Concordia Halloween Treat Bag

Well, I know Halloween is over and all, but this post is a special one where I would like to share this rather cool Halloween Treat Bag from my friend's Blogshop Concordia. Concordia was offering this Halloween Treat Bag for a cool RM25 with handmade fashion products inside, and I was lucky enough to be treated to a bag which I promptly passed to Janice to try out. 

Concordia Halloween Treat Bag
Concordia's Halloween Treat Bag Promotion *date may extend due to its popularity*
So what did I get in the bag? Well for starters there were the two fashion accessories, a "Sunflower Tassel" and the ever sweet "Charm Bandages - Cherry Love" on top of some sweets and a rubber spider!

Concordia Halloween Treat Bag
The Concordia Halloween Treat Bag
So what is actually the "Sunflower Tassel"? A quick check over at Concordia's Blogshop describes this fashion accessory as an "Oriental tassel inspired earring made with tassel with  nickel and lead-safe brass fish hook". Each pair of earring complete with a gold sunflower links. 

Sourced from Concordia's Page
Concordia Halloween Treat Bag
The one I got from the Halloween Treat Bag, pretty stuff I tell you.
The second fashion accessory that came in the treat bag was this hip Charm Bandage. Again, I had to jump over to their page for a more detailed description on the item. 

"Charm bandages for people who loves charms. This is a wraparound bracelets which you just wrap it around and tie a knot at the end. It also can be a alternative necklace."

Sourced from Concordia's Page
Concordia Halloween Treat Bag
The charm bandage being worn as a wraparound bracelet.
Concordia Halloween Treat Bag
An alternative way would be to wear it as a necklace
So there you have it, a rather short promotion for Concordia, my first for any fashion products actually. The Halloween Treat Bag is really quite a steal at RM25 with all these cute items inside. Janice enjoyed it, and I must really thank Concordia for being the reason for her happiness. 

Do check out Concordia at their website (, or follow their Facebook Page, and Twitter to find out more offers from them.


  1. WHY no well use Janice as model!!! LOLZ!!!!

  2. Ohh you got different products than the others (: Nice one.

  3. Kahmon,
    lol! Janice doesn't want to show her face, not sure why, probably a girl thing.

    Lol, you saw the others? I had a pretty hard time thinking how to do this post. But it's pretty cool :)

  4. Wow, the items you got are so much more cooler! I also want the charm bandage leh! :P
    Nice review, btw. Maybe next time you can review stuff for guys as well. :D

  5. Nice husband! wakakaka

  6. Nice. Lovely stuff, they've got. My daughter would love this. Is this an online business or they've a shop in KL?

  7. Laura,
    I'm pretty bad at fashion reviews. But thank you for the kind comment :)

    lol! Thank you :):)

    it is purely an online thing. Opened by one of the KL bloggers.

  8. So now no more Halloween, must check by their blog for Christmas? :)

  9. yep i just cant wait for xmas!

  10. Yeah~usually my wife doesn't want to be my model as well. Haha :D

  11. Wow Concordia... very impressive...

  12. hmmm, looks like it's some girl's stuffs, haha.. so i guess you can only take those sweets and rubber spiders~~ :p

  13. should've ask Janice to propperly model the items. She would've look pretty! hehe.

    And I should have taken the charm bandages! damn~

  14. cute accesories

    Just for your info, If you own a blog or a website and want to get the Treasures from Streetdirectory, please make sure you won’t miss this opportunity ;)

    It's very easy to get, let's come and get it -->

  15. i like the charm bandage! :)


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