Rojak Buah & Mee Rebus At Pantai Kok

Rojak Buah (fruits rojak), and Mee Rebus, two Malaysian delicacies which I happen to stumble upon on my recent trip to Langkawi. We actually found it while driving down the rather serene and secluded Pantai Kok. This roadside stall was opened by the beach which was really cool. I admit the first thing that caought my attention was the rather large crowd that stopped over to have these food.

Rojak Buah & Mee Rebus At Pantai Kok
Hafiz Rojak Buah

My partner told me, one of her colleagues actually told her about this spot before we made the trip to Langkawi. According to the colleague, it was one of the stops we must drop by to enjoy food by the beach.I was rather skeptical initially, until I tried the place that day.

Rojak Buah & Mee Rebus At Pantai Kok
Roadside stall, with a sizable crowd
Rojak Buah & Mee Rebus At Pantai Kok
Location on google maps, Jalan Pantai Kok
Did I mention the view was awesome from where we were eating? We could hear the waves crashing onto the beach, and just look out into the vast sea. It doesn't get any much cooler than this, with the holiday mood and all.

Rojak Buah & Mee Rebus At Pantai Kok
The view which really gets you in the mood
We just had lunch that day, so we did not actually order a lot here, only a dish of Rojak buah, and a bowl of Mee Rebus. The price were really very reasonable. Check out what we had below!

Rojak Buah & Mee Rebus At Pantai Kok
#1 Rojak Buah (Fruits Rojak) - RM 2.50
#2 Mee Rebus - RM 4
Overall, no complaints on the food. I felt it tasted much better than the ones I have in KL though, but it might have been due to the combination of the beach and air from the sea. So if you're driving around Langkawi Island soon, do drop by this stall along the roads of Pantai Kok.

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  1. Rojak looks good and oooo...the mee rebus! Slurpzzz!!!! Reminds me that I have not had that for a long time... the beach, no photo of you in your skimpy speedos and your missus in her sexy bikini? LOL!!!

  2. make it looks so good bro. :D

  3. wahh..both rojak and mee rebus look yummy and appetizing on a Thursday morning in a cold cold office >.<
    yalu yalu.. no photos of you guys? :P

  4. Qi Wen11:06 AM

    Owh...! I love rojak buah & mee rebus.. Very nice delicacies people can think off *drool til dehydrated!*

  5. Reanact11:37 AM

    gosh.. stp wants to see u in your skimpiness.. hahahaha... talking about rojak, i might be going to Jelapang for their famous rojak too!

  6. The Rojak Buah is making me hungry. I had no idea there was a Buah at the end. We just call it Rojak in Singapore.

  7. Oh gee cant help but lau nua liao seeing the rojak buah and mee rebus. Great shots. tQ

  8. jfook1:24 PM

    I think the rojak looks good. =) Should consider going in my langkawi trip.=D

  9. Daniel Chiam1:42 PM

    from Hayley's blog to your blog... all is about food -_- makes me super duper hungry right now!

  10. Luciana2:33 PM

    adoi..makan rojak tepi laut..awesome ;)

  11. domokun6:18 PM

    waa rm2.50 is way too cheap>< mee rebus looks so awesome><

  12. Submerryn11:54 PM

    geez.. u made me crave for rojak buah at midnite! :(

  13. woo..i simply love rojak!

  14. The rojak buah looks yummeh! 
    Am planning a trip to Langkawi soon :) Will drop by if i can find it! Lol 

  15. hey :)

    i used to live in Langkawi. 
    i know the best food there. 
    one of the place i recommend you going is to Tanjung Rhu. 
    in the evening , you can have laksa by a roadside stall. 
    and watch the beautiful sunset as well. :)
    the laksa is the best in Langkawi. 
    For the best view of the sunset i recommend going to Pantai Cenang. 

    Have fun in Langkawi =)

  16. Hi...

    Mee rebus hafiz ni boleh tahan saje. Mungkin suasana pantai membuatkan ia terkenal di langkawi :-)


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