I Love 5S!

If you're in any manufacturing company or factory, or any company for that matter, I'm sure you would have heard of the term 5S before. 5S workplace organization methodology to be exact. For the uninitiated, well here's a quick definition of 5S as defined by Mr Wikipedia.

5S is the name of a workplace organization methodology that uses a list of five Japanese words which are seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke. Transliterated or translated into English, they all start with the letter "S".

My new locker Sticker!

In a nutshell, below I'll explain what every "S" stands for. Don't mind me, I just felt like doing some knowledge sharing once in a blue moon, and today it so happens that the moon is kind of blue'ish.

1S = "Seiri" = Sort 
Simply put, the foundation for 5S is this one, every item in our workplace has to be segregated from the needed and the unnecessary. This also means, when we're doing 1S, throw away all the excess junk if its not needed!

2S = "Seiton" = Store
Think of this phrase, "A place for everything and everything in its place" and you will roughly have an idea on what 2S is about. All items after segregation, and junks thrown away, the ones that we need will have to be stored in its designated location.

3S = "Seiso" = Shine
The third phase will be to get our workplace as clean and dirtless as possible. Make it shine! That's the key word here. If it can be washed, wash it, if it can be polished, polish it, heck, if it can be bleached, bleach it!

4S = "Seketsu" = Standardize
Once you're up to 4S, it means you have done and qualified for the 1st 3 S's which is actually already very good. 4S details the procedures and standardization for all items. Recording of inventory, and person responsible to maintain it has to be set at this stage.

5S = "Shitsuke" = Sustain
Now all good habits have to be constantly nurtured so that it becomes an automatic daily process. 5S is the ultimate phase for workplace organization, and when one has attained 5S, it means compliance is already automated and everything has become habit by nature.

We then become super tidy, shiny, and disciplined people. Well, the company I worked at is working towards a 5S culture. One fine morning I was walking to my locker on the production floor to see a sticker being stuck on it. Check it below.

New Stickers!
I love 5S, but I love My Work too?

My guess is the company wants us to practise 5S so much in our daily lives that they have to remind us in a form of visual reminder on our lockers. I'm okay with that, but to remind us on how much we love our work daily? I love my work alright..


  1. wah. nice locker bro.

  2. nice.. hukm is practicing this also.. haha XD

  3. Hope that you will work 24/7 gua LOL

  4. Excellent - habit formation. Ummmm....I thought one of the "S" that you love would be sex! Muahahahaha!!!

  5. So do you do those stretching exercise above the building every morning and scream HEBATTTT? haha..

  6. haha 1st time to know the 5s! interesting one! :D so i guess it does motivated u in work too right? ;)

  7. Hahaha :D And I thought what 5s ler. :p

  8. So I assume you are working in a japanese company? :D

  9. Bananaz also love Nihonjin 5'S'...



  10. Worked with a Japanese firm once and picked up one important habit in life ie Punctuality..

  11. walao eh! macam my previous internship workplace lol! we even nid to sapu sampah every friday! hahaha! just kamikaze them if you don't like :P

  12. hi Issac, can you drop me an email? reanact(at)gmail.com


  13. Nal: Just a normal locker bro.

    Qi Wen: Cool, 5S should be practised in all companies and places.

    Small Kucing: Hahaha, that is their expectation, but it doesnt match with mine. :P

    STP: Wahaha, aiyo, don't say out loud ma. LOL.

    Wenn: It is a great methodology.

    Simonso: LOL, no we don't. I'm actually in a US based company, its just that they practise 5S methodology in doing things.

    Caroline: They try to motivate us, but my motivation level remains the same everyday. Hehe.

    Tekkaus: No bro, working in a US based company. XD it's good to share knowledge.

    Bananaz: LOL, i love your creativity bro! Sake !! True, i guess punctuality is a very important aspect in life.

    CW: Hehehe, good habit forming. :P Don't simply kamikaze around. Value our lives bro!

    Claire: Have dropped you an email! Thanks!!

  14. Nal: Just a normal locker bro.

    Qi Wen: Cool, 5S should be practised in all companies and places.

    Small Kucing: Hahaha, that is their expectation, but it doesnt match with mine. :P

    STP: Wahaha, aiyo, don't say out loud ma. LOL.

    Wenn: It is a great methodology.

    Simonso: LOL, no we don't. I'm actually in a US based company, its just that they practise 5S methodology in doing things.

    Caroline: They try to motivate us, but my motivation level remains the same everyday. Hehe.

    Tekkaus: No bro, working in a US based company. XD it's good to share knowledge.

    Bananaz: LOL, i love your creativity bro! Sake !! True, i guess punctuality is a very important aspect in life.

    CW: Hehehe, good habit forming. :P Don't simply kamikaze around. Value our lives bro!

    Claire: Have dropped you an email! Thanks!!

  15. haha 1st time to know the 5s! interesting one! :D so i guess it does motivated u in work too right? ;)

  16. Excellent - habit formation. Ummmm....I thought one of the "S" that you love would be sex! Muahahahaha!!!

  17. Anonymous9:05 AM

    hello bro... can I copy and edit your article..for my school magazine


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