An Adventure With My Pet

Well, this post will serve as a short writeup to win some movie premiere tickets from Nuffnang for the movie The Adventures of TinTin coming soon our local cinemas. The criteria would be to come up with an adventure I'll love to have with my pet. Well, have I told you that my family has this really adorable toy poodle back home? She's called Ching Ching, and we love her to bits.

my toy poodle
My toy poodle Ching Ching

An adventure I would love to go with my pet

"Of course, looking at Ching Ching's small sized body, hazardous, dangerous road trip adventures are definately out. I wouldn't want to hurt her furry body would I? The first thing I could think of when relating adventure and my toy poodle would be a happy trip to my neighborhood's playground"

The Adventures of Tintin
The venue for our adventure
"Now Ching Ching have rarely had the chance to step out from the comforts of my family's home, so this would be the perfect chance to get her to sit on those really (A) fun looking slide, the (B) "flying chair" and the (C) see-saw. I'm sorry, I forgot what those flying chairs are called"

"Imagine the exhilarating feeling of a toy poodle together with me when we slide together down the (A) fun looking slide. How about when we fly off to Never Never land in those (B) "flying chair"? If you had sat on a (C) see-saw before when you were kids, the feeling of bobbing up and down with your friend is fun, now replace your friend with Ching Ching, I can just imagine her bobbing along with me! Now wouldn't that be the perfect adventure to have with a lovely small toy poodle"

my toy poodle
My mum had to hold her from rushing off towards me
my toy poodle
She just can't wait to go on the playground adventure with me!

Of course, the "adventure" would only be adventurous if you are a toy poodle, so bear with me on this post. Do check out Nuffnang's website for an opportunity to win yourself a pair of premiere screening tickets to The Adventures of Tintin at the link below.

The Adventures of Tintin

I leave you with a short video clip that I made of my "adventurous" Ching Ching, except in the video, all she does is play with my feet and begs to be tickled.


  1. so cute of her!

  2. ur ching ching with hair more cute, way better than the baldy version :P still remember she stole my sock! XD

  3. Camy,
    Lol! yep, the dog is rather cute. :)

    Singing song ka? lol! thanks for dropping by my blog bro.

    Haha you remembered! She loves smelly socks, haha. And ya, with hair looks way cuter, but harder to maintain ><

  4. Hey! That's not a TOY poodle lah! That's a REAL poodle...and she's soooooo lovely! My daughter would love a pet poodle like that...but the mother would not hear of any such thing - she does not like animals. So sad.

  5. I have toy poodle too!! same color a he..haha
    how old is ching ching?

  6. so nice to own a pet dog.

  7. hehee.. mine is a giant what adventures do nuffnang offer? ok i go read.. oh darn..i m not staying in KL.. so no use to win also.. darn! hahahaa...

  8. adorable~ she looks so innocent <3

  9. Wow. You don't look like you owned a dog! Surprises!

  10. hood luck :) cute dog and at the wedding too

  11. Awww~ Poodle I like! :) For sure it love to have fun!


  12. Ching Ching is such a darling! So pretty!!! She's as blessed to have you and your family as you guys are to have her!

  13. I love dog so much and your dog looks so adorable.

    I also feature my dog for the premiere screening of this movie. Hehehe ^^

  14. After reading you and Diana's post... I really feel like joining Nuffnag, hahaha

    I also want a free movie screening!

  15. aww! so cute la the poodle! =)

  16. huh?? you are writing this post to win free tickets from Nuffnang?? i thot you always have free tickets from them?? BTW, cute little dog you have, so adorable.. all the best of luck~~ :)

  17. Why TOY poodle?? hahaha so cute lah! :) Ala, for sure you get the tix one lah. ;)

  18. your hometown pet is it? lol

  19. B) is called a SWING!.. hahaha.. WOIII I MISS QING QING!!.. she's spose to be called qing qing!.. hahaha.. but ching ching same lar...

  20. see?this is one thing my cat wont do, those lazy furry bums...

  21. Ching Ching is so cute ! Good luck ! =D

  22. Now for the first time,I see your poddle, You know bro........Tin Tin is my all time favorite cartoon

  23. Cute name, ching ching (:

  24. LOL! I knw u are a dog lover, indeed your whole family are(I can smell you). Such a lovely friend you hv got yourself!

    Thx for sharing the contest site too, jst about to bring my girl 4 Tin Tin adventure!;D

  25. LOL Rambo asks you to boycott American women! Didn't know Janice's from the States hahahaha

    In Time movie review

  26. Ching Ching, ching chia cute haha. Those flying chairs if not mistaken is called a swing right?

  27. u dunno how many times ethan watch ur video and kept on gushing soooo cute! >_< if he pester me to get one toy poodle, jaga u! :P

  28. awwww..... ching ching is sooo cute!

  29. your poodle is sho sho cute. wanna kidnap her. all the best to you.

  30. Good luck for the contest! Your dog looks so cuddly, just like a soft toy dog! :-)

  31. This dog is so cute I want to grab her right off the screen!!!


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