Wine Tasting With Dean Hewitson

Vineyards Direct Malaysia held their wine tasting event over at Menara Citibank, Ampang the other day for investors and medias to have a sampling of their spectacular wine as well as to learn up more on wine investment. Thanks to Newskaki and Servcorp, I was invited to sample first hand some really good Hewitson's wines.

Wine Tasting With Dean Hewitson

Wine Investment, which is pretty new to me.

So there I was, with Tony feeling slightly out of place among the investors and press media. However I didn't miss the chance to cover the event and learn up on wine investment at the same time. Partnering up with Servcorp Malaysia, an innovative virtual office provider, Vineyards Direct Malaysia invited more than 40 wine enthusiasts to this exclusive event.

Wine Tasting With Dean Hewitson
Presentation by Dean Hewitson, the chief wine maker and CEO of Vineyards Direct

While waiting for the presentation to start, we were served with some sparkling wine to get our blood warmed up, so to say. Later in the evening, we were given the opportunity to sample three of Hewitson's latest wine releases. 

Wine Tasting With Dean Hewitson
Some sparkling wine to kick off the evening
Wine Tasting With Dean Hewitson
More than 40 investors were present that night

Hewitson's wines certainly qualify as important wines which wine drinkers would like to order when dining in restaurants, as oppose to the ordinary wines they might drink at home. Touted to be "one of Australia's greatest reds", Hewitson is one of only a handful of Australian producers that manage to successfully blend tradition with innovation.

Quoted from the presentation by Hewitson as below, you can roughly get an idea of what the night is about, and why the investors are present.

"Hewitson wines are just one of many under our fine wine investment offerings. We are delighted to be able to provide wine enthusiasts in Malaysia the opportunity to meet and greet the makers of some of their favorite wines and to offer them an option to invest in those wines at the same time"

Wine Tasting With Dean Hewitson
Hewitson's spectacular wines all lined up ready for the tasting

Dean Hewitson presented three of his latest releases - the 2009 'Old Garden Mourvedre Barossa Valley', the 2009 'Private Cellar Shiraz Mourvedre Barrosa valley' wines and the 2009 'The Mad Hatter Shiraz Mclaren Vale' - all of which were given to guests to sample and favor.

Wine Tasting With Dean Hewitson
#1 The Mad Hatter Shiraz Mclaren Vale Wine
Wine Tasting With Dean Hewitson
#2 Private Cellar Shiraz Mourvedre Barrosa Valley Wine
Wine Tasting With Dean Hewitson
#3 Old Garden Mourvedre Barossa Valley Wine

Of course, after all that exquisite wine in our system, we had to have some food to go with it, and Vineyards Direct had prepared us some finger food which I welcomed gladly. Anything, and everything goes well with Satays if you ask me.

Wine Tasting With Dean Hewitson
Canapes or finger food being served
Wine Tasting With Dean Hewitson
My plate, satay being my favourite!

More on Vineyards Direct Malaysia, which had recently been incorporated to capitalize on the strong returns to be made by investing in top class Australian wines. Australian wines have reportedly continued to offer investors steady and consistent returns above expectations, giving double-digit annual returns. 

Wine Tasting With Dean Hewitson
L-R, Malini Sivaraman (Regional Marketing Manager of Servcorp), Davice Spencer (Director of Operations, Vineyards Direct) and Dean Hewitson himself (Reknowned Wine maker)
Wine Tasting With Dean Hewitson
That's investor 'wannabe' Isaac Tan with Dean Hewitson

This rather cool wine tasting event is the company's second wine tasting lined up for the year. Vineyards Direct hopes to bring more wine experts, renowned wine makers and owners to Malaysia, with the plan of hosting an event once every two months. 

For more information on the Hewitson wines and other prestigious wines under the Vineyards Direct list of wine offerings, do visit or call 03-21696180.


  1. investing on wine also got? wow..
    i dont like wine that much, but if i had the chance - i'll go there for the food :P

  2. good write-up. i'm sure interested investors would stumble upon through googling abt this

  3. fuiyoh, high class giler.

  4. What else you no invest one,,? kekekekekek, share with me more,when we meet up again ya....

  5. Wah!!! Kuat lihai...professional wine taster now kah? So which one have you chosen to serve at your wedding banquet? LOL!!!

  6. Ken,
    Ya bro, it was my first time listening to this talk to. Very interesting i might add.

    Lol, i think i screwed up my web, something going wrong and not showing up on google. :) Thanks for commenting btw.

    It was last night, and not really high class. We felt out of place. Lol!

    Haha, i write only, but don't have the cash flow to invest bro. :P I'll be back in penang this weekend. Lets go makan makan! :)

    Not kuat la. Just went for the experience and to learn something new. LOL, can I not serve wine at my wedding? haha, kidding.

  7. Wah.. isaac is so well-known edy lor..

  8. Nikel,
    Lol bro, I'm very far off from being "well-known". I just like to attend these events for the experience and to learn :)

  9. great experience i would say! love wines! :p

  10. Wow so u know wine appreciation?

  11. I love wine very much and good ones make me happy! You lucky devil always have nice invitations! Thanks for sharing anyway.
    That bitch in my office just pulled my leg simply because I was reading your blog. I was fooled to believe she is your friend.

  12. Ahhh... they should serve wine with caviar, lol! Wht a great event!^^

  13. tasting... can get drunk also .. but slowly slowly one..

  14. I love Wine!! wish I could attend tooo :(

  15. If my hunch is right you probably end up a macho 'chiew kooi' end of the year with your JD, Johnnie Walker, Guiness and now wine hahahaha.

  16. Caroline,
    wow, wine lover eh? For me, wine not really my thing :)

    Twilight Man,
    Oooh, how happy does it make u? Haha. Oh, no wonder, she was just pulling your leg :P

    oooh, those places that serve it with caviar is very high class! Lol!!

    Slowly, the face starts to redden, then we start singing silly songs.

    Oh, you love wine ya, see if I got any future invitations to wine events might drop you a message :)

    LOL, i'm not that hardcore la. Wont't be a 'chiew kooi' anytime soon don't worry :)

  17. Drinking good wine is like eating yummiest food and that will send andrenaline vibes into happy mode. By then I am known to spill out all the darkest secrets of my life and others when high on alcohol. Beware!

  18. Nice nice!! I didnt know there was such thing as wine investment!

  19. very nice write up... thank you for coming

  20. Twilight Man,
    Lol! Happy mode ON! I better remind myself not to indulge any dark secrets with you then :P

    I didn't know too! Until I attended this wine tasting. Interesting event indeed.

    Wine Broker,
    Thanks for dropping by yea!!

  21. OMG! I am so jealous I LOVE his wine!!! And that food? Looks amazing!

  22. do u know this is a scam ??


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