KLCC View From A Traffic Jam

I was stuck in a rather bad crawl along Jalan Tun Razak the other day, and when I turned to my right, I saw the view below. From my viewpoint, I could see the skyline of KL which included KLCC and the older monument which was KL tower.

KLCC used to be the tallest building in the world at one point, currently 3rd or 4th in the world, and yet here we are taking it for granted. Just look at how tall it is towering above the other buildings in the vicinity. I could actually compare the height of KL Tower versus KLCC. Well, I just felt like sharing this, since at the time this picture was taken, it took my mind off the infamous KL traffic jam for a moment.

KLCC from a distance


  1. Hahaha! First time I hear people refer KLCC as that. Omg, JAGUNGS!! XD

  2. LOL!!! Look like jagung indeed! Sighhhh....KL jam!!! Never ending story!

  3. wonder whether the Mega Tower will o ahead or not. Next time keep a loaf of roti in the car. Can eat with the "jam" LOL

  4. wow..that's beautiful!

  5. nice view...^_^..JAGUNGS....hehe

  6. @ Suituapui: That's an 88 floor jagung :P

    @ Small Kucing: Lol, dont want la, later my loaf of bread expires in my car since it is always parked under the hot sun XD I'm very used to the strawberry "jam" of KL city already. hehe

    @ wenn: It is a marvel. :)

  7. @ Shalley

    We often take for granted the things that are around us, I was thinking, hey I'm always at KLCC, yet I don't appreciate it's architectural beauty.

  8. wah..cantik nyerr "jagung" tp xleh mkn..rugi2

  9. We refer it as Jagung Tower!

  10. @ Norasiah:

    Haha kalau boleh makan tu, sampai tua pun makan tak habis. Jagung gergasi tu!

  11. @ Cindy:

    Hahaha. Corny Tower also can :P

  12. I love traffic jams! LOL no, like seriously! :)

  13. hahaha, If i had a better, larger, more comfortable car, with cool audio and video, then I would love traffic jams too!

  14. hahaha! everybody says so. But i dont have any of those. I just like singing aloud in the car and looking ard at all those stressed up faces of humans in the vehicles ard me. HAHAHA! entertaining much ! :D


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