Vegetarian Food For Healthy Living?

What's your take on vegetarian food? You know, like the ones they sell from hawker centers or stalls which are fully catered for vegetarians with not a trace of meat. There are a few benefits I can think of on why vegetarian meals are good for you.

1. Vegetables are good for you, at least that's what mum always says. Doctors say it too!
2. Less oil in vegetables, so you don't get fat so fast.
3. Less cancer causing carcinogens which are found in meat, so you don't die young.
4. Vegetables are cheaper! Try comparing a steak meal with a meal filled with vegetables and you'll definately notice the difference.
5. Meat makes your breath stinks when you don't brush often, vegetables are less stinky I guess. They're fresher!

Well, I was at SS2 the other day, and dropped by the food court. As I was undecided on which stall to eat, I just sauntered to this vegetarian stall. I'm not sure why, but every time I have vegetarian food, I will take the same choice of veggies. I find they are indeed tasty, the issue was, due to the lack of meat, where does the taste come from? Check out the vegetarian dish I ordered that day below.

Artificial meat, veggies, and fried soya fillets.

So how many of you are vegetarians, or eat healthily? As for me, I think I still need my meat every now and then. I found out each time I have a vegetarian meal, I get hungry again in a flash.

Nang My Innit Post Here!


  1. indeed u get hungry faster if u just eat vegetables.

  2. I love vegetarian food. =P

  3. not sure i agree on item 4 & 5.

    4-Steak meal and vegetable meal are two different item all together. Its like comparing an apple and a durian, though both are fruits. Let say compare normal mixed rice and vegetarian mixed rice,though vegetables are cheaper than meat but vegetarian food are usually more expensive

    5-petai and jering counted under vegetarian food or not though it's consider as nuts? hehehe

    solely vege meal = hungry faster = need find food to eat more frequent = eating+ more fattening = more $$ out = ??

    soli ah...this old auntie banyak cakap. banyak banyak maaf ye kalau tersalah cakap.

  4. hungry liao~ your fault! hahahahah XD

  5. meat, get hungry very fast. But I guess if you're used to it, you will not feel it anymore.

    What I cannot understand is vegetarians saying they are vegans and then they go and eat vegetarian food made to look like meat. In their minds, they are thinking they are eating meat...

    Want to eat vegetables, better plant your own. These days, all too much pesticide and weedkiller...

  6. and i agree with arthur what the point of being a vegan but you eat veg look like meat,, i dont buy that,for me i think a little this a little that it ok,, moderation is the key,,,,

    have a great week ahead Issac ya

  7. wenn: But even if i take a mountain of vegetables, I still get hungry. Not fair.

    Jfook: I nearly typed JFood just now, hehe. Why do you love vegetarian food ya? Because of the taste? or for health benefits.

    Small Kucing: I'm always glad to hear your comments! No matter how long it is, it proves my post matters enough. Thanks.

    You're right I guess, I always wonder why vegetarian food mixed rice are more expensive than your conventional mixed rice? Maybe its the oil they use? But the trend is changing now, because prices are increasing tremendously for normal meat, vegetarian food around my area are slightly cheaper.

    STP: I want to get used to it lo, if not I'll lose control of my body shape. Haha, getting out of shape really fast.

    maybe the vegetarian food made to look like meat is to cater for carnivores like Isaac! LOL. Om nom nom..

    To plant our own, we need a garden, no? Nowadays all live in apartments, no space. Can plant cactus only!

    Eugene: Moderation is key, i like this. I'm pretty moderate, except on the occasional binging on fast food.

    You have a superb week too Eugene!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Vegetarian is quite oily if u ask me.. they fry a lot of stuff.. if just blanching vegetabnles, then it is healhtier but then, like u, i also cannot tahan without meat for long.. hahha..

  10. Bananaz is a vegemeatarian..given up beef *was my fav*, never liked mutton, slow and steady no pork in future and the rest on a see-food diet, eat everything I see. ~;).

  11. Actually I find vegetarian more oily compared to the normal meals that I consume. My family tradition is that we eat vegetarian on the first day of cny and I found out that the food which they substitute and make it appear like meat or fish are made from alot of flour and some tofu (in which case would be healthy but not the former that i mentioned, ie flour)

    And I do have vegetarian mixed rice once in awhile at the food court nearby my Uni and OMG... the vegetarian food is SO MUCH oily-er than the normal mixed rice's vege! LOL!!

    But but somehow I still find it interesting to taste how the cook/ vegetarian stalls are able to substitute the chewy-ness of meat and fish w flour and tofus. LOL

    just dropping by and leaving my two cents worth comment LOL have a nice day! :)

  12. Norasiah: Thanks for dropping by my blog. Much appreciated! :)

    Clare: yup, fried and oily. I echo this statement. I think they make up the taste by putting up more oil? Not sure.

    Bananaz: nice bro! glad to see you're on the way to get much healthier!! :)

    Flys-03: Hehehe, carnivours like Isaac when eat vegetarian food, will take lots of meat substitute which are made of flour. Unhealthy me. :P

    Maybe they substitute the taste with Oil. LOL. But if we take vegetarian food, I think it's a good idea to makan more of the green veges!

    Thanks for dropping by ya. Really appreciate it. :)

  13. because it give me the best choice of the cheapest one.. keke

  14. Oppss..terdelete komen..saya pun x igt apa yg komen pasal saya pun pernah mkn vegge jgk..masa tu kat JB..1stime mkn vegge food..sbb gila tgk udg bersaiz besar..heheh..sekali tepung perisa udg...hehhee..Lupa nama tmpt tu..ianya Halal..meleleh air liur..Best Issac selalu buat entry pasal mkn..mmg superb

  15. not sure i agree on item 4 & 5.

    4-Steak meal and vegetable meal are two different item all together. Its like comparing an apple and a durian, though both are fruits. Let say compare normal mixed rice and vegetarian mixed rice,though vegetables are cheaper than meat but vegetarian food are usually more expensive

    5-petai and jering counted under vegetarian food or not though it's consider as nuts? hehehe

    solely vege meal = hungry faster = need find food to eat more frequent = eating+ more fattening = more $$ out = ??

    soli ah...this old auntie banyak cakap. banyak banyak maaf ye kalau tersalah cakap.

  16. indeed u get hungry faster if u just eat vegetables.

  17. hungry liao~ your fault! hahahahah XD


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