Penang Fried Oyster At Seng Thor Coffee Shop

After having some good food at Penang Batu Lanchang Market, Jamie and I decided to drive to Seng Thor Coffee Shop in Carnavon Street for its famous fried oyster. Seng Thor Coffee Shop has been around for ages and serves one of the best fried oyster I've tried on top of a couple of other usual Penang fares. We were there primarily for its fried oyster.

Fried Oyster At Seng Thor Coffee Shop Penang
Seng Thor Coffee Shop, Penang

Seng Thor Coffee Shop,
160, Lebuh Carnarvon, Penang
Located at the junction of Carnarvon Street and Kimberly Street.
Nearby the Campbell Street Wet Market.

If you have tried any fried oyster dishes before, you will know it's extremely oily and hazardous to health if taken excessively. I couldn't remember the last time I had fried oysters so this round should be good to go. Check out below on how the fried oyster is being prepared over the huge "wok".

Fried Oyster At Seng Thor Coffee Shop Penang
Fried oyster being prepared. There should be 3 to 4 dishes worth in there.

While we were there, I found the majority of the patrons in the coffee shop was waiting for this same dish. After a 10 minutes wait, a plate of really oily, really fragrant, and really tasty fried oyster dish was served at our table. This was actually Jamie's first time over here, so she was pretty excited I guess. The dish came in a few sized servings (RM8, 10, and 12). We took the RM8, the smallest serving as there were only 2 of us. Have a look below on this tasty dish.

Fried Oyster At Seng Thor Coffee Shop Penang
Penang Fried Oyster - RM8

The oysters in the dish came in two different sizes, one which was big and juicy, while the other slightly smaller and drier. I love the way the fried egg was prepared, with the spice, vege and all, fried to a crisp on the sides while still maintaining the overall softness. Overall a very tasty treat indeed, but one which should not be indulged in often for health's sake.

Fried Oyster At Seng Thor Coffee Shop Penang
My chinese herbal tea to wash down all that oil

So if you happen to be around Penang town area, do drop by this coffee shop in Carnavon Street for some really good fried oyster. The fried oyster stall opens from 2pm onwards daily and closes by 6pm. We came here once during Henry Lee's Penang Trip, unfortunately it was late evening and the stall had closed so be sure to come here early to avoid disappointment.


  1. Nikel Khor11:19 PM


  2. wow, looks good!!! i like oh-chien very much leh~~

  3. reana ct11:22 PM

    Next time i also wanna come here and ordered that.. 

  4. Claire, hehe smallkucing actually came here before and even wrote a post on it in July :) 

  5. Nikel, thanks for dropping by bro! :) 

  6. SK, I love it more than i love fried koay teow bro. Haha :) but eat too much, can grow very fat very fast. lol!!

  7. hildamilda11:33 PM

    Not really a fan of fried oyster but it sure looks yummy! :D 

  8. so going to try it when in penang next week! :D

  9. Smallkucing1:17 AM

    sedap leh?

  10. Ah!!! This was the place that Eugene took me and my daughter to. Soooooo nice that my daughter wanted seconds. So Eugene ordered again... Best or chien in Penang.

  11. Is this the same place...

  12. yummy! hehe will head there at the designated times you have mentioned to avoid disappointment (brilliant idea to mention the times. *clap clap*). heading back to pg in sept with my parents:D

  13. Eugeneung10:26 AM

    Hey bro, do you know what kind of business is up there, i mean on top of the coffee shop? guess you don't know and i m not telling,, next time we meet , i tell you ya

  14. STP, yes, it is the same! for me its the best oh chien! hehe. 

  15. i dont like fresh oysters.. but i like fried oysters.. less slimy :P

  16. Smallkucing, very sedap. Hehe. I saw your review while searching google on this same coffee shop

  17. Hilda, I actually like the egg more than the oyster. It was so tasty!

  18. Wilee, ohh you're going up Penang? For what occasion wor

  19. STP, wah two helpings ka? Wish I dared to order more. Haha

  20. Evelyn, haloooo. Thanks for dropping by and commenting. :) ohh no worries, once bitten twice shy, lol. Was really disappointed the last round I went coz they were closed. :p

  21. Eugene, ooo. Must tell me next time we meet. Haha.

  22. Ken, I don't like fresh oyster too. In fact fried oyster I am just ok with it. I prefer the egg n the taste. Sometimes I wonder if can order one fried oyster dish without the oyster. Lol!

  23. Oh my.. juicy and oily oysters! Haven't had them in ages! Used to have them all the time in Penang.. loved the one at Northam Beach Cafe.. :)

  24. Mei Yee, I tried the one at northam too. Yummy as well. Haha. The egg must have enough taste if not, not nice. :)

  25. Sunshine Maple3:12 PM

    Look delicious :P

  26. xianglin cheng5:40 PM

    owh!looks super nice!!!!!

  27. Alamak food some more.. Luckily after berbuka time already :P

  28. moonlight_zone2:01 AM

    RM8, same price here but the Penang version definitely looks tastier!


  30. OK I just made myself hungry too! XD


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