Kek Lok Si Penang Chinese New Year

Kek Lok Si Temple Penang, one of the "must go" place in Penang Island, where I have been to numerous times in recent years with friends and family. Now have you been to Kek Lok Si during Chinese New Year? This is when the temple transforms into a scenery of lights while thousands throng the area every night. I took the opportunity to visit Kek Lok Si during this Chinese New Year, and it was beautiful to say the least. 

Kek Lok Si Penang Chinese New Year
Kek Lok Si in an Ocean of Lights

Event: Display of Lights at Kek Lok Si Temple
Date: 19th January to 19th February 2012
Location: Kek Lok Si Temple, Air Itam, Penang
Phone: 04-8283317

"The Kek Lok Si Temple is a Buddhist temple situated in Air Itam in Penang and is one of the best known temples on the island. It is the largest Buddhist temple in Southeast Asia."

"In 1930, the seven storey main pagoda of the temple or the Pagoda of 10,000 Buddhas, was completed. This pagoda combines a Chinese octagonal base with a middle tier of Thai design, and a Burmese crown; reflecting the temple's embrace of both Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism."
Source: Wikipedia

Kek Lok Si Penang
It was a beautiful sight that night

Hopping on my father's motorbike, which I chose instead of my car to beat the horrendous traffic jam up Kek Lok Si, we reached the temple at around 9pm and the crowd was still going strong. Kek Lok Si Temple opens until late at night during this festival season to allow everyone to visit this beautiful Penang landmark. Now Kek Lok Si is a place of worship hence most who were here came bearing joss stick, prayers, and an open heart.  

"Approximately 230,000 light bulbs and 10,000 lanterns light up the temple every night in conjunction with Chinese New Year. "

Kek Lok Si Penang Chinese New Year
Various shots of the temple's surrounding

"In 2002, a 30.2m bronze statue of the Kuan Yin was completed and opened to public. It replaced the previous white plaster Kuan Yin statue which was damaged due to a fire a few years earlier. The bronze statue is located on the hillside above the pagoda while the head of the previous statue which survived the fire is preserved and placed on the right hand corner of the new statue."

"From 2005 to 2009 an ornate shelter for the Kuan Yin statue was constructed. 16 carved dragon pillars were built, carrying the top of three concentric octogonals roof. This most recent construction was inaugurated on 6 December 2009."

Kek Lok Si Penang Chinese New Year
The huge statue of Guan Yin with her even larger shelter
Kek Lok Si Penang Chinese New Year
One of the smaller statues beside Guan Yin

Now I found Kuan Yin's large bronze statue really cool because of the hugeness of the whole structure. We were like really small compared to the structure and all. Walking around the area, I was awestruck by the statue, and also the crowd. Check out some photos I took below.

Kek Lok Si Penang Chinese New Year
Amazing Structures which must have cost a lot.
Kek Lok Si Penang Chinese New Year
You could get some of these wishing ribbons to tie up at Kek Lok Si for wishes to come true!

Most people come here to pray to Kuan Yin and seek her blessings as she is after all the Goddess of Mercy. It was an experience indeed coming up to Kek Lok Si at night during Chinese New Year. Try not to drive here though, as the traffic jam is horrendous. While walking around the compound, we even found our birth animal statues, Janice with her Rat Statue, while I went over to hug my Rooster Statue.

Janice Soon
Janice, born in the year of the rat
Isaac Tan the great!
Isaac, with his rooster cock-a-doodling away
Kek Lok Si Penang Chinese New Year
Display of Lights at Kek Lok Si Temple

The lights symbolizing peace, luck and prosperity will be lit up at Kek Lok Si Penang throughout Chinese New Year up until 19th of February 2012. If you happen to be in Penang, or plan to visit Penang soon, don't forget to drop by Kek Lok Si Penang and enjoy the beautiful Display Of Lights.


  1. wah.. not crowded d.. usually i go there at morning.. less people.. hehe

  2. so beautiful those views at night..

  3. never been to Penang for N years, even go there also never visited Kek Lok Si at night before.. and I gotta say it's so beautiful fully lit up at night!! impressive!!!

  4. Nikel,
    Hehe, actually this is only the 2nd time I've been to Kek Lok Si at night. A wonderful experience :)

    it is indeed a beautiful sight!

    hey thanks again for dropping by! You should drop by penang again one of these days :P Maybe if I'm around, I could bring you kai kai.. The lights were really beautiful that night :)

  5. tried going up twice but stuck at the bottom with at least 1 hour give up...

    will try again . :D

  6. woah so colorful! what camera and lens u using? give me tips! xD

  7. wow now Kek Lok Si really decorate up... never seen a night view before..
    d last time i went there was 1 year ago (during d day time)...
    Is it crowded over there during CNY?

  8. Wow!!! Beautiful! You got a new camera, have you? Btw, you look thin in that photo... Was it because of the climb up to the top? Muahahahahaha!!!! I've never been up there - no escalator. LOL!!!

  9. Taufulou,
    ya man, the jam is crazy, that's why i patah balik, then took my dad's bike up. hehe.

    I am using my old S90 digital camera only.. newbie. hehe

    Simple Person,
    The crowd was crazy over at Kek Lok Si Temple during chinese new year actually. Very bad jam up, luckily I used a motorbike to go up :)

    It is a really beautiful sight at night. I'm still using my old camera, not planning to change anytime soon.. $$$ tight. Thanks for the compliment, must be the angle makes me look tired and thin. lol! You can actually drive up, don't need to walk up nowadays :)

  10. it is still the same! still so nice! hahaa

  11. it's a pity i didn't get to go to kek lok si temple when i was in penang last weekend due to the heavy traffic. i went to kuan yin temple and snake temple instead.

  12. Anonymous12:44 PM

    wahhhh Kek Lo Si is so beautiful!!! Bro you no shaved that day is it??

  13. Wow... very beautiful scenes, sure very crowded la but still can snaps lotsa photos woo. good good!!

    Happy CNY yea. =3

  14. fuiyoh Isaac! Rooster :P

    nice photo man! I think I more than 10years didnt go kek lo si lol

  15. Isaac, nice vivid pictures! No fireworks at the temple? Oh.. my comment is right below my post title. beside the time of posting.

  16. Wow! the lights are really pretty!

  17. it's been ages since my last visit to Kek Lok Si, it's when my primary school O.O"

  18. amazing pics. on the 3rd pic, the round containers on the right hand side is what? Rice pot ka?

  19. wow! looks great wor! i hv never been to here! :D

  20. nice view with colourful lighting! happy cny anyway.. =D

  21. It's beautiful. :) I've been there but it was before/ while the Guan Yin been renovated.

    Meitzeu @ Blog

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  22. the "smaller statues" beside Guan Yin are aliens in the manga "Gantz" LOL!

  23. too bad my hometown is not in penang.. always dont get to see these lighting :)

  24. Seems like Kek Lok Si turned into I-city O_O so colourful!

  25. dis was awesome!! I tot, I oredi now have a reason to go penang!! ^_^.v.. open to public rite?? ^_^.v..

  26. amazing~~ so beautiful~~

  27. I was there a week before CNY, they were still decorating the dragon. hehe! nice nice!

  28. Wow looks awesome! Too bad I din go Penang :(

  29. ah,nvr been there for cny before, it's so beautiful with all the lightings.

  30. haven't seen the place light up like this.. wow.. it's really amazing!! :)


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