Xin Cuisine Restaurant Concorde Hotel

Fresh from one good Chinese New Year Lou Sang feast, I had the opportunity to dine in at another nice restaurant. Xin Cuisine Chinese Restaurant in Concorde Hotel Shah Alam kicked off their Golden Dragon Prosperity Feast, which is a rather unique name for their Chinese New Year menu set. It was my first time dining at Concorde Hotel, hence I was rather excited to check out their dishes that afternoon. 

Xin Cuisine Restaurant
The signature Chinese New Year dish, Salmon Yee Sang

Xin Cuisine Chinese Restaurant
3 Jalan Tengku Ampuan Zabedah C9/C
40100 Shah Alam,
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603 5512 2200 Fax: +603 5512 2233

*Serving Halal Food

Xin Cuisine Restaurant
Xin Cuisine Condorde Hotel's beautiful interior

The Golden Dragon Prosperity Feast starts from RM588++ per table of 10 ("Auspicious" Set), to RM988++ per table of 10 (Prosperity Set). We were served the mid range "Longetivity" set at RM688++ which had a mix of poultry and seafood with their signature Salmon Yee Sang. It is not always we get to enjoy Xin Cuisine Restaurant's Salmon Yee Sang as they are only available during the Chinese New Year season. 

Chinese New Year Dishes
Served with Chinese Tea
Chinese New Year Dishes
#1 Salmon Yee Sang

Xin Cuisine Restaurant's Salmon Yee Sang was not that different from other similar Chinese Restaurant's Yee Sang which is not a bad thing as we got to toss it high for luck, success and prosperity. These once-a-year delicacies are available in small and large portions. Served during lunch and dinner, the Yee Sang dishes are priced from RM68.00++ onwards.

Chinese New Year Dishes
#2 Braised Sea Cucumber, Fresh Scallops and Crab Meat Soup
Chinese New Year Dishes
#3 Crispy Roasted Chicken with Nam Yu Sauce

The first two dishes that were served namely the Braised Sea Cucumber, Fresh Scallops and Crab Meat Soup and the Crispy Roasted Chicken with Nam Yu Sauce was pretty good, kick starting our appetite for more Chinese New Year dishes. The chicken with the crispy skin went really well with the Nam Yu sauce. 

"Nam Yu, euphemistically referred to as Chinese cheese, are little 2 cm squares of soy beans paste fermented in wine, salt, spices, chili flakes and red rice yeas. The  fermented bean cubes have a creamy, soft cheese-like texture, are very salty and are used as a cooking condiment" 

Chinese New Year Dishes
#4 Steamed White Patin Thai Style
Chinese New Year Dishes
#5 Braised Dried Oyster with San Gan, Black Mushrooms and Broccoli

We wondered why Xin Cuisine Restaurant used the Patin Fish (a type of freshwater catfish) which did not go really well with our tastebuds. The fish was fresh, it just had a rather unique after taste and the Thai sauce was special too. As for the Braised Dried Oyster with San Gan, Black Mushrooms and Broccoli, my table partners said it was good, especially with all the exotic ingredients being thrown in. I personally don't really fancy dried oysters, hence could not comment much on the dish as I only had the broccoli.

Chinese New Year Dishes
#6 Deep Fried Prawns With Sweet Corn and Anchovies

The usual deep fried prawn dishes will usually come buttered, but Xin Cuisine took it a step higher and prepared this delicious Deep Fried Prawns With Sweet Corn and Anchovies dish. The shell peeled off the prawns really easily, which re-emphasized my theory that fresh prawns' shell can be peeled easier than not-so-fresh ones.

Chinese New Year Dishes
#7 Special Fried Rice with Vegetables
Chinese New Year Dishes
#8 Two varieties of Dim Sum, which in this case was fried "popiahs" and jelly
Chinese New Year Dishes
#9 Warm Soya Bean and Glutinous Dumpling

The dessert was good, consisting of fried popiahs, jelly, and my favourite the Warm Soya Bean and Glutinous Dumpling. The sweetness from the desserts really complemented our taste buds, ending the afternoon rather well.

For Prosperity, Success and a Great Future! (Photo credit to Sidney)

So if you are planning to have a reasonably priced Chinese New Year meal around the vicinity of Shah Alam, with an expectation of good food, do check out Xin Cuisine Restaurant at Concorde Hotel Shah Alam. Happy Chinese New Year in advance, and my the new year bring to you prosperity, and more success!


  1. the word 'efficient' just can't run off from you eh :P

  2. wanted to go to sleep already but then saw you new post.. KNS!! all those nice food just make me so hungry only, you bad!! so you are going to lou sang everyday from now until CNY is over?? haha~~

  3. 588 cheap...compared to the dinner I had in KL last Chap Goh Meh...and it wasn't really great. Hotel food, nothing much really to look forward to unless perhaps if you pay through your nose.

  4. Ok, pretty standard dishes..though for Shah Alam area, tis mus be really good dy!

  5. em.. there are standard dished for CNY.. how the taste? cure your taste bugs? haha

  6. Fish,
    Hehe, it was nice dining with you! :) Nom nom nom..

    lol! no la, I count myself lucky to get some invites for these nice lou sangs. It's by no means a daily thing.. :)

    frankly speaking, you are right. Hotel chinese cuisine can never compare with the chinese restaurant we are used to having. Hmm, i always wonder why.

    Yep, it was pretty standard. But good enough for me though. XD

    Taste was okay, but I'm not into dried oysters plus the fish tasted fishy, so ya, thats how I felt. XD

  7. their dishes look good! i also wanna lou sang... eh u not coming this friday right?

  8. Wah awesome dishes! Must be very full eh?

  9. oh berry yummo!

    i can't wait for CNY already! ANGPAOSSS!!! hehe

  10. yucks, so much fried onion in the fried rice, I hate this!

  11. The food presentation is very good. Hey you makan so much and bloated a bit, izzit? I am wondering which restaurant to eat for CNY eve this year.

  12. food looks very nice but i bet the price would be much nicer.

  13. I've been to Malaysia once and I can attest the beauty of the country. I had a great time staying in one of the hotels in Kuala Lumpur. We stayed at Concorde hotel and it was rally a great experience. The services were amazing too. I look forward to visiting Malaysia again next year.


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