Mars Needs Moms Premiere Screening

Who needs moms? We need moms! But it seems our friendly neighbouring planet Mars need moms more! Hence the movie by Walt Disney "Mars Need Moms". Once again, thanks to and CinemaOnline, I found myself with another free premiere screening tonight at Cathay Cineplex, E@Curve.

Movie Poster

Well, the movie started at 9pm, but we collected our tickets much earlier. One thing unique about this screening was there were security checks before entering our cinema hall! I repeat, security checks! We have these Men and Women in Black wearing suits with ties requesting us to surrender over our phones and cameras which were then tagged for safekeeping until after the movie. The Men in Black even scanned us using those metal detectors which I doubt works because it rang for every single person that passed. I guess Walt Disney must be really paranoid about footage of the movie getting leaked out.

Today there were 2 Ms Ticket Issuers!

Cinema Online, Your Movie Partner

Oh, did I mention this movie was shown in 3D? I didn't? Well, it is, and each patrons were given one set of 3D glasses to wear. It's quite cool, at least for me because frankly speaking I cannot remember the last time I went for any 3D movies. Pity I could not take any pictures of the glasses as my phone and camera were already tagged and confiscated. It kind of reminded me of my secondary school days where my handphone gets confiscated often.

Free Tics!

Coming back to the movie, Mars Need Moms is about this little boy, Milo that has his mom snatched away by Martians because they have this weird culture of having Nanny Bots instead of Moms, and want to extract his mom's brains for some Mommy goodness. Do I hear someone say yummy? Well you're sick if you did. We then have Milo running around Mars with a fellow friend, Gribble and also this really cool Martian chick, Ki who speaks English like a hippie from the 60s trying to save his mom.

Was his mom saved? Does Ki fall in love with Milo? Does Gibble die? Why do the martians don't have their own Moms? Watch the movie and you'll find out!

You just have to watch it to get in the atmosphere and story. It's a good watch, and showing it in 3D really is an icing on an already delicious cake. However I noticed not all parts of the movie felt 3D-ish, some parts felt like your average 2D digital animation even with the glasses on.

I leave you with the trailer for this latest Walt Disney offering, plus some pictures of the animation.

Ki, the cute lady martian
Male Martians
Our adventurers

Nang My Innit Post Here!


  1. you're watching it TWICE!!

  2. i can't wait to watch this! :)

  3. nic3 movie.. my turn tomorrow.. waiting for it lor..

  4. I didn't like the animation, it looks kinda ugly. But it sounds like worth the watch (:

  5. Qi Wen: Wahahaha, ya lor, twice, but its the company that counts. Tonight was with my partner (she couldn't make it tomorrow), and tomorrow with you guys!!

    Henry: Actually I felt the whole movie was kind of dark, maybe because I was already wearing spectacles and not used to wearing the 3D glasses.

    Nikel: See you tomorrow! I'll be there too with the gang!

    Hilda: Haha, the animation reminded me of A Bug's Life!

  6. I thought this would be a post on Mars Bars...and a restaurant named Moms... LOL!!!

  7. hey isaac i also come last night..
    very nice movie

  8. Wow Beautiful its movies and i like cartoon Movie . amazing your idea for movie and interesting details shared in the post so thanks

  9. Certified movie goer! hahaa.. so nice... i think i go for movies in cineplex only once a blue moon .. maybe bec of the high price in tickets.. RM13!

  10. can really watch movies huh bro. :) I think this is one interesting movie...Martians need mommies? :p

    However...the hues are not of mt liking...the look a little bit dull though.

  11. Merrinette: You should catch it!

    STP: LOL, you and your food. Hahaha. Funny.

    Ezay: Eh, next time if you see me there, do shout out to me! Did you enjoy the movie?

    Romantisch: No problem. Sharing is caring yea.

    Clare: Wahahaha I only review on the movies which I got free tickets! LOL, RM13 for a movie is already slightly on the expensive side, but still people go. :)

    Tekkaus: Yea man, especially if it were free movies. The movie is interesting, but I don't know why the whole time it was so dark! With the 3D glasses, most of the time I couldn't see anything!

  12. Merrinette: You should catch it!

    STP: LOL, you and your food. Hahaha. Funny.

    Ezay: Eh, next time if you see me there, do shout out to me! Did you enjoy the movie?

    Romantisch: No problem. Sharing is caring yea.

    Clare: Wahahaha I only review on the movies which I got free tickets! LOL, RM13 for a movie is already slightly on the expensive side, but still people go. :)

    Tekkaus: Yea man, especially if it were free movies. The movie is interesting, but I don't know why the whole time it was so dark! With the 3D glasses, most of the time I couldn't see anything!

  13. Wow Beautiful its movies and i like cartoon Movie . amazing your idea for movie and interesting details shared in the post so thanks

  14. I thought this would be a post on Mars Bars...and a restaurant named Moms... LOL!!!

  15. Qi Wen: Wahahaha, ya lor, twice, but its the company that counts. Tonight was with my partner (she couldn't make it tomorrow), and tomorrow with you guys!!

    Henry: Actually I felt the whole movie was kind of dark, maybe because I was already wearing spectacles and not used to wearing the 3D glasses.

    Nikel: See you tomorrow! I'll be there too with the gang!

    Hilda: Haha, the animation reminded me of A Bug's Life!


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