On top of that, various other speakers came out to talk on the technological advancement that Android has done. Samsung representative, Leonard Key came up on stage to present the new Samsung Tab and it's really neat feature.

Digi Fandroid Day Workshop Studio D’House
Bloggers and tech enthusiasts were among the attendees that morning
Digi Fandroid Day Workshop Studio D’House
Lunch was served

We ended the Fandroid Day Workshop with a simple buffet lunch. Representatives from Digi brought all of us on a tour of their premise as well. We actually got to check out their offices, meeting rooms, facilities and even see Digi's call-centre staffs in action at their customer service department. Overall it was a rather good morning spent learning up on what the future holds for us in terms of technology, and how together with Digi, Google and Android, we will be in for lots of new innovations coming up.      


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun! Would certainly look forward if they have cheaper internet cost with high speed.

  2. issac,
    u always so fast. I cilok the group photo ye... Thks..

  3. Mich,
    Hehe, i'm hoping for lower prices and faster speed and bandwidth too! Wooooo

    No problem.. Can Can! hahaha :)

  4. i will support android always :) but somehow i hope DiGi comes up with better plans too!

  5. Very happening in Nuffnang, Isaac!

  6. wow, nice experience huh, getting up close and personal with that android phone, hahaha.. got giveaway free phones there?? :p

  7. Been a loyal DIGI supporter since my first handphone long long ago.

    Ask them to spread their 3G Broadband to Sibu lah... How to surf the internet here on DIGi like this? GPRS kah? No, thank you...

  8. wow..u hv gained so much knowledge!

  9. wow! there's a workshop for this eh? cool cool! :)

  10. Not bad!! SO much fun it seems! :D

  11. isaac.. i pun cilok group photo tu k!! Thanks.. ;)

  12. i was hoping for the prize to be a Nexus...

  13. Great event, i want to join

    Just FYI, there’s an event for bloggers and the prizes are iPad2 and Cash Find the info here


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