AS Wang Steamboat Restaurant

The other day, some blogger friends suggested a steamboat gathering in Cheras area, and it was a long time since I last had steamboat food. One thing led to another and suddenly I found myself sitting in this new found restaurant below some apartments in Taman Cheras called AS Wang Steamboat Restaurant. The ambience wasn't really top notch, but the crowd that was there gave me an assurance that the food was going to be good!

Steamboat Restaurant
AS Wang Steamboat Restaurant
AS Wang Steamboat Restaurant
Off Jalan Kuari, 
Taman Cheras
43200 Kuala Lumpur

Eight of us fitted into one table, while ordering steamboat ingredients for 7. Looking back, we should have ordered food for 6 or 5m because the servings were so big! The restaurant waiter just piled up the steamboat ingredients, and it looked like a small mountain. Check out below for the raw food that we were going to put in.

Steamboat Restaurant
The Menu
Steamboat Restaurant
2 huge plates
Steamboat Restaurant
More food..
Steamboat Restaurant
... and more food to put in the steamboat

We were all hungry souls that time as it was already close to 8pm when we reached the restaurant. Luckily they provided some crunchy wanton as appetizers for us while we were waiting for the food to cook.

Steamboat Restaurant
Fried Wanton Appetizers
Steamboat Restaurant
Barli Drinks for all!
Steamboat Restaurant
Our Steamboat, the pot is much larger than it looks here

The restaurant provided us with 2 choice of soups, tomyam and herbal soup. I actually preferred the tomyam soup as it gave a spicy,  tomyam'ish taste to the food that was thrown in. The food was good, and a serving of 7 was definately too much for 8people. I ate until I had to loosen my belt at the end of the meal! Price was affordable at RM 124 for 8 persons, which came out to be only RM 15.50 per person.

On a side note, since we were a bunch of bloggers, lots of cameras was brought out. Snap snap, it was a happy night with lots of talk about who, what, why, when, and how are things going on in the blogosphere. Check some pictures of the attendees for the night. Friends make the world go round!

Steamboat Restaurant
Janice and I
Steamboat Restaurant
Qi Tyng and Bf
Steamboat Restaurant
Eli and Jayren
Steamboat Restaurant
Simon, Janice and Elwyn
Steamboat Restaurant
Happy Times

Again I repeat, friends make the world go round. 


  1. Reanact10:35 AM

    I am fascinated with the pro photographers at the last pic! :p

  2. bendan11:36 AM

    That's the steamboat!!! Missed it... >,<"
    I love wantan leh... how's it taste?

    Anyway, it looks like a gathering of couples. 

  3. take me there when I go to KL again? I agree with you - the place not nice. Here, if the place is poorly maintained the town council will issue a warning and if nothing is done, they may close down the place. That's why most places here will look nice and clean...

  4.  Didn't know you took the last picture.. haha, anyway, just wanna say I like the jelly beans on your header.. XD

  5. fuyoh!! looks so yummy leh.. i actually enjoy steamboat a lot, not really the food, but the process of having everyone gather around the table eating the same pot of things.. :) 

  6. jfook1:38 AM

     Ended so suddenly hahaha. =D

  7.  I stay so nearby oso Tak ajak!!! LOL! Kidding!
    As Wang is nice my fav in that area. good choice!

  8.  Claire, Lol, we're just average photographers.. The pro photographers weren't there tonight. They come with big DSLR cameras!

  9. Bendan, I love the fried cripsy wantans the most! Lol! Maybe thats why I'm so fat now ><

  10.  STP, go so many new places to bring you in KL bro. Hehe, Isaac learning the ropes already. Actually the cheras steamboat place is rather dirty, but in Penang its the same case, the dirtier the eatery, the more patrons they attract. LOL!

  11.  Eli, that was a candid shot. And it turned out nice so put it up. Lol!

    Thanks! I feel its quite colorful and add vibrance to my blog.

  12.  Kyril, next round k? Always be on the lookout in innit gathering group. XD

  13.  SK, You're so right!! The process of friends and family gathering and talking feels really happy indeed!

  14.  Jfook, Hahaha maybe coz I blogged it in the early morning. Suddenly mind shut off. Teeeeeeet the end. LOL!!

  15.  Jessy, if ajak you want to join? Coz recently you've been so busy! I can't remember the last time I saw you :(

    Oh you ate there before too? Not bad, and quite reasonable. But a bit dirty only the place. Hehe


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