Ghost Rider 2: Spirit Of Vengeance (2012)

I've always been a fan of Nicolas Cage and never fail to catch all his movies. This round thanks to Sky I had the opportunity to catch the premiere of Ghost Rider 2 : Spirit of Vengeance over at TGV KLCC. The original installment of Ghost Rider back in 2007 was a good watch, so I had rather high expectations of this movie, it  let me down, read more below.

Ghost Rider 2: Spirit Of Vengeance (2012)
Ghost Rider Spirit Of Vengeance
Free premiere movie tickets
My tickets

This installment of Ghost Rider aptly named Spirit Of Vengeance most probably because the Ghost Rider was actually this fallen angel with a lot of issues. The movie kicks off with Johnny Blaze (Nicolas Cage) reprising his role of Ghost Rider living in isolation for fear of the devil within him and it's outburst. He was brought back into action by this rather rugged monk Moreau (Idris Elba) to search and protect a little boy Danny (Fergus Riordan) who so happens to be the Devil's Rourke (Ciaran Hinds) offspring.

Ghost Rider 2: Spirit Of Vengeance (2012
The monk, Moreau who drinks and plays with guns, lots of guns
Ghost Rider 2: Spirit Of Vengeance (2012
I've always loved Nicolas Cage no matter which movie he stars in

That's when we see the Ghost Rider emerge in full fiery glory causing all sorts of mayhem to the bad guys. I like the fact they manage to inject humour into the Ghost Rider making him more like this high on drugs mentally unstable skeleton. It was slightly over though. There was this scene where we see the Ghost Rider pissing flames, which looked like he was emitting flames from his lower body. Totally uncalled for.

Ghost Rider 2: Spirit Of Vengeance (2012
The rather comical Ghost Rider in Spirit Of Vengeance
Ghost Rider 2: Spirit Of Vengeance (2012
More guns for you sir?

In this installment of Ghost Rider, the villain comes in the Devil Rourke, and also his new monster creation Ray Carrigan (Johnny Whitworth). Now Ray has this rather grotesque power of turning everything he touches into rotting stuff, which was pretty cool. Seeing him going up against the Ghost Rider was nice, but I would have expected more of a fight.  

Ghost Rider 2: Spirit Of Vengeance (2012
The rotting Ray Carrigan in Ghost Rider 2

Overall, I was pretty disappointed with the whole movie. From a big fan of Nicolas Cage, I know what he can do, and frankly speaking, the plot in Ghost Rider 2 was really so thin that even Nicolas couldn't save it. I was surprised at the short length of the film, or probably it felt short because there really wasn't much of a storyline in there. Going in really wanting to like this movie, I can say I only liked the colours and effects of the characters inside. My ratings for this movie would probably stand at 5/10.

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  1. Aw, too bad. I would have thought that since there's no need to focus on the origin story, there will be more action this time.

    Oh well... At least the bike's really nice.

  2. wow, 5/10 for Isaac Tan rate was disappointing.. but as Nicholas Cage fan too, I'm still gonna watch this.. :D.. Hey, lemme know if you got extra on GI Joe when it's screening okay?? Ha ha ha ha.. :D.. Anyway, Happy V day too Bro!! ^_^.v..

  3. So ... Beauty and the Beast is a much more better story than this Ghost Rider? LOL :D

  4. if it is 5/10 then it is not a very very good onelah....

  5. Heard from radio DJ about this movie this morning.. Nicholas Cage is one of my favourite actors.. now very old liow..

  6. oh, they are coming with Part 2??!! really out of my expectation cos i remember watching this years ago and didn't really enjoy it~~ :p

  7. i like the first episode of ghost rider, but the second one doesn't seem to attract my attention to watch it somehow. =X

  8. wow, even you also think it's bad then i guess... it must be really really horrible

  9. this film was awesome :p Nicolas Cage is one of the best actors ever...
    nice blog
    greets from germany
    marie-luis rönisch

  10. I still Love this Movie..for me it was interesting :D


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