Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2011)

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark, when I heard of this premiere screening, my first thoughts were that the title was rather long. Then I found out this movie is actually a remake of a 1973 movie of the same name. Thanks to Nuffnang, I found myself reaching GSC Midvalley just in time to catch "Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark" with other fellow bloggers and friends.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark
Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark Movie Poster
Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark
My premiere tickets which looked rather scary
Be forewarned though, I went into the movie expecting a "scare me witless" movie but came out wondering if that was a "Disney" movie.

Don't Be Afraid of The Dark tells the tale of this brooding mansion, one which gives off a very old and eerie aura where Alex Hirst (Guy Pearce) and Kim (Katie Holmes) lives there. Alex the architect, and Kim the interior designer lives there in order to restore the old mansion to full glory with plans of selling it off for profits. The mansion was home to a Lord Blackwood with a dark history. We then have this eight year old girl Sally Hurst (Bailee Madison) who was asked to live with her father Alex by her mum.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark
Restoration of the old Blackwood mansion
It starts to get interesting when Sally begins hearing and seeing these ugly fairy like creatures who has a pension for kid's teeth and are really really afraid of the light. They only come scurrying out in the dark, with knives and all from their hole in the mansion's basement. From then on, the movie gets predictable, with Alex and Kim not believing initially until too late when everything goes the wrong way.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark
Our cute little fairy monster
Coming from the director of Pan's Labyrinth and Hellboy, which i have watched before, the artistic cinematography and colours were really good. But that is about all that's good about the movie, as even though it started off really scary, the movie failed to scare off its audience. Logic goes out the window as we see Sally walking head on alone into dark basements, poking her head into confined spaces and all. I mean, a normal 8 year old would have just ran out of the mansion, but then there won't be a movie to show.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark
Sally Hurst
Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark
Kim (Katie Holmes) in front of this rather cool drawing of a kid being fed to the monsters

Overall, I wouldn't advice going for this movie if you are looking for horror. Go for it only if you have a liking for good artistic cinematography, think along the lines of Pan's Labyrinth minus the weirdness. I found the tagline for the movie "Fear is never just make believe" rather inapropriate as the movie failed to instill fear in its audience. I would rate this movie 3/10 just for the beautiful way the movie played out.

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  1. Aiyana I thought is very scary, hie... Like that better dont go c

  2. won't be going for this movie >_<

  3. I'm afraid of the dark!

  4. waaa, you called that cute little fairy monster?? it looks so scary man~~

  5. Hi Isaac, just can't help but love your blog, your reviews are excellent. Really can rely on them as a guide to the cineplex. Great & tx :)

  6. oops!! another bad rating for this review again! :(

  7. those monster is like a coward hide inside the mansion until 100 years ++ lmao then come out buli this little family XD

  8. whoopsie! not really a good movie? :p shark night oso quite predictable and those shark soo fake that am not scared at all! boohoo!

  9. I was actually debating whether or not to sleep during this movie~ lol

  10. They must be running out of scripts - remaking a movie that wasn't a box-office hit the first time around.

  11. Oh dear... the faery monster is darn scary!!! I'm too scadey to watch the show liao...

  12. i was there for shark night yesterday. didnt get to meet you also. T.T

  13. Bananaz afraid of the dark hahaha..

  14. thankiu

  15. Never mind if free.. if pay, then not worth it.. hahaha.. nowadays see one show also more than 10rm!


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