There Goes My Diet

Tonight I had a very late dinner at around 11pm. My stomach was already growling with hunger, but that's no excuse for me ordering the dish I had tonight. The coffee shop I dropped by was Restoran Wai Yat and it was located at Wangsa Maju Section 2, just behind my house.

Restoren Wai Yat

As usual, I walked around the coffeeshop scanning for the dishes I would love to eat. Finally after contemplating for like 3 minutes, I went for the Fried Oyster stall, and ordered their smallest sized dish. The fried oyster came in 3 sizes, Small, Medium, and Large. Check out my fattening dish below.

Fried Oyster - RM7

The fried oyster was delicious to say the least. I don't like oysters which were very raw, and this one was cooked quite thoroughly, so there was no slimy juices coming out when I bit in. I love the way the eggs tasted, sometimes I wished I could order fried oyster without the oyster and just the eggs!

Half way through my dish, I suddenly realize I had just ordered the oiliest and fattening food in the coffeeshop! My partner was shaking her head, and I suddenly felt guilty. I was suppose to get into shape not the opposite! Oh well, there's always tomorrow to choose my meals more carefully.

Assam Boi Drink

Downed my meal with a cup of assam boi drink which was refreshing as it helped slightly in cleaning my mouth off all the oil from the fried oyster. I hereby apologize to my poor stomach and heart for taking such an unhealthy food, and I will eat more healthy food from now on. Don't give up on me just yet.

Nang My Innit Post Here!


  1. Oyster.. Me like me like!

  2. Qi Wen: Lol! Me likey too!, but cannot eat it anymore, coz it's so oily and bad for health! It's delicious though. :(

  3. OMG ure staying so near me! Cool! we can gather some time. simon, vince, jackie, ysquare, yennie is staying around u!

  4. wow... asam boy drink
    i like...

  5. isaac diet?? wiwieett haha :P

  6. Xing: Eh really? That's cool! Do invite me out next time got any makan makan or gathering. hehehe.

    Nurmisnan: I like that drink too! Sweet and salty and sour all at the same time. Love it!

    Farah: Wahahahahaa have to farah, getting too rounded nowadays.

  7. hahahahaha. many interior and exterior angle that have too calculate ya? HAHAHA :P . spare tyre

  8. I love that drink too =)

  9. Yum! Yum! Hello, or chian...bye2 penguin suit! LOL!! Young man, go and exercise, hit the gym, lift some weights...jog around the estate. Don't be lazy now...

  10. Farah: Unfortunately, you're so right. Isaac have got a lorry's spare tyre around his waist now. Got to start exercising very soon.

    Losty: It's really nice right? I usually like to take the drink because after a heavy meal, it takes off the bloaty feeling.

    STP: Hello Or Chian all right!! Yay! Hahaha. I used to go to the gym, but after a while I dropped out. Oh no, maybe I'll start jogging soon. Mark my words, I want to get fit soon!!

  11. You come to Penang , i take you best of or chian,,, Arthur tried already,,, i think he said was good........

  12. I love Fried Oyster! aww

    anyway thanks from dropping by my blog, have fun!

  13. nice! the oyster is big!

  14. love the Fried Oyster !! but wangsa maju is far from me...

  15. Anonymous3:48 PM

    i don't like oyster i'm not odd i'm just special wtf hahahaha

  16. Once in a while should be OK hardly order Or Chian in KL.haha.

  17. Eugene: great! I'm from Penang, but currently working in KL. You're penangite as well?

    Kian Fai: My pleasure. :)

    Henry Tan: Yup, I was a bit surprised too when I saw the size of it. But only 4 big pieces, the rest were small sized oysters.

    Maro^gal: Oh.. where are you located at? Should have delicious fried oyster there too!

    Jacklyn: Hehe, personally I don't fancy oyster too! I prefer the taste of the egg! Haha!

    Bananaz: I guess once in a while should be fine hor. Thanks for supporting me! LOL.

  18. Wau... u leave near to me. I like to drop by to the restoren too

  19. Rachel: Is it? You live in Wangsa Maju too? Cool! You can belanja me dinner one of these days!

  20. eh the oster really big la. A lot or not? Very yummy looking wor. Tempted to go there

  21. Wau... u leave near to me. I like to drop by to the restoren too

  22. i don't like oyster i'm not odd i'm just special wtf hahahaha

  23. love the Fried Oyster !! but wangsa maju is far from me...

  24. OMG ure staying so near me! Cool! we can gather some time. simon, vince, jackie, ysquare, yennie is staying around u!


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