Kechara House 1st Pastor Ordination

Now I myself am not a Buddhist but I'm always fascinated and willing to find out about other religions. End of last month, I got the opportunity to attend this rather spiritual gathering over at Kechara House at Sunwaymas PJ courtesy of Nuffnang. It was a celebration of H. E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s 46th Birthday as well as to witness Kechara Pastor Ordination. More explanation on all these can be found further down this post.

Kechara House
Kechara House
Kechara House Buddhist Association Malaysia
No. 7, Jalan PJU 1/3G, 
SunwayMas Commercial Centre,
47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Kechara House
The crowd that arrived that evening to see the ordination of 4 buddhist pastors
So there we were at 7pm arriving at Kechara House in PJ all ready to experience the four Kechara pastor ordinations. The crowd that arrived that evening was huge, people of all ages throng in the doors of Kechara House to witness this event, a first if its type for Kechara House. There was a simple vegetarian bee hoon meal served for us, which I appreciate because it was dinner time after all. 

Kechara House
My simple vegetarian bee hoon with vegetables
Coming back to event, that day itself was Tsem Tulku Rinpoche's 46th birthday, and it was also partially a celebration for him on top of the pastors ordination. Extracted from his blog at , check out below on a short biography of the man himself. 

"My father is a ex-monk from Tibet. My mother is Princess Dewa from Xinjiang who is a direct line from Genghis Khan. I was born in Taiwan, grew up in the States and returned to Gaden in India in 1987. Had the great honour to be ordained by HH Dalai Lama and to meet my root guru HH Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. Now I reside in Malaysia as spiritual advisor to Kechara House and its thirteen departments"

Kechara House
Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, sharing the Dharma teachings
Kechara House
The 1st four pastors of Kechara House
Kechara House
Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, deep in thought
The night was all about Tsem Tulku Rinpoche sharing his teachings to the crowd that were present, which was really interesting and enlightening in my opinion. He gave a brief sharing about the Dharma teachings as well as his life stories. At the end of the night we saw four new pastors being ordinated into the Kechara House, and I left feeling contented with slightly more knowledge on what Dharma teaching is all about.

Kechara House
Congratulations to the four new pastors and a happy 46th birthday to Tsem Tulku Rinpoche
Kechara House

His book, "The Promise" was also being announced that night, along with its sales. Of course, to know more about Tsem Tulku Rinpoche and his teachings, and also about Kechara House, do drop by his blog at It is a rather interesting blog especially the paranormal section.


  1. being close to god is a good thing :) should attend more events like this

  2. I'm hungry after looking at ur meehoon LOL XD

  3. Fish,
    you're right, they all teach good things.. :)

    omg.. haha. It's a simple meehoon actually. ><

  4. huhuhu, Kian Fai was faster to post this blog than you, you kalah this time.. it's really a good experience to be invited to such inspirational talk, not forgetting that nice plate of vegetarian beehoon also lah, haha~~ :D

  5. SK,
    lol! don't mind kalah'ing la :P I was late by nearly a month after the event to post this. :P

  6. As long as it teached people to be good, it's a good thing...never mind if not the same.

  7. Oops!!! *teaches...

  8. Did he tell you whether he is the reincarnation of someone?? Late posting never mind coz your photos are different.

  9. Dear Isaac

    A good friend of mine pointed me to your blog post so here I am on your page! I am glad you came to the event and took the time to share your experience with all your readers. It was a new experience for all of us in Kechara and we're happy many came to share the historical evening with us.

    I do not have a blog but feel free to write me at if anyone wish to be in contact or add me on

    Isaac, keep up with the writing. It's refreshing to read your blog posts :)

    best wishes to all
    pastor susan

  10. Oh my god why your picture so clear 1 :( My mailbox picture was . . . oh well anyways :)

    so what did you feel when you finish listening Tsem Tulku Rinpoche Teaching? :P

  11. What an interesting event.. and Tsem Tulku Rinpoche is such a huge guy! :)

  12. Wow! Sounds like you've been up to some interesting things. Thanks for sharing.

  13. wow, he's quite tall! or the four new pastors are quite short :p

    I'm not Buddhist but have interest in knowing about the religion

  14. The gift of Truth excels all gifts." -The Buddha (Dhammapada) tQ.

  15. This Isaac got angin one, never reply comments when he no shiok. Boycott!

  16. Twilight man,
    Hey sorry bro, not I don't want to reply but am on my phone most of the time. Kinda hard to reply. Hehe. Paiseh Paiseh.

    I'll make it a point to reply comments starting tonight. :)

    To answer, yes. He's reincarnated from someone, saw it on his blog but I can't remember the name dy. ><

  17. Caroline Ann2:20 AM

    Pastor Meowww...

  18. Check out this year's ordination as well


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