DiGi WWWOW Awards 2011

Digi WWWOW Awards, an online voting contest that ran for the past month or so culminated with an awards night over at the Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPAC) in Sentul on the 12th July 2011. I was privileged to get invited by Qian and Benjamin to witness the first internet based awards. The tagline was "Malaysia's 1st By The People, For the People, Internet for all Awards" and this was truly a first for people to get recognized for all their works through the internet.

Digi WWWOW Awards 2011
Digi WWWOW Awards 2011 Banner

We have numerous categories being awarded that night, ranging from "Top Kay Poh" award to the very competitive "Top Makan2 Expert" and "Blogger of The Year" award. For a full listing of the Digi WWWOW Awards 2011 winners, do check their website at http://www.wwwow.my/. For your convenience, I have posted it here below.

Digi WWWOW Awards 2011 winners list
The winners, for the links do go to http://www.wwwow.my/

I arrived at KLPAC just when the "makan makan" food spread was being served. There were a couple of familiar faces, but the majority of the folks there were really new to me. My conclusion was I wasn't famous, handsome, nor dressed up enough to really mingle with all these famous celebrities that attended the night's event, hence I took solace in the food.

Digi WWWOW Awards 2011
#1 Finger Food
Digi WWWOW Awards 2011
#2 Some sushi for us
Digi WWWOW Awards 2011
#3 We had mango, orange, and guava juice. This would be the Guava juice which was good
Digi WWWOW Awards 2011
#4 I would like to re-emphasize that this black pepper chopped up sausage is really tasty, yours truly literally stood and wait for fresh sausages to come out because the moment it came out, the sausages were immediately snapped up.
Coming back to this event, we got to see all the winners from each category go down the stage to collect some really cool goodies from each of the organizers. I could only sit and watch in awe. Probably in a few years time I might have the chance to be one of them as well. Something inside me whispered then, "Dream on.."

Digi WWWOW Awards 2011
The winners from various categories

One thing that caught my eye though was the unique backdrop that was designed by the organizers. It was a simple "construction site" kind of backdrop, with models behind a curtain mimicking people communicating. Check the picture below.

Digi WWWOW Awards 2011
Check out the backdrop, the middle has lasers shooting out, while the side A, B, C is what I'm refering too.

Behind curtain A, we have the shadow of model A using the computer to online while checking his phone. Curtain B sees model B sitting on a toilet bowl checking his phone. Model C has the best job, sitting on what I think is a bean bag while tweeting away. Bear in mind these 3 models have to do these throughout the 2 hour plus awards show.

Digi WWWOW Awards 2011
A rather unique representation indeed.

Overall it was a good night, and I congratulate every winner that went on stage that night to collect their prizes. Well done, and I think DiGi WWWOW Awards is the beginning and start of more recognitions to come for the internet community. 


  1. U went this event...Im go there from my house.5 minute only. Actually I want to go but that day have something to do. :x
    Nice food nice drink. Have my loving food..sushi. when until your turn go up to the stage? !

  2. actually some prizes is crazy, no wonder some people complain about some people dont . . . hahah whatever! Dont care about it! Later people see liao also eye red XD

  3. why were they cosplayers? lol

  4. tham carey1:36 AM

    waooo...prize giving ceremony also have food serve?? so nice!!!

  5. Sam, ohhh why didnt go, at least you could company me makaning the food! :) My turn? Dreaming lo. :P

  6. Kian Fai, True, some categories have really awesome prizes while some were not very awesome. But its the moment and fame that counts right? lol! :)

  7. Tony, I think it was to brighten up the prize giving session? :P

  8. Haha..I also dunnoe have so much food lo...yummy...can de. Support support.

  9. Congratulations to all the winners. But then again...haha :D Never mind.

  10. AFORadio? Online radio...my friend's deejaying there.... Wow! Wow indeed! Food looks great... I've been using DIGI ever since I had a handphone a long long time ago - they should give me an award for my loyalty.

  11. hildamilda8:23 AM

    Congrats to all the winners :D 

  12. blogger of the year.. srsly.. who is that?
    voting-based competition sucks! :P

  13. Eugeneung9:16 AM

    Bro, one day i am positive that you and your blog will be awarded,,,,,,,,in this category,,,,"most handsome blogger and most exciting blog" kan...........hahaha, as for me i think i too will be awarded in this category,,,,," the most talking nonsense blog and the most half past six uncle blogger" hahahahhaha.

    keep it bro, seriously you will be there, your exposure is beaming bright and clear already

  14. congrats to all the winners!! yay i can see Stacy ! :D

  15. benjamin foo10:53 AM

    You lost ur voice whilst wowwwwwwwing right?

  16. sherdegarmo11:07 AM

    didnt take picture with celebrities?

  17. wow... seems like a pretty good event. Wanted to go but it was too far away from my workplace. At least i get to see this blogpost... haha... oh i really envy the person who won the Samsung Galaxy Tab! hmph!

  18. Smallkucing2:11 PM

    wow....fun and food :)

  19. Such a nice event! I'm sure you'll have your turn on the stage in no time!!! :)

  20. Submerryn5:21 PM

    Owow wow wow! u sapu all the sausage away! notti! hehe.. i like the last pic, the 3 models.. very cool!

  21. wow, that really looks like a very grand and prestigious event huh?? so all those winners are real blogger celebs?? haha, sorry but i've not heard of them nor seen their blogs before~~ errr, the food served, a bit out of standard woh, don't you think??

  22. wwwow..nice entry...  u've done great job...

  23. Rebecca4:21 AM

    Eh, wht happened to your cam? Pics were bit blur..
    Haha..all sorts of comments on the winner fro this one. Hope there are fairer contest in the future fr bloggers..


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