Key Hiong Dim Sum Restaurant

Last week, a fellow blogger from a country next door happened to drop by Kuala Lumpur. Which country? Well, Darran's from Singapore and he was here for just 2 days to attend a seminar. A few posts in Facebook about him coming down, and we agreed for an impromptu breakfast over at this dim sum restaurant in PJ named Key Hiong Dim Sum Restaurant.

Key Hiong Dim Sum
Key Hiong Dim Sum
No. 21, Jalan SS24/8
Taman Megah
47301 Petaling Jaya

When I arrived at the restaurant, it was so packed with customers that I felt like heading elsewhere. On further checking, we found we can utilize the space on the 2nd floor as it belonged to the restaurant as well. Much better, I thought to myself. To my surprise the it was rather comfy upstairs and the area was airconditioned too. We had one big table for the nine of us.

Welcoming party for the Singaporean. From L-R (Isaac, Janice, Kian Fai, Qi Tyng, Elwyn, Darran!, Li Chuen, Eli, Jayren)

Of course, it wouldn't be a dim sum gathering without loads of dim sums right? One thing I really liked about this restaurant was they actually bring the hot steaming dim sums to your table every 10 minutes. Each time they brought those delicious dim sums, we were tempted to take more. It was a brilliant strategy to make us spend and eat more!

Spoilt for choice, one of the baskets being brought to our table every 10 minutes.

Do check out some of the photos of the delicious dim sums which we ordered. Service was prompt, and these small plates of meat tastes really good!

#1 Fried Prawn Dumplings
#2 Siu Mai (Prawn Dumplings)
#3 Pai Kut (Steamed Pork)
#4 Fish Balls
#5 Steamed Prawns Dumpling
#6 More Prawns wrapped in seaweed
#7 Fried Loh Bak
#9 Loh Mai Kai (Steamed Rice with meat)
#10 Hong Kong Chee Cheong Fun

We had a great time over some really good dim sums. Darran shared his experiences of Singapore bloggers lifestyle, while we shared the dangers of him carrying his huge DSLR camera around KL area! Good times, great friends. The pricing came up to RM 17.50 per person, not exactly cheap, but not expensive either considering we ate till we were very full. 


  1.  yah now I miss the . . . salad prawn hehehe! and I should have order  Hong Kong Chee Cheong Fun XD

  2.  Yum! Yum! How come I went  KL you did not treat me to dim sum? Tsk! Tsk! Btw, just a bit of advice on your close up pics - try to have a variety...not all macro, not everything so big especially considering that your photos are big, the things end up looking really huge. I know BIG is me but that does not apply to everything. Just my two cents' worth, if you don't mind.

  3.  the dim sum taste good? RM17.50 memang not cheap. XD

  4. Hildamilda6:52 PM

     The fried prawn dumplings is calling my name LOL :P 

  5.  good dim sum, that's why lots of people there already early in the morning :)

  6.  STP, I didnt bring you coz i'm very poor with good food locations. All these places were recommended by the other KL bloggers :)

    Thanks for the advice. :) Well, big is beautiful in a sense, yah, i get what you mean. I was actually considering doing a collage of the dishes, then I thought, cincai lah, just put up every picture :) I really don't mind constructive critism.

  7.  Kian Fai, jom one more round of dim sums soon! :P

  8. Reanact11:15 PM

    hey, these dim sum look authentic.. like the olden days.. nowadays they are so modified.. hahaha...

  9. You are making me hungry now and a big thank you once again to everyone who made it.

  10. i would love the chee cheong fun!

  11. Lots of awesome dim sum indeed! You should come to Kepong! Lots of dim sum shop here as well!

  12. they look tastyyyyyy D':...

  13. Smallkucing8:30 PM

    been there before. Nice dim sum. hard to find place during morning


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