Xing's 21st Birthday Celebration

One of our KL blogger friend, Xing aka Sim Yee invited a bunch of us to her house in Ampang for her open house turned birthday celebration the other night. It was to be her 21st Birthday Celebration, hence the festivities. I couldn't remember how I celebrated mine since it was eons ago, not that I'm very old now, mind you. Sim Yee was really sweet looking and perfectly dolled up to celebrate her 21st birthday with us that night.

Xing's 21st Birthday Party
Happy 21st Birthday Xing!
So there we were, reaching her home to be greeted by the aroma of satay being prepared. Did I tell you, my favourite dish at any event would be these fantastic tasting Satays. I was really surprised at the length Xing and her family took to prepare all the food for us. There were all types of food from catering food, to Xing's Mum's homecooked tomyam mee hoon, to satays, "ice kacangs", and a whole lot of other varieties of food. This is going to be awesome, I thought to myself.

Chicken Satay
#1 Chicken Satays, 600 sticks of them!
Ice Kacang
#2 Ice Kacang
good food
#3 Sweet and sour tofu, Sausages with fries, Fried Chicken
#4 Vegetables, Prawns and Xing's Mum's special home made tomyam beehoon
Xing's 21st Birthday Party
#5 Fried rice, Sotong, fruits and desserts
The food was good, to say the least. I think I took like nearly 20 sticks of satay for myself. Of course, halfway through our "makan" session, we being bloggers took the opportunity to catch some pictures as well. I actually wanted to shout out "Yum Seng!" while posing with a carlsberg beer in my hand, but figured this was a birthday celebration, not a wedding so it would be kind of inapproriate.

Xing's 21st Birthday Party
Us with the Birthday Girl. From L-R: Janice, Me, Vincent, Xing, Kian Fai, Simon, Henry Lee
Xing's 21st Birthday Party
Us again!
Xing's 21st Birthday Party
Some of Xing's friends who joint in the festivities
The birthday cake was pretty unique as it was shaped in a huge number 21. Check out some more photos I took of the birthday girl during her cake cutting session.

Xing's 21st Birthday Party
Sweet Xing with her Birthday Cake

We even got a parting gift each (which kind of reminded me of a wedding ceremony). It was so thoughtful of her, that I felt the gift we gave her wasn't good enough.

Xing's 21st Birthday Party
A parting gift for all her guest.
Overall, an enjoyable night indeed and all of us had a great time celebrating Xing's big day. What an awesome 21st Birthday Party where everyone of us went home with a bloated stomach from all the good food. Thank you Xing for organizing, and a blessed birthday to you!


  1. Woahhhh Xing looks hotter and her bf looks like Dolph Lundgren!

  2. Wah her birthday so grand lor.. how I wish my birthday is as grand. And I never have bloggers for my birthday party! =D

  3. hildamilda10:47 PM

    Her birthday seem so grand! Got people making ais kacang and prepare satay! Too bad I wasnt there lah ): 

  4. happening! Invited quite a lot of bloggers. :)

  5. Wow! 21 only- younger than my daughter...and what a grand 21st party. My daughter had a quiet one - she was alone overseas. Sobssss!!!!

  6. Reanact8:00 AM

    wow..looks like a great party.. Happy Sweet 21st to your friend cum blogger!!  got parting gift some more, how thoughtful! i remember i celebrated mine in YWCA last time.. many decades ago! hahaha.. 

  7. yeah it was a fun celebration with great food especially the satay and i'm really glad to be able to attend with you guys. If only there's more bloggers that attend then we will rock the party out! haha...

  8. a belated happy birthday to Xing.. wow, home style birthday party!!! i really miss this a lot, have not had attended this kind of party for ages.. i miss all those homecook food, aka malaysian classic party food like fried beehoon, curry chicken, agar-agar.. haha!! :)

  9. wow, such big cake! happy birthday to Xing.

  10. Good to have celebration for birthdays and other grand days. Bananaz never had any of this sort and its too long cant remember. That's the reason always have a party for my daughter since her 1st year. Great party for Xing and a bleated birthday wish.

  11. Smallkucing5:11 PM

    wow...all that food and the birthday girl look so lovely

  12. her birthday so nice one! so much food! so nice la her 21 bday!

  13. nice post bro! LOL! :D

  14. walao so kua jiong meh HAHAHA

  15. I'm having my 21st birthday in kimchiland..sob sob

  16. Alice Law9:38 PM

    Wow at her 21st Birthday!! Happy belated Birthday to your beautiful blogger friend... geez, I can't even remember how did i celebrate my 21st Birthday!>_<

  17. I'm having my 21st birthday in kimchiland..sob sob


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