Bridesmaid (2011) Movie Review

A couple of days back thanks to Mikhaela and United International Pictures, I got a chance to catch the premiere of this movie Bridesmaid over in E@Curve. First thing that came to my mind when I heard of the movie title was, is this a horror movie? I'm not sure why, but Bridesmaid do give me the perception its a horror movie. I was so wrong, Bridesmaid is this really funny comedy / chick flick which I guess anyone who has a wedding coming up soon can relate to.

Bridesmaid (2011) Movie
Bridesmaid Movie

So what's the whole deal about this movie by Universal studios? The tagline writes from the producer of Superbad, Knocked Up, and the 40-Year-Old Virgin, all of which I really loved watching. Think of the movie Hangover, replace the guys with these 6 ladies including the bride, minus the crassness and you have a pretty rough idea about the movie Bridesmaid.

Bridesmaid (2011) Movie
Annie finding out her best childhood friend Lilian is engaged
Bridesmaid tells the tale about Lillian (Maya Rudolph), who is getting married and appoints Annie (Kristen Wiig) to be her maid of honor. Now being a maid of honor is both a huge responsibility, and requires proper planning, one which Annie seems to have trouble from the start. Annie meets four other bridesmaid who portrays various characters. Now everything would be fine and dandy, if not for one of the bridesmaid Helen (Rose Byrne), a perfectionist who takes upon herself to plan out the perfect, over the top marriage.

Bridesmaid (2011) Movie
Megan, Becca, Helen, Rita, Lilian and Annie from Bridesmaid

From then on, we see a competition between Annie and Helen over who can show better results, one which Annie failed rather badly. The other four bridesmaid come together to provide even more hillarious moments in the movie. We have Rita (Wendy McLendon-Covey), a frustrated mum of 3 teenage sons who's line "There's semen everywhere. One blanket actually cracked" really cracked me up. Then we have Megan (Melissa McCarthy), who is both crass and really tactless, but is in fact a rather lovable character, once you get to really know her. The final bridesmaid would be Becca (Ellie Kemper) who is a newlywed that have never experienced anything really "fun".

Bridesmaid (2011) Movie
Let the fun begin!

It was one hilarious scene after another, mostly jokes which have double meaning and are rather sexual in nature. I wouldn't really call this a chick flick as I'm sure a teenage girl might come out feeling sad after learning all the horrors of preparing for a wedding. There were some moments of rather draggy scenes, but overall I rather like this movie. I would rate this movie a 6.5/10. Do catch it in the cinemas just for the laughs. I leave you with the trailer to Bridesmaid below.


  1. WawaKyoko9:14 PM

    I Love this kind of movieee..^_^ want to watch instinct said this movie will not disapointed me..eheh

  2. Seems nice.. may go and watch it =)

  3. hahaha, this post looks so similar to Kian Fai's earlier post, even the photos are the same!! haha.. and why are both of you thinking that this is a horror movie?? anything wrong with bridesmaid?? thinking too much about ghost during this hungry ghost month ah?? haha~~ :D

  4. reana ct10:16 PM

    Looks like a all-ladies movie? :)

  5. Claire, yep a all-ladies movie, by ladies, for ladies. The guys watch it for the laughs :) 

  6. Sk, lol, oh its the same pictures? we watched the movie together that day :) And ya, bridesmaid to me gets me thinking of this long black haired lady :P 

  7. Su Fang, It is nice :P 

  8. Wawa, I think ladies would love this movie, much more than a guy :P 

  9. Smallkucing10:47 PM

    sounds like a light hearted movie

  10. not my type of movie.. maybe will just download :P

  11. Qi Tyng12:44 AM

    yeah, the title Bridesmaid also made me think it was a horror movie. hahaha!

  12. I guess you've  found all of yours - bridesmaids...and your best man too. Unfortunately, it will not be me - too fat, too old... Sobsssss!!!!! LOL!!!

  13. June Tan9:51 AM

    Looking forward to watch this movie... =D

  14. Eugeneung9:58 AM

    I think i would prefer "Pretty woman" hahahha, I reckon the story line would be kind of anticipated one,kan?

    by the way bro,have you heard about this, ,there are here in Penang, giving free movies tickets to bloggers too, Claire introduced me to it,, got invited once too,, so I want to be a lifestyle blogger too hahahahhaha

  15. From what you have written, looks like this is a movie for the ladies.

  16. hhmmm is it really worth the money to watch this?

  17. i heard it was a great movie. thanks for the review!:) i will wait for dvd (rip? :P) to come out soon then watch it since its not in the cinemas in australia anymore

  18. Smallkucing, it is a very light hearted movie, with some humour, on a serious topic of bridesmaid :P 

  19.  Ken, even if download, but must still watch it :)

  20. STP, i'm so slow, i havent found all my heng tais yet..  And you're not fat nor old la bro!!!

  21.  June, it's a really nice movie really :)

  22. Eugene, oh interesting wor, thanks for sharing the newskaki kang tao here bro.

    Have fun being a blogger and attending activities bro! And thank you for the phone call just now :)

  23.  Darran, it is for the ladies, made by ladies. But we guys should find it entertaining as well! :)

  24. Twilightzone51812:26 AM

    I am a big fan for American comedies! I just watched Horrible Boss and laughed till my tears came out. So I will definitely watch this BRIDESMAID too. No good, Isaac refund yeah! Ha ha ha....

  25. totally not a guy's movie... i still prefer the main actress being in Saturday Night Live. She's funnier there :)

  26. Kendra3:37 PM

    Discover blogs, pics and videos you otherwise wouldn't have at Or share your truly awesome blog postings to be part of the big collection.

  27. looks like an interesting movie..

  28. The movie was awesome. I watched it with my friends. As we were bored searching movies online to pass time and then we watched it. and we all loved it.


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