Another Visit To Nuffnang KL Office

My first time to Nuffnang's office over in Heritage House, Jalan Yap Ah Shak was back in January 2011, and the experience did leave a good impression on me. My previous writeup can be found here, "A Visit To Nuffnang KL Office". Ever since then, there were a couple more times I have dropped by the creatively orange decorated office.

If you're driving here, do park at the designated parking about 50-100 metres away where they charge around RM3/hour as roadside parking is illegal and may warrant a summon.

Nuffnang office KL
Nuffnang Office *Recycled image from previous writeup*

Nuffnang Sdn Bhd
12B-5&6, Heritage House, Jalan Yap Ah Shak,
Kuala Lumpur,
50300 Wilayah Persekutuan
03-2694 8828

There I was a few days back to collect some tickets, and this time I had company. A few fellow KL bloggers were there too to collect their tickets, hence we were able to catch up before heading up to the office. The recent Transformers: Dark of the Moon premiere tickets had to be collected from the office instead of the normal collection during the day of the screening. Probably Nuffnang wanted to meet the bloggers in person before handing over the tickets? I'm not really sure on the reasons though.

As always, each time I am there I'm always intrigued by the "Nuffnang Footprints Wall" for visitor to leave their mark in pieces of colored papers or photos. I said it was really creative then, and I will say it again here, creative and sentimental. Check out below on our quick group photo in front of the wall.

Nuffnang Bloggers
Us in front of the Footprint Wall L-R: Bernard, Jayren and I

Of course, I checked whether my piece of paper left there since January 2011 was still there. I'm happy to say, my orange colored piece of "footprint" is still happy and well, tucked in a corner of the big wall. Well, hopefully as the number of "post it" increases, my paper does not get missing.
My orange footprint, forgive me for I'm not creative enough to make an elaborate one.

Of course, I saw so many other "footprints" of fellow bloggers and am really impressed with the effort they put in. We had a few which had photographs included, some with a collage of pictures, and most had brightly colored writings and drawings. Creative bloggers indeed. Have you dropped your footprint there yet?

Transformers Premiere Tickets
The Transformers Premiere Tics that we collected that day.

Of course, after the short visit, we adjourned for some food at PappaRich Cafe at the Asian Heritage Row just next door. A really nice environment to hang out with friends. "PappaRich Asian Heritage Row"


  1. hildamilda8:31 AM

    I've been there only once and missed out the chance to leave my footprint ): 

  2. Cool ticket design.. Like it.. After used, can post to me? haha

  3. I've been there a few time and I always remember of the place called Henry Butcher next to the Heritage building. The tickets look really awesome. I wish I can join you guys to watch it. Anyway did u spot my footprint? haha :)

  4. Edwin Toh9:48 AM

    Great Job another successful win on the premier ticket.. More than 10 homerun and keep up the good job

  5. so nice you always got perks from nuffnang.. i just went to collect my TGV birthday tickets few days ago, hehe, but wasn't invited to go and visit the office, just waited outside to get my tickets and then left :(

  6. Luciana10:47 AM

    I`m planning to go there next week and of course will drop something :)

  7. I wan leave the foot print since long time ago lol

  8. Reanaclaire12:48 PM

    Isaac, I think you are also very creative... putting your profile right after each post you write.. :)

  9. sherdegarmo12:49 PM

    Never been there before. :(The tickets design is cool!

  10. That Jayren looks a bit like kenwooi...

  11. Hilda, go there again, and leave that little cute "post its" ! Sure got chance in the future one

  12. Nikel, you're not in KL now? o.O

  13. Henry, I saw your footprint ! Haha, and saw alot of other friends too. Wish you can join us to watch it too :(

  14. Edwin, Thanks bro.

  15. SK, we really should meet up la bro. Then at least next tiem, i can bring you in, get your footprint up on the wall. Actually don't need to wait for them to invite, we self invite ourselves into the office. LOL

  16. Luciana, Cool! You can actually design your own footprint at home, then just bring it there to paste.

  17. Simon, aiyo no need envy lo bro, just visit office nia.

  18. Kian Fai, next time leave a BIG one ok??

  19. Claire, Hehe, that's not being creative, just felt like doing it to self promote. Thick face right? :) Actually i copied this idea off some really famous bloggers.

  20. Sher, one day we gate crash the office together ok?  XD Yup, it's pretty cool, but I still feel the Sucker Punch tickets last time were way cooler.

  21. STP, is it? Ooo, never really noticed it. You do have an eye for details bro.

  22. i mean the tickets la!!!!!

  23. Qi Wen4:07 PM

    Missed out my chance to go there due to packed schedule :(

  24. i've been to nuffnang office once and i find it difficult to find that place.

  25. I want the tickets too. Haha :D Looks damn good from here.

  26. I have yet to visit Nuffnang's office and leave my message there. :p

  27. Submerryn11:08 PM

    My submerryn still on the wall not? hehe..

  28. Smallkucing12:36 PM

    cool tickets. I been there once only to collect the birthday tickets

  29. Did you see my picture on the left side of Bernard's head?

  30. Smallkucing2:03 AM

    cool tickets. I been there once only to collect the birthday tickets


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