Reservoir Garden Baptist Church Christmas Celebration

It's Christmas today, folks around the world are celebrating the birthday of Jesus Christ giving thanks and also enjoying the holidays. Well, this year's Christmas, my parents decided to visit Reservoir Garden Baptist Church for their Christmas Morning Celebration Service. It was probably only my third time to this homely church, hence I was pretty impressed with the crowd and the performances that was prepared this morning.

Reservoir Garden Baptist Church Christmas Celebration
Reservoir Garden Baptist Church

Reservoir Garden Baptist Church
4, Reservoir Garden Road, 
11500 Ayer Itam, 
Penang, Malaysia

Tel: 604-8280322 / 604-8280343

"Reservoir Garden Baptist Church aims “To be the Antioch Church in the Pearl of the Orient reaching out to Asia and beyond”. The Antioch Church speaks of the early churches in preaching the gospel, discipling believers, caring for the poor and needy and missions."

Reservoir Garden Baptist Church Christmas Celebration
RGBC's weekly activities

We reached Reservoir Garden Baptist Church just in time to catch the start of their morning Christmas service, where the auditorium was already packed with people of all races and ages. We were all gathered there on a Christmas morning to celebrate the day Christ was born and celebrate we did, with some rather commendable performances from the youths of RGBC.

Reservoir Garden Baptist Church Christmas Celebration
#1 Performances by the church's band, singers and youths

The Christmas celebrations began with four really cute small children rendering a song for us using this small musical instruments. It was nice just to watch these adorable kids move and jiggled along with the music. 

Reservoir Garden Baptist Church Christmas Celebration
#2 The first performers were these really young and adorable kids

The second act had us watching a short musical drama acted out by more young kids, this time of a shepherd and his flock of sheep. The moral of the story was to never stop searching or give up on your one sheep that goes missing out of the thousands that you have, as how Jesus Christ never stopped believing and loving us even if we have strayed and will keep on waiting for us to come back.

Reservoir Garden Baptist Church Christmas Celebration
#3 Cute sheeps and their shepherd

Up next was a musical performance by the youths of the church where catchy mainstream songs were played as they came out dancing all over the front of the stage. I was pleasantly surprised at the vigor and high spirits of these youths as they were really giving their all to perform in this Christmas Celebration.

Reservoir Garden Baptist Church Christmas Celebration
#4 High spirited performances by the youths

We were treated to a couple of wonderful Christmas songs by the choir. Now this choir were pretty well prepared, and sang some really nice songs. They were from Reservoir Garden Baptist Church and sang beautifully. Check out the short video of them singing below.

Reservoir Garden Baptist Church Christmas Celebration
#5 Christmas Choir

Reservoir Garden Baptist Church had really good speakers as well, whereby the pastors of the church came up to the podium to give some really meaningful talks and preached about Christmas and how we should emulate how the Wise Men of the east to sacrifice on faith alone. Interesting talk if you asked me. 

Reservoir Garden Baptist Church Christmas Celebration
#6 Pr. Thomas Barnabas and Rev. Ong Sooi Lin giving their speeches
Reservoir Garden Baptist Church Christmas Celebration
#7 That's me with the very charismatic Pr. Palanivel Ramasamy
Reservoir Garden Baptist Church Christmas Celebration
#8 With my parents
Reservoir Garden Baptist Church Christmas Celebration
#9 Janice with her brother and sister.

Overall it was time well spent, and we celebrated Christmas morning with my family and so many other church goers this morning which was pretty cool. Reservoir Garden Baptist Church really took the effort to provide the best environment and Christmas spirit for everyone that attended their Christmas session this morning. Thank you, and Merry Christmas 2011 to all of you and your families! 


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Isaac =)

  2. Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year 2012. RGBC - great place of worship and praise :)

  3. Merry Christmas to you & are from Black Water..

  4. BLESSED CHRISTMAS!!! :D eh over d. LOL!

  5. Now, where's your brother? No holiday or he doesn't go to church? Spank! Spank! LOL!!!

  6. hey Isaac, so you are a Christian too...
    Together with your family on this blessed day truly brings joy!

  7. hey, those kids on the stage are really cute!! must be very happy and entertaining seeing them perform, haha~~ :)


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