Oreo Party & Gathering At Carmen's Place

It started off with a Facebook event invitation co organized by Carmen and Kian Fai, one thing led to another and last night all of us met up at Carmen's place in SS2 for an Oreo blast! Oreo? What Oreo you say? Well, the highlight of the night would definately be Carmen's specialty, Fried Oreo La Delicious! Since it's the highlight, the first picture shall be of this special dish.

Oreo Party
Fried Oreo!

A group of happening bloggers reached her place at around 8 plus. Let's do a short roll call, because I did not manage to get a group photo with everyone in it. We have Carmen, Wilee, Henry Lee, Xing, Eli, Jayren, Qi Tyng, Tony, Elwyn, Melissa, Janice, Sherry, Adrian, Kian Fai, and Edmund.

Oreo Party
The Facebook Invitation

The night started out with some Hokkien Noodles that Sherry and Kian Fai brought. To be followed by lots of unhealthy junk food! I think I burst my junk food allocation that night!

Junk food for you and me
Oreo Party
Hokkien Noodles

I'm not sure if these items complement each other, but it all went into my stomach. It was loads of fun eating though, and enjoying Carmen House's facilities! Namely the TV for some scary movies, Premier League Football, her "iGallop" - a horselike chair from Osim or something, and most importantly the comfortable couches! There was even some magic trick performed by Adrian!

Oreo Party
Fun times

Of course, midway through, Carmen had to cook up some of those fried Oreos, which to me tasted quite good. It kind of reminded me of "Ham Chim Peng" with the red bean fillings. A short process to prepare and deep fry the Oreos as below.

Oreo Party
The cook for the day!

Oreo Party
The End Result

Overall, it was a successful gathering where everyone got to know each other better, some got to relax on the couch, while some Arsenal fans get to shout and scream when MU went from 0-2 down to winning the match. Also I got to appreciate how beautiful Carmen's house was. Thanks for the invitation and let's have more of this gatherings in the future kay!

Oreo Party
One of the few group pictures I took, sorry guys, should have taken one with everyone.
Oreo Party
One for the album, picture courtesy of Carmen


  1. LIKE the first photo. Thumbs up.

  2. hittoyeh-space1:08 PM

    This is really the first time i heard Oreo can be fried like the kuih.....mesti sedap right?!

  3. dam fast lor you post up about the event.

  4. Icursehacker1:17 PM

    Great night indeed!

  5. At least I had fun in between exams and before I went back to Segamat :) Will see you guys again in the next 2 months...

  6. A great, relaxing Saturday night :)

  7. hildamilda2:58 PM

    Is it sweet? :P Too bad for the Arsenal fans cause Man U had an awesome comeback after that woohoo

  8. What? Fried Oreo? Possible meh?

  9. I thought the hokkien mee was fried using the oreo too. :D

  10. Must be very fun gather around right? :)
    Must ask Carmen to fried me the oreo next time!

  11. i think she wont say no lor Henry~! she will definitely fry oreos for you lor.

  12. Thanks bro, i really appreciate your thumbs up coming from a photographer such as yourself :)

  13. Reanact7:46 PM

    hey..u also had a wonderful gathering.. by the way, u the only guy there?? :p

  14. not bad! XD actually it tasted quite nice Hittoyeh

  15. Elwyn, love to post about something which makes us happy. And gathering with you guys are really awesome!

  16. Yup, superb night actually . :)

  17. I'm so glad you could make it Eli! Glad seeing you and jayren together, looks so lovey dovey. Wahaha. Eh?? you're going back again soon? not too soon right?

  18. Mel, definately relaxing for u with a great massage session by elwyn right? Wahahaha

  19. Hilda, ya, the few arsenal fans in the house were like shouting NNoooOoOoo. LOL. Oreo is always sweet, lol no matter eaten as it is, or after frying it.

  20. Its possible bro. we just did it last night! Lol..

  21. Hahaha, no bro, the mee was tabao'ed from outside. :)

  22. Lol! yes you should! but overdoes on fried oreos can be abit unsettling. Lol

  23. Hie Claire! Thanks for dropping by my blog and commenting. Appreciate it!

    Nope, there were around 16 people there, 7 guys, 9 ladies. fun times.

  24. Submerryn10:19 PM

    Carmen's place is so beautiful! Fried Oreo .. wow... new to me!

  25. Smallkucing10:23 PM

    Hokkien Mee...yummm...uiks...fried Oreo? 1st time i heard. Sedap?

  26. Eugeneung9:11 AM

    Now i know what you meant when you said," Happening Blogger" true to the words, all are very happening and geng lol,,,, just look at that smiles and the fashion sense,,, good very good... Bro, hope to see you if you happen to come back to Penang ya.?

    take care now

  27. Hi Merryn! You're right! Her house was really very big and beautiful.

    Fried Oreo was new to me too, till now. So now you know its edible. :P

  28. Hehehe, i first time tried it also, ok lo, it tastes like red bean paste actually. :P

  29. Eugene! Thanks for dropping by. Yea, they're all young and dangerous. XD

    Sure bro, i'm not sure when's my next trip back to Penang, but probably end of this month. Will definately catch up!

  30. NICE ONE! n i like ur new comment system! altho its not as gud as ID! :P

  31. Caroline. thanks for dropping by! Hehehe i'm still testing out this commenting system. I like the fact that I could reply below everyone's post. Quite cool. :) ID stands for?

  32. Alice Law1:20 AM

    Oreo party, fried oreo, something really fresh for me! yeah, I agreed with others, some shots really vibrant and nice! I think I will probably try this recipe, just Ham Jien beng's concoction will do hor?!


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