The Xtra Mile 100 Km Run

Do you know there's a charity academy dedicated to serve children of lesser privileges right here in KL? Well, it's called StART Society. In a nutshell, StART society brings together children from various orphanages and teach them the arts (music, drama, speech, writing, design, others) for the betterment of these children. The good people of this organization help these children find their natural talent, and allow their newly acquired talents to rebuilt their self-esteem and confidence. A noble effort indeed.  

StART Society
Start Society

So there I was with sponsors and some bloggers to see the launching of "TheXtraMileRun". I was pretty excited as this was for a really good cause. Check out below to get an idea what this run is about.

The xtramilerun is an invitation to invite the community and corporations to go the extra mile for the less fortunate. For the first time, StART Society is organizing “The Extramile Run” to raise funds for the StART Society’s Music and Dance Programme which will benefit some 200 underprivileged children to build their artistic and creative skills. Our hero runner, Alex Au-Yong will be running all 100km on that day. You can support through pledging your donation online. Every RM10 is equivalent to 10 meters.

[taken from the official site for The Xtra Mile Run at this link.]

StART Society
The banner

While we were there, Start Society Joshua Lee, the programme director of the centre, took us on a tour of the place. I was impressed with the facilities provided to these underprivileged children. Every instrument in the house was donated by well wishers, and it was heartwarming to know there are still good people out there in KL.

StART Society
The runner Alex Au-Yong and Joshua Lee kicking off the press conference
StART Society
Everyone in deep concentration to listen what's being said.

While touring the house, I managed to see some of the children in the midst of their classes. Some were in the creative drawing classes, others were in the dance class, and various other classes. Do check out some of the photos I managed to capture below.

StART Society
Creative Arts

StART Society
Facilities available at Start Society

After the kick-off and tour, the media and bloggers were invited for a round of refreshment. Being a blogger, I was the only few who wanted to snap pictures of the food served. A group picture was taken too.

StART Society
Light refreshment
StART Society
The bloggers with ChurpChurp Sponsor
StART Society
A group pic with the children

Do check out this charity event over these various links below. Do support it if you have the chance.

Start Society Website:


  1. oh ok . . . saw @engtaukia and @blackiz in this post =P

  2. @twitter-62495438:disqus yea bro, they were there too ! XD

  3. wow... u stil remember @blackiz ? btw @kitx101 was there oso... =) thx Isaac !

  4. Smallkucing11:05 AM

    Interesting idea

  5. Haiz.. too bad.. pack schedule.. cannt join us since there is very near to me..

  6. Don't ask me to run. I'll cause an earthquake. Either that or I'll have a heart attack and die on the spot. :( You running?

  7. STP, oops bro, its not to run actually. the runner will be Alex Au-Yong. We only need to contribute by donating.

  8. This is really a good one.. Interesting, maybe can consider to join the event... :)

  9. Eli, they might be looking for more runners in future, but for now the run is looking for donations to support :)

  10. Love the sign with the heart shape and sunshine right above. 100km to be done in two days its like almost from KL to Ipoh phew! Great stamina, mentally and physically very fit..go Alex go go go!!!

  11. Eugeneung8:26 AM

    I wish this could happen in Penang, so i can run for charity such as know i love running right and i love doing charity too and it wold be great two in 1, kan?

    have a great sunday bro

  12. whoa! run 100km aye!! butthis one indeed one of the good programme! ;)

  13. ivan_53542:25 AM

    bro you need that 100km run.. xP


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