Nuffnang Sharing Session With Bloggers

A couple of days back, I was really surprised and happy to get an invitation to Nuffnang's Sharing Session for bloggers to be held at Frames Cafe Sunway Pyramid tonight. I was really psyched up also because there were invited guest bloggers as well, namely Audrey from, Cindy from and Cheesie from Check their pics courtesy of Nuffnang's website below. 

Audrey, Cindy, and Cheesie

Imagine my surprise then when I reached Frames and found out there was another invited guest blogger. It was famous Singapore blogger Xiaxue aka Wendy Cheng from in person! Below is the picture I took off her blog header.

Xiaxue herself

The session began at 6.30pm after a quick registration of names. A total of 20+ bloggers were invited and everybody was so excited about getting to know each other. I'm really thankful I was invited to join in this happening gathering. Free food, new friends, and great tips, what else can you ask for! Check out the group that attended tonight below.

Happy Nuffnang bloggers + Nuffnang staffs + Guest bloggers!

Coming back to the food, Frames Cafe served up some really cool seafood dishes today. Every platter were shared by 4 bloggers, and I found out the food was actually complimentary for Nuffnang. Very cool I tell you! Just check out the pictures of what we had tonight. 

Started off with frothy iced lemon tea
Some food fingers which consisted of Mussels, ham, and some tomatos
Grilled Fish with black pepper thingy on a plate of mashed potatoes
Delicious Chicken
More fish, which was actually made crispy on the outside, and raw inside
Mutton, served in a curry like paste
Finally, the all time favourite Spicy Seafood Carbonara

Throughout the whole session, with the exception of a moment of silence when Nuffnang staff were introducing themselves, everyone was so busy chatting and taking pictures. Nobody was spared, snap snap snap. I was just glad to get a chance to make more blogger friends! Everybody, no matter how famous, were equals tonight, and we got to share our interests, as well as valuable tips for each other. 

I just had to put up this pic of me with Xiaxue from
The session officially ended at around 9.30pm, but people were still lingering around until nearly 10.30pm before going on to their next venue, be it to home, 2nd round yumchar session, or clubbing. Great night, and all credits will definately have to go to Nuffnang for organizing such a great event.

My tag for the night

Nang My Innit Post Here!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OMG! You got to take a picture with Xia Xue! Nice!!! =D

  3. Interesting..! A really good chance to get to know more people =)



  5. great sharing.. i tot only invite female nuffnangers.. tat why i not be there.. miss out..

  6. OMG!!!! Jealous!!! Regretting regretting rgretting... AHH!!! Glad you had fun! Haha. =)

  7. ola!!! efficient betul!

  8. don't know what is yummyer the food or the girls

  9. wah! i didn't know so many people were there!

  10. issac tan, you can be the next kenny sia!

  11. cool! well it certainly great to attend this aight. ;) n the foods oh-so-yummylicious!!!

    My Stories

  12. Wah! Food looks good! And all the young female bloggers! Your missus not jealous kah? Now so famous already...rub shoulders with all the big names in blogosphere...

  13. Hello isaac,

    Datang dari blog Thara, best nya makanan kat Frame.. banyak juga yang hadir ya.. =)

  14. Lynette: It was pretty cool! And she's really nice and down to earth.

    Qi Wen: Yup! really happy I got to know more blogger friends.

    Hilda: Oh no, it would have been perfect if you were there!

    Jayren: Yea bro, great sharing. But to me it was more of a blogger gathering than sharing.

    Nikel: Majority that were there were females, but we have male bloggers too. Me! Plus a few other great guys!

    Shiok Leng: Missed you there, don't regret lo, Nuffnang planning to organize more of these sharing sessions so that everyone able to join in.

    Sherry: Nice meeting you and getting to know you better yea!

    Gadafiny: Definately the food! The ladies are awesome but cannot be eaten. And the best thing was, the food was free!

    Simon: Around 30+ people, I think same amount of people when we had the gathering there last month!

    CW: Omg, that is really wishful thinking. I'm light years behind where Kenny Sia is now.

    Caroline: It was superb, and I love free food! LOL.

    STP: There was quite a number of young female bloggers, I'm the only uncle there I guess. They're the one that are famous bro, I was sitting from the sidelines watching the activities.

    MK: It was rather cool.

    Shahrul: Hello!! Thanks for visiting my blog. Banyak juga hadir semalam, agak2 30+ bloggers.

  15. fuh.. xx is there.. haha..

  16. wow..Issac,... u really geng la!! so fast famous one.. me blogging for 3 years, very chap shu la.. keep it up!!!

  17. it was a great night huh!
    waiting for future event!

  18. they always have surprises behind =)

  19. How I wished I was there >.<

  20. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Wow~! So many femes bloggers there! Nice one there Issac!

  21. Heh, cool event.. didnt realise there were so many bloggers ard lol. Guess im abit antisocial thats why :p

  22. Ken: Yea bro, she's there, and it made the event even more happening!

    Claire: Em, actually most of the time I'm sitting at the sidelines watching everyone! :)

    Hakim: Bro! Glad to meet you up last night!

    Jean: Thanks for dropping by my blog! Yeap, it was really a pleasant surprise last night.

    TheEggYolks: Next event you could join in!

    Joshua: Yup, they were famous people but very down to earth. Very cool.

    Magmag: Aww, who says you are antisocial? Next event you can always join in! There are so many bloggers around in KL, I don't think I am able to meet them all. All are awesome people though.

  23. waaa xiaxue audrey n cheesie>< TT i wan go also lea T.T

  24. I regretted for not going!!

  25. hungryyyy... so are u trying to make urself looks prettier after this? :P

  26. Congratulation for being the chosen one bro. :p This shows that you are a great blogger already. :)

  27. wow good post bro! That's the way XD

  28. Xia Xue weet!!! Lucky devil u! :D

  29. Xia Xue weet!!! Lucky devil u! :D

  30. hungryyyy... so are u trying to make urself looks prettier after this? :P

  31. it was a great night huh!
    waiting for future event!

  32. Heh, cool event.. didnt realise there were so many bloggers ard lol. Guess im abit antisocial thats why :p

  33. issac tan, you can be the next kenny sia!

  34. OMG!!!! Jealous!!! Regretting regretting rgretting... AHH!!! Glad you had fun! Haha. =)


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